Author Topic: Operation Chongqing  (Read 62618 times)

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Offline JimB

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2009, 01:25:02 am »
man, I will pass on that.  It is tooo easy a setup.
Some of the newer hotels in China have a couple of 110 plugs in each room.  I got an adapter off of the internet for about $20 US. It has multiple plugs.  Just make sure it says for Asia. The multiple plugs are for older and newer types.  Most all of the newer hotels have the 110 in the bathroom. for electric razors, hair dryers, etc. I actually bought two.  One for the laptop and one for my camera batteries. Apparently our Apartment has the older type plugs. So she says. I will see when I get there.
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2009, 02:40:25 pm »

Hi there.
Sorry first to not have been here for a while.
I imagine there are many things, stories and so on which have happened since I was not here.
Anyhow (could I say that word seem to be correct?), maybe (and for sure?) most of you have heard about the Airbus which crashed between Rio de Janeiro and Paris.
For sure, I was not there, but... I would say it's sad and bad what happened, and I would say too that, it's only destiny. Many persons wanted to be on that flight and could not go into because it was full. And now they feel "happy" but very sad because of what happened. But that's life...
Should I care about my next flight?
I don't think so, in fact, I don't want to "face" it ^^

So, there are any news right now.
I got my passport, finally, it's ok ^^
So now, I just finish to get all for my visa, and it shall be delivered (quickly mode choosen ^^ via the web) on next monday or tuesday ^^
If all's ok, I then leave France on next Friday, and then, on Saturday, since Belgium, destination CHONGQING ^^

I have heard about any bad news over there :
a mudslide which have damaged many houses and there were 23 persons, lost. But for now, I haven't checked if all of them were still alive or not...
And another one, with a bomb in a bus....

Wow..... ^^
Who would say there is no animation over there???? :icon_cheesygrin:
Whatever happens, I'm still on the starting block, days are coming, it's not so long, right now ^^

I have bought a "netbook" for over there, here it is :

I will use it to give any news when being there, I promise ^^
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Vince G

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2009, 06:13:48 pm »
Sylvain, How are you? I have heard of the bus FIRE? with 100 people on board. She (my lady) did not say it was bomb? Maybe there were 2 buses? Anyway Hope you have much fun there. And write us here of the progress. (Do I sound like parents?) :icon_biggrin:

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2009, 06:39:17 pm »
Hi Vince;)
I'm fine, as I have finished all the things for my daughter's baptism which was very nice :) (it was on May, 31 :) ) a very nice ceremony and weather, too, as the day, which was very special :)
I'll maybe post any pics over here, I'll see :)
About my trip, well, I don't want to stress in fact, I'm not ready for that... In fact, I would even do some "black jokes", just understand that it is some king of "joke" which can be funny for some persons but not for some others... in France we do say "humour noir", but I don't know how to say in english, sorry ^^
Anyway, I'm ready to go, even if I have to pedal in the plane, just to make it "taking off" (flying off?) (decollate?) :D
About the bus, Ting told me just about one bus, so, maybe was there another accident?

I promise anyway to give news and to have much fun there ;)
Eh, if you wanna be like my parents, please give me some coins ^^ :D
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Offline Rhonald

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2009, 10:04:32 pm »
Quote from: 'Sylvain D' pid='5403' dateline='1244759957'

 In fact, I would even do some "black jokes", just understand that it is some king of "joke" which can be funny for some persons but not for some others... in France we do say "humour noir", but I don't know how to say in english, sorry ^^

Close - but we would say either dark humor or black humor. To say black "joke" would imply making a racist joke. So switch joke to humor and your okay. Yes sometime subtle differences in translation can cause problems.

I remember with my first wife, who is a latina, I told my father-in-law that she was a hot woman. I spoke in Spanish with what I thought was the right words but I guess I said that she was a horny woman and my father-in-law gave her trouble. In Mandarin if you prounce Ma with the wrong intonation, well you just called her mother a horse.

Anyways, best of luck with your journey.. and in my bad French - say la V
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 10:09:37 pm by Rhonald »
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Offline Agarn

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2009, 11:56:15 am »

Good choice with the Samsung, looked at one last week.

Where do you live in France??

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2009, 04:21:52 am »
Thanks for the meaning, Rhonald, and so, ok for "dark humor" ^^
and what did you want to say by "say la V"? => 'c'est la vie"? => it's life?

Agarn, I live in the suburb of Paris, about 20 mins by car, in fact ;)
About the Samsung, I have setup Ubuntu on it, it's quite perfect :)
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Offline Neil

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2009, 04:38:21 am »
Heheh Sylvain.  I just put Ubuntu on my laptop for the trip to China too.  It is quite perfect isn't it?  :icon_cool: irresistible as chocolate

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2009, 05:13:47 am »
For sure ^^
Easy to use, and I think it's most "stable" than Windows.
I just have to look for some appz to setup on it, and it shall be ok.

But I just think I can't have it with me in the plane? Or can I? I don't remember in fact ^^
I know that water and liquids are forbidden, as medecines and so many things...

(I just think they think everybody is rich enough to buy some water/liquid drinks after checkups and controls :D)
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Offline Agarn

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2009, 06:33:22 am »

Yes you can carry your laptop in your hand luggage,  never put objects like that in main luggage, if you have watched the baggage handlers at work you will understand why not.

Ahh Paris, im in Guernsey so visit often, in Le Mans recently for moto gp, great fun.
Best of luck on your trip to China

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2009, 02:53:06 pm »
Eheh, it's right, Le Mans is well known for its GP, as cars and motos, too :)
Not so far from Paris by train/car, but never been there for a GP. I just like watching it, sometimes, that's all. But I can't say who is a motoracer ^^

Ok about the laptop in hand luggage and not in main :) I've seen before some men "launching" luggages, for sure, man can be scared if he got some packages which are not solid at all ^^
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Vince G

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2009, 04:32:03 pm »
Sylvain, Most airlines permit 2 carry on. One small luggage (for overhead compartment) and another that can be put under a sit (Laptop), women are allowed their purse, men a laptop.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2009, 04:57:31 pm »
Thanks for the advice, Vince ;)

I'm just thinking to myself, but next week, I'll be on the flight ^^
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Offline Jadams79

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2009, 05:40:05 pm »
Relax and enjoy yourself.  If you have problems at the airport, look for a sign that says "Special Check In" this person will typically speak English ^_^ if not they will call someone who does.  Also same story at the Ticket Counters.  Just have a good idea of where you are going and what you need to do, everything else takes care of itself.
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Offline Agarn

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2009, 02:52:57 am »

Your right many airlines are now allowing 2 items of hand luggage but not all airports allow this, London airports will only let you carry one piece through the scanners into the departure lounge, Paris may well be the same, yet you can buy 5 bags of goodies in duty free ans carry on to plane.
A ladies hand bag will be considered the 1 item of hand luggage, but if she puts it into the 2nd bag all is well.
If anyone has connecting flights think about this and only carry one piece, saves any problems at airports with different regulations.

I remember when air travel was fun!