my dear Xixi,
About the letter because the agency told me that you write to me very soon once time so my letter can not be delivered to you because aency said I should read your letter together and write them in one letter together.Can you understand my meaning???
I should tell you that I am very happy to get your letter and also feel a little sad.because now you are so far from me.And I want to tell you that I have told my parents before.But they can not believe in the website very much.SO at that time they just think I can communicate with you.But they do not believe it very know the generation of my parents,they have no computer at their young time.So in fact that generation,they do not believe it very much.But my emotion is ture.I only can say this to you.
Dear I trust you all the time and I think you should do some detailed action and I can show them to my parents.Otherwise I think they will not believe you.I wish I can stay with you forever and if so,of course I will turn back the money to that man.In fact I think he is not my boyfriend.Just because my parents force me to keep touch with him and he give some money to my parents,so they like him. But I like you.
Yes I really meet with many problems about our relationship. And my parents today still insist thatthey are not willing I marry you and live a so far country.Because nowadays Chinese parents onlt have one Child and they do not want their child go to so far country.And another reason is marrying a foreigner has too many unsafe elements.In fact I think we can talk about with these things.But now I think they can not listen to my any words.I have no ideas dear.I do not know what can I do.What's your idea???Maybe just wait some days and when they do nto feel angry again,I refer you to them again???DO you think it is ok???I think nowadays we should discuss it together and try our best to solve it.
Dear you are very very sincere and I believe you fact your letters moved me.I really want to cry.I never meet with a man like sincere.but in fact nowadays I do not what can I do.I made some mistakes on my work.I know just because I will miss the time we together.But I really do not know what can I do.I really wish you are here and solve these problems with me.I know it is also needn't work not good because of me.I wish you are very well in France. I wish you have nice day and take care dear.
I am moved by you. Especially after your going, I feel a little sad and miss you a lot. I think it is time for us to fight for our future. Because Chinese children always obey their parents.But I should fight for my future I think.But I have some questions want to ask you.Frist is that I heard of my friend said that if I really can go with you to France,how many years can I become a citizen there???my friend said it needs 10years.Is that right???I am afraid that.because I should wait 10years and can become your really wife.It is too long.But I do not know it is a true or not and wish your reply.And I should work after our marriage or not???because my parents depend on me.Every month I should provide them some money for their life.SO ~~~~
The situation about my sister is different.Because she has married before and this stands for she is really an adult and her parents can not manage her a lot.But I never marru before so my parents always wish I can marry the best man they think.But I know the best man is not made by them.He should live in my heart.I feel very very sad now.But what can I do???dear ???give me some advices.
After all I am my parents' daughter and they wish I can have a happy life with someone and he can treat me very well.In fact if they feel that this man really can treat me very well,they will not stop us.If my parents feel you are really very good,they will not stop us.SO what's your idea about feal this situation???I do know how to deal with it???deal I think we should talk with and discuss much these days.
Wo xiang ni. Too much.
Wish you have a nice day.
Forever Ting
I just don't know how to react...
because I've just called Ting's sister who confirms everything of Ting's letter, except that , with my bad accent, she can't say about Ting and her boyfriend...
she also said me she will write me tonight and that she will call Ting and speak with her father and mother?
And as you all see, it seems like Ting wants also to be with me.
So, I will wait for any news from her sister.
Sherry Chu also replied to me :
Dear Sylvain,
It's Sherry listening to your concern again. I could fully understand your concern and current feelings. For your sincerity here, I truly hope that we could provide you possible assistance.
Syslvain, as you know, Chnlove has been aiming at building a safe platform for sincere clients' communication. We cooperate with and pay the agency who provides EMF translation and delivery services to the Chinese ladies, thus enable free translation as well as professional consultation service to the ladies, making it easier for communication between people of different languages and cultures. Though Chnlove is not involved in the internal business of each agency, we have strict policies and regulations that each agency should censor the ladies' profiles, deal with EMF service on AS-IS basis and offer quality service to help both male and female members communicate smoothly.
Concerning your communication with Ms Kate Zhou (P6282020), I have forwarded it to our Intendance Dept for immediate attention. As advised, they have contacted the local agency P628 to follow up the matter closely. Once any feedback is available, they will try to inform you directly. Thanks for your patience in advance.
Sylvain, as you know, communication is very important for the development of a relationship. Our site offers a platform for gentlemen to meet real ladies they selected, but it's communication that can help to look into the real heart of a lady. That's why we advise our gentlemen clients to go for a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. With the joint efforts by the two sides, a promising relationship can possibly bloom and fruit.
While we notice that sometimes there are some unexpected circumstances happened during the course of communication, such as the feelings and personal situation of both the gentlemen and the ladies. Therefore, Chnlove is unremittingly making great efforts in providing more guidelines and useful tips for gentlemen to communicate with Chinese ladies, such as the online safety tips. You are warmly advised to take a look at the information, hopefully it will be helpful for you.
Thanks again for your support to our service. Please feel free to let us know if you have additional question or concern. We'll be glad to help our sincere clients.
Kind regards,
Sherry Chu
Chnlove Customer Care
P.S. It's the weekend now, if any delay in reply is caused, your kind understanding will be appreciated.
I just don't know what to understand clearly...
Shoud I take it like any good news or not at all.
Arnold, if I could know who are my parents, maybe would I thank them... Maybe not... just because they left me when I only was 2 years old...
but don't be sorry, you couldn't know...

In fact, I know that I would see Ting again...
Her sister also says she misses me a lot.
it's like "turning around and around and around.."
Should I give any other information to Ting for her letter?
Should I really give it up?
I just wrote her yesterday that, with her message on QQ, it was like the world was crumbling around me... I could not understand what I had to do.. Or not.
Love is so strange, sometimes...
But I always liked difficulties in my relations...
'seems like that one is the best one.