BTW, translating french to chinese is not really easy.. because french language is more complex than english...
like "a car" : in english, you know it is A car... you say "a woman", "a man".... in france, we say "une voiture" for "a car", "une femme" for "a woman", and "un homme" for "a man"... so, we have some differences because of your grammar which is like "unisex"

and ours, which is male & female.... (anyone has seen a teddybear around?

well... and as in China, it is more like in U.S/English grammar, I think you can better understand why I prefer using google translator (when I can not use anything better), with english to chinese, and see if, translation from chinese to english will sound the same...
I did an example a few weeks ago....
with that sentence :
"I love you" : I translated to chinese, and when translated back, I got "I hate you".... Nice, don't you think so??

Well, thinking again about my trip, I'm just thinking to myself that Chongqing is not really for tourism, but better for business ^^
maybe that later I'd be working over there...

(or not...)
W.H, I'm more and more thinking about, maybe will i find any golden medal for the last Olympic Games, in a street, who knows.....
