Anyway, what is sure, is that I book for Shangai and it should be a very good thing

Hmm, blocking, well..
I think I will not right now, but if she would connect on QQ, i will talk "directly", saying that it's having a non cense, and that we must stop...
blocking someone on QQ or msn, is not really "enough", I think, because the contact is still here...
sayin' it clearly is, I think, the best thing to do.
and, unless she really can't understand, then I will have no more choice.
But I think she would be mature enough to understand all that.
So, she already knows about the situation, instead than "thinking she never can talk with me because I'm always offline".
and so, maybe not talk to each other for a certain time, and then, seeing if the fact to be as "good friends", could be "done".
blocking, deleting the contact is not really "fair", but I need to do things clearly.
by the way, as I'm moving on Shangai/Beijing/Guangzhou, it is because there are some reasons

I think you may all understand that point of view.