Thanks again, all

I'm just ending with my luguages and see what should be primordial to have with me on plane (like my netbook, maybe a book, too and my phone or any other mp3 listener)
I have bought an international adaptator, too, so there should be no problems once there for that

Ting wrote me today again, she's very happy that we finally will see each other in less than 48 hours right now ^^
Well, I'm just like more and more happy to go there.
I just realize too that one week will (for sure) be too short, but I'll have a first "impression" about the country and so on.
And if all can be ok, I'll maybe go back there in October...
By the way, I just want to say a "big up" to all of you, because, since the beginning I signed up on the facebook's forum (and here, later), there was always a "nice atmosphere", very good things to share and to read. As I said before, I envy most of you who have been in China, met their ladies and married them. It's only a beautiful story to live in all of your life, and I just hope that mine will be the first chapter of a very very long story.
For sure, too, once I'll be flying to China to see Ting, I'll be thinking to all of you again, saying myself "now it's my turn :icon_cool:"
Ting troubled me many times because she's very very beautiful, so I just hope to not be so "shy" when I'll see her ^^
I think everything is ok.
I will upload many movies on my netbook, and buying any "gifts" for Ting and her parents.
Well, I was thinking about a bottle of "Beaujolais" or anything like that for her father, and for her mother, I think, maybe some chocolates, tomorrow, from Belgium. It could be a nice idea I think, because there are some chocolates which are very nice quality (as Leonidas)
And for Ting, I'll see, too. Not decided yet for that

See ya all, i'll keep this topic up everytime I can