Author Topic: Operation Chongqing  (Read 62627 times)

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Vince G

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #60 on: June 21, 2009, 02:01:45 pm »
Sylvain glad you made it there safe and the internet is working.

Offline Samurai_Honor

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #61 on: June 21, 2009, 04:29:31 pm »
Man that is crazy! I know how you must have felt when she wasnt at the airport. I cant wait to hear more of your experience! We'll be praying for ya...

Offline Irishman

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #62 on: June 21, 2009, 06:48:54 pm »
Wow i read about the plane and thought oh dear..then I read about Ting not being there and I thought OH DEAR!! Sylvain you gotta stop scaring the brothers like that!!

Delighted to hear that things are looking good, keep the updates coming while you can, hope you have a great time there.
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Offline MLM

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #63 on: June 21, 2009, 08:12:39 pm »
Sylvain, thats a bit scary there for a few, glad to hear it all worked out, now just relax, have fun and enjoy your lady.
Oh yeah, if you can, keep us posted

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #64 on: June 21, 2009, 08:46:16 pm »
Hi there :)
I'm just waking up, it is right now 07:51 am.
In fact, I have been sleeeping approximatively 10 hours, I just think I needed it ^^

So, since yesterday, I can give some more news :)
First, I can't access my blog, 'seems like it is blacklisted ( but I will try to pass through the restrictions :D
I'll keep you updated with it:)

So, talking about the flies.
Well, I was on an Airbus A330 and I was with a Venezuelian man, who had to go in Shangaï, he's a teacher in english. He asked me about my travel, I just replied "leisure time, I am going to meet a very beautiful lady, known via Internet". He was a bit surprised but we discussed a lot up we arrived in Beijing.
And, during the flight, as we could watch tv, I wanted to test every functionnality with mine. Each of us had like a "buttons command" to use in the menu, movie, and I saw there were games, too. So, I thought the "button command" could be "taken" from its place, and I saw a cable. It was like a paddle in fact, when I reverted it, but it was not functionnal for the games and so on. And when I wanted to put it back to its righteous place, it could not be done easily...
It became like a "horror show" when the "button command" began to not work anymore. I could even not use the "light button" on it, nor asking any assistance. I waited for the (waitress?) to come and offer some drinks to say her there was a problem with the command. and she "rebooted" the terminal for my tv, but it just changed nothing... Well, up to my end of flight, I had to use directly my finger on the screen to navigate in the menu and so on...
I just hoped it would not generate any error message, and that it would not crash the plane.....Lol...

So, talking with my "neighbour", it was his first time in China, too, and he will leave on next Sunday. Maybe will I see him again? lol
We talked about culture in China, he asked me how to say many words, too. But, as I said, my words are very "limited".
Nevermind, I'm a good student, I took with me a book to know what to visit and where to eat, and another one to learn more words:)

So, after the check up for the swine flu, for sure, I just hoped to not being placed in quarantaine, it would not had been funny if it would had happen... I think that, for each's security, we had to fullfill administrative papers, so that we could say where we had to go/leave and who to prevent, too.
I saw many persons with a mask, well, I just said too, "I just hope they don't have swine flu" :s
In Beijing, I was looking a bit everywhere after the checkup, and as I wanted to change myself, I went to toilet...
Well, seeing "turkish toilets" didn't really please me, and I quickly tried to see some other ones. That was ok, and I then looked for my flight for Chongqing. In fact, I have lost contact with the venezuelian man since the moment I was checking for toilets.
So, I saw the flight number for Chongqing, and I sat near a chinese woman. I asked her any information about the flight (in english) and she answered ... In chinese.
I was quite disconcerted, as I didn't understand.
I then showed my pda, there was a picture in the main menu, showing... the eiffel tower. I said "fa guo ren", but she didn't understand. I then thought that I maybe said it with a very very bad accent. I said "Paris", "Pawis", "Périss", "Péwiss", and a man next to her said "Paris, oh! Français", and then, explained the lady I was from France.
I was very disappointed, because I thought that as I didn't say a very large sentence in chinese and that she could not understand me, how would it be, once I would see Ting...
Well, many minutes after that, I was on a bus to go to the plane, and many chinese looked at me... Just guess I was the only little chicken who was with them.
The women in the plane (waitress???) were very polite and nice, so the men were, too. One of them was very helpful when I wanted to drink/eat/read and use my computer, even if I spoke in english a bit too quickly for him, but all was ok.
Once arrived in Chongqing, the weather was very warm, and rainy place. I got to see my luguage and to see if all was ok, before looking for Ting.
I saw many chinese persons, I looked at them, and I had many times a "eye's look" from them, like "who is he? Why is he looking at me like that??? Is he crazy???"
I tried to see Ting, but, as said before, in fact, she could not come, and I didn't know it. I was vey disappointed, saying myself "oh god, maybe was it a really really bad idea to come here, in fact, it may would have been a man who would have written to me up to now and I came, and there's nobody... I was really disappointed.. but I tried to help myself the best way I could.
I found a very charming lady who wanted to help me, she phoned a friend of her and he spoke to me, but as I said "I do not know him, so how could he help me to find a lady I haven't seen up to now in real?" and the lady was sorry to not help but I thanked her anyway for her help.
I then looked for a taxi, and well, it seemed that he didn't know where the hotel was. I showed the adress, and a policeman said him where it was.
And then, it was like a running time for him... and for me.
Driving one moment on the left, and right, left, right, beeep beep, left, right, accelerate, driving in "god mode", thinking "I'm the master here, let me pass"... In fact, I like the speed, it's not a problem. But the man drove really easily enough to make multiple accidents if he would not use his "klaxon" with other drivers.
Once we arrived at the hotel, I had to pay him, about 62 Rmb, it's quite noghing in fact. I thanked for the run, and a groom took my baguages.
I then see the Hilton Hotel, and was impressed because of the contrast...
A very beautiful hotel in a place which seem to be "between poor and middle place"... but I din't apologize for it and came into the hotel.
A lady checked for my reservation and then gave my "room card". I then was with the groom to the 16th floor. We talked a bit and he was very nice to help me speaking a bit in chinese and english.
Once we were in my room, he showed me many "free services" as the internet (which is not free but it does not matter), the showing room (very very nice), and the buffet, too (where to drink/eat)
I gave him a part of money for the service, he thanked me and left.
I then directly connected to internet, and saw Ting.
She said that she was afraid, her boss wanted her to work a bit some more on Sunday, and then she said she would come to see me ASAP.
For sure, I was sad, but happy too.
I had her translator who called me and then, she confirmed they would come in less than 2 hours since I spoke to Ting on QQ :)
So then, I tried to relax a bit on my bed, and finally I got some sleeptime. In fact, I haven't sleeped in the planes, so I was a bit really K.O.
And when it knocked at my door, at first I thought it was the groom, to inform me that Ting was here.
But it was Ting in fact... and the translator.
What a luck for me that I had my jean on me, because I thought that if I would sleep, I then could take it off, and just open the door a bit to know who could knock, even if I didn't have my jean on me.
Well, I was really surprized, because Ting is very very very beautiful.
She smiled and I smiled too, but as I just woke up, I was like "just in wake up mode" and I tried to "refresh" myself as quick as I could, to speak with her and her translator.
Well, we saw that we could not communicate easily, but I promised to learn better chinese.
It seems that she said her translator that she was really pleased to see me in real, and that , as I got a "happy face", she was very happy too to see me and wasn't scared for the first meeting.
I offered her any gift (chocolate from Belgium) and I did the same for the translator, as I knew she would be at the airport with Ting, and with her sister,too.
I then offered Ting any other chocolates, for her parents, saying "It's just a gift, I wanted to offer something to your parents, because they have heard about me and I would have thought that a gift could be really pleasant, for them", and she smiled.
We spoke a long time and Ting was looking at me many times, just like some "lover's eyes". Her translator told me a bit later that Ting was very impressed to see me, in "happy mode" and that she would see me more and more, in fact, ASAP she could :)
She's really like an angel in fact. Very beautiful lady, even if she's small, she's really really really beautiful. My eyes could be blinked because of its beauty, in fact ^^
I could not stop to look at her many times and she did the same with me. Well, I'm happy to see that everything is ok :)
Later, so, Ting had to leave me, because she had to be with her family, but her sister was here, and with the translator, we all spoke in english about my flight, about Ting and me, about many things, well, I really liked that moment.
We ate outside, Ting sister's really cared for me, she took me to a restaurant with another friend of her, and I was really pleased to see any more persons.
Once we were at the restaurant, we were in a part of it, with doors which could be closed, so nobody could see us. It seemed to be like "some part of reserved room" and we ate spicy food, with beef and chicken foods. I will upload a picture of the meat later.
Ting's sister said she was really pleased to see me, and that she really liked me in fact, because I had a "friendly happy face" and that I showed many "good impressions" to all of them since we met.
So I was very happy and I spoke about Ting, and she was happy to see that I was "as Ting said" via my letters and so on.
We spent about 2 hours together, eating really nice meats, and the bill was really unbelievable.
About 170 RMB for 2 big meats, and 3 other meats, a Coke and it's all. In fact, that just costs about 17 €, so it was really cheap ^^
Once I have paid, Ting's sister took me back to the hotel with the translator and another friend of her, and I got back to my room, in "lazy mode" ^^
And then, I wrote you to inform of my arrival in China .

Well, right now it's 08:44 am, and I'm hungry ^^
I will go and have breakfast, Ting should come this morning to see me (I really hope she will  ) and then, we'll see what to do.
By the way, my software on pda isn't ok, because my rom version is 6.5 and it's for 6.1 (it seems) so I will see if I can flash again my pda...  to use the best way I can my software, to do nice sentences in chinese and so on.

See ya later, I'll keep this post updated, for sure.
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Offline Irishman

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #65 on: June 21, 2009, 09:03:35 pm »
Loving reading the extended version Sylvain!

Regarding the mobile - 6.5 isn't should be using 6.1..but if that's what you have now ..I wouldn't be messing about with new roms.
What did Ting need to do with her family that  her sister didn't, just curious?

The food costs sound right, i bet you enjoy this part of your trip, i experienced the separate room a couple of times also, is a bit strange but nice, they only do it for important meeting though, I think it a bit strange that Tings daughter ate with you in such a room - maybe it was prebooked though?

Looking forward to your updates!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #66 on: June 21, 2009, 09:58:58 pm »
Hi Irish :)
In fact, Ting had to be with her parents yesterday night, and her sister wanted to stay and eat with me, just in case of I would eat with her and with the translator. I could have replied too that I wanted to be alone or to sleep, but I wanted to know a bit some more about them :)
About Ting, I think she's a bit shy, but I think we'lll quickly find a way to solve this "little problem" if she has to be alone with me ^^
And about the restaurant, if I have well hearded about Ting's sister, in fact, she's been there before, and it seems that she's well known over there, so there was no difficulty to have that "room" ^^
Right now, I 'm back from the breakfast, very very fine and nice ^^
but... I have to improve my english too while speaking because sometimes, there can be misunderstoods when I deal about something.
The weather is very warm and cloudly, I'll have a bath and then, I hope Ting should come.
Anyway I think today I'll begin to visit around here :)
And about the roms, I will see what to do to solve my problem ASAP.

EDIT 10:54 am
Software fully functionnal on my pda, thanks to Windows Mobile Device working on Windows7 on my netbook, so everything is ok.
Ready again to be able to say some nice sentences in Chinese :)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 10:48:53 pm by Sylvain D »
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Offline Rhonald

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #67 on: June 21, 2009, 10:49:12 pm »
:icon_biggrin: I have totally enjoyed your story. Yes having a friendly and happy expression will reward you with leaving a good impression on your hosts. Take care
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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #68 on: June 21, 2009, 10:59:10 pm »
Great story of your trip so far.  I am really enjoying it.

It seems like so long ago when you were talking about wanting to go to China...back when we were on facebook.  I am happy that you have finally made it there.

Keep up the great updates.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #69 on: June 22, 2009, 02:30:51 am »
Good on you Sylvain , you sound like you have won 3 hearts in the first few hours , yes 9 out of every 10 Chinese ladies are quite shy , after chatting on the internet one way or another , to be face to face is like starting over , but your Charm has won them already , so enjoy .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline MLM

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #70 on: June 22, 2009, 07:34:47 am »
Sylvain, you seem to be doing very well so far, keep up the good work and the next thing you know you will be saying the " I do" part, good luck and keep up these great posts.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #71 on: June 23, 2009, 01:06:27 am »
Hi there.

Well, 'seems like I got a problem.
Maybe the 24h rule, maybe another thing, I don't know in fact.

What I see seems that Ting doesn't love me, she just told me via QQ today, and she was surprized to see how gentle I was with her since we met each other...
So, for sure, I became anxious and nervous....

"being cheated by the agency and translator, so?
I told it to the translator who said she contacted Ting just next, and she then said that her parents would like her to marry, but another person than me.
so, right now, I'm really "lost" with many things.
For sure, my chinese isn't correct at all, and I can't communicate with anybody correctly.
I did mistakes yesterday night for supper, and there was a "servant"? who was french, she helped me easily but I just felt stupide because of the language barrier.
Even in english there are some sentences / words where I'm hurting myself when speaking.... I just forgot to remember the name "cheese" for "cheese" in fact... ^^

So, if I'm here to post, it is to ask some help.
Ting will come this afternoon with her sister who speaks a bit english (or good enough), and the translator, too.
the problem I see, is that, if she really doesn't love, I've been cheated anyway by Chnlove, and so, I would go there, to the agency, but I don't have the adress.
I have asked the translator who is scared to loose her job. In fact, I have said that being cheated for more than 700 € (fly tickets / hotel) without the emf letters, it was really BAD.
So, if anyone of you could help me, I would then be very grateful

I'll keep this topic updated, whatever happens, but just know that actually, I feee like I got like a hammer on my head.
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Offline maxx

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #72 on: June 23, 2009, 01:19:40 am »
Sylvain I'm very sorry to hear that.I think I would wate to see what the lady said and the translaters say.

Then depending on what they say I think I would get the agency address from the translater and the telephone number.The Agency can set you up with another women and they will send a car to get you.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #73 on: June 23, 2009, 01:26:43 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='6294' dateline='1245734380'

Sylvain I'm very sorry to hear that.I think I would wate to see what the lady said and the translaters say.

Then depending on what they say I think I would get the agency address from the translater and the telephone number.The Agency can set you up with another women and they will send a car to get you.

I don't think I would be glad to meet any other ladies.
being dumped like I was, seeing that more than 1000 € have been easily paid to the agency since I've been talking to Ting, just to see that I've been fooled by them, well, I'm not mad enough to say that I would need their services anymore :s
But to go there and to say that I want any compensation for all prejudice, yes, I can do it, and surely will.
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Offline Chong

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #74 on: June 23, 2009, 01:31:22 am »

Just to clarify, are you saying that the EMF letters said that Ting loves you and she changed her mind ???  Are you suspecting that the letters were doctored by the translator ? How many EMFs in total since you started communication ? What are the first three numbers of your agency ???

Keep us posted on your afternoon meeting. Worse comes to worse, become friends with that 'French' speaking servant. It would be nice to have a common speaking friend in Chongqing. Maybe she knows some friends interested in meeting a foreigner.

J'ai arrive a Hong Kong trois semaines passe. Avant partir pour Shanghai, ma femme dit "Non" pour notre marriage. Elle n'aime pas moi aussi. Elle dit "Non" pour mon visitation de sa ville. Maintenance, je suis a Taishan pour vacances.  Je suis ici pour une notre mois.

Excuse my French writing skills,
