Hi there again, brothers

Well, any more news, so.
Ting came with the translator and her sister, too, who seem to really really like me (i don't know why, maybe because i have a funny face?? well ... let's pass it ^^)
In fact, Vince, you are a bit right with your reply.
The problem is that Ting has her parents who are a bit traditionnal, and as she is 27, they care about her future and so on, and so, they would like to marry her, but with a chinese man.
She told me that she didn't like the chinese man, but if she should hear her parents, she could not do anything else...
It seems too, that her parents do not really like strangers, or maybe do they think we just come here to take their daughters for holidays and then, we just leave them alone.
Ting said she is upset because of many things :
- leaving China to come living in France (nobody from her family lives in France)
- she does not speak french (or very bad and just a few words)
- she cares being alone if our relation would end one day in France
- etc.
- extra bonus & co....
From 04:30 pm to 06:20 pm, we discussed a long time about all of that. I said I was not the man who could easily leave a woman like "lost", because if I would bring her in France, it would not to leave her alone in the streets later.... I say I could already help her to go back in China if she really missed it or that we would not be together later for any reason, and I said too that I knew what I wanted from her, with her, but I would not force her to make choices, until she doesn't feel ready for it.
'Seems like she liked my words.
For all that time, we were 4.
Just after, Ting's sister and Ting's friend left us, and I talked a very long moment with Ting, english and computer (google translator) helping.
We spent easily 2 hours together, she asked me that if, she wanted to marry me, how could I be sure about her careness and cumfort and happyness. Just have a guess that I ve said that when man loves someone, for sure, he will look at it and do his best to show his wife how he can love her, and how he can be loved from her, too.
I got any other question that made me laughing, sooner in the afternoon :
"but, you know, Ting is very small, and you are big, and so....
well, I'm embarrassed but....
your sex must be big, too.."
I just looked at Ting's friend, and asked her :
"and so, if so, would you be scared that I could even break her body with it?:icon_cheesygrin:)
She laughed and had to translate to Ting, who became shy and did not want to aks any personal questions like this one

When we left my room (because they came in my room in fact), she told me that she could call for some supper for me, I really appreciated it, and then, she was face to face... i was a bit scared because I did not want the french kiss, (because I want her to be really sure of her choice to be with me), and then, she gave me her hand.
Well, I felt stupid because I looked at it, saying to myself "and now, what? she wants me to kiss her hand?

" and so, I said her that in France, we just can hug without kiss, and she was ok. we then hugged together (huhu) and it was the first time we were like "body to body"
After that, I went dinner, and after, I came back and saw her on QQ.
It seems that in fact, she loves me, or better should i say 'really likes me" but she's upset because of future, and that's a reason which makes her being like that. About her parents, she said she would introduce me to them for my next trip, and that she really liked the time with me today.
Tomorrow, I will see her if all is ok at end of morning, and after, shopping with her sister and her friend.
So, nothing seems to be "so lost", it seems too that she is not indifferent to me,because if she was, she would had probably not stay in the room alone with me.
She left QQ 15 mins ago, so...
I think that right now, I just have to wait with time that she really feels good with me, and that I don't want to force her to be with me.
I just said "with ambition and motivation, man can do a lot of things, he just has to believe in what he wants to do".
She just thought about it and smiled.
So, many other news tomorrow, promise.
Anyway, I won't go to any other agency, I prefer staying with Ting and see how our relation will evolve.
Thanks again for your support and comments