Author Topic: Rotten chnlove agencies  (Read 33162 times)

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Offline Danny

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Rotten chnlove agencies
« on: April 13, 2009, 03:46:58 am »
Today, when I was checking my personal email box, I had a very strange experience: one of the women I had thought I had been writing to through chnlove, through emf mails, sent an email to my personal email address to tell me that she hadn't written any of the letters I'd received from her, and she wanted me to know about it. What was surprising for me was that the only chnlove emf mail she'd ever received from me was the very last one I ever sent to her, when chnlove was investigating a complaint I'd made about this particular agency.

As an aside, I have to say that chnlove itself were a great deal of help and they even refunded me a pile of emf credits, so I have no complaints in relation to the way they dealt with the matter.

Anyway in response to her email, I forwarded her all of the letters she had supposedly sent me and all the letters she had supposedly received from me (none of which she had received). She was just furious about what happened because she said that she had paid a lot of money to her agency (supposedly $2,000 US) and they had just let her down so badly, and played her for a fool.

She was really happy that I was able to send her all the letters, because she was going to visit the manager of the agency tomorrow and have it out with him. I hope that she manages to get some of her money back because it seems the way she has been treated is really unfair.

I was having a think about this and I thought to myself how much of life depends on trust.

I can remember while at university reading a number of economic essays which discussed the way in which trust affected transaction costs between purchasers and suppliers in a market. It fascinated me because it showed the way in which something inward (eg acting in an ethical fashion) interacts with something external (eg commercial activities). Sometimes we don't take ideas and ethics very seriously because it is not possible to assign a monetary value to them. However in the absence of trust, commercial and other activities becomes quite impossible.

I love this little quote about trust:

"Deciding whether or not to trust a person is like deciding whether or not to climb a tree, because you might get a wonderful view from the highest branch, or you might simply get covered in sap, and for this reason many people choose to spend their time alone and indoors, where it is harder to get a splinter."

It seems to me to be easier to trust a person than an organisation. I think we respond emotionally and intellectually differently to people and families, compared with the way we respond to corporations and other artificial legal entities.

It recalls to me the situation described in "Outlaws of the Marsh". There is considerable pathos in observing the faith of many of the bandits in their emperor, because their faith seems quite misplaced. They continuously make excuses for the emperor, blaming the emperor's advisers for the corruption and injustice that persists throughout their land. The bandits appear to trust the person of the emperor implicitly, while at the same time having little or no trust at all in the feudal administrative system that placed the emperor in a position that allowed him to be so easily manipulated and misinformed.

Anyway, it's all food for thought.

I would really appreciate it if anyone can suggest a few good chnlove agencies. My confidence in chnlove is at rock bottom at the moment. I still have a pile of credits and I want to use them up on an agency that's worthwhile.

Offline Hajo

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2009, 04:24:35 am »
Hey Danny, I can fully understand you. I have my doubts too sometimes. But do you think you will find your lady by just using the "right agency's"? As stated by others it could be the translator. It isn't nessecarily the agency. I hope things get sorted out. Good luck for the future.
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Offline Danny

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2009, 04:30:19 am »
Hajo, thanks for the reply.

In this case I'm pretty sure it is the agency itself, rather than the translator. I've compared notes with the woman I was supposedly writing to and from what she's told me the game they were playing was systematic and something that involved the manager and the translators.

I have asked for help from the experienced members because I have a better chance of finding my lady at a good agency than at a bad agency.

I don't think that I will find my lady by just using the right agency.

I have incredibly low expectations about what is going to result from chnlove at the moment. However the fact remains I have a pile of credits and I'm going use them up in a way that suits me.

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2009, 05:34:10 am »
Danny , yes there are seemingly quite a few bad eggs in the chicken house may even be because some management have over extended themselves it is as always , buyer beware for us is the obvious , always ask relevant questions and repeat if not answered after a couple of return emf's , note most if not all agency's have a cam available , so one can always ask for a live exercise at a suitable time , if they do not like the idea maybe time to question that agency through the Chnlove site , most of the women know someone with a computer and cam and many are more proficient than guys at using them .
 once things are sorted do not forget to list for every bodies future reference .
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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2009, 10:00:24 am »
Hey Danny.  That's a tough story, sorry to hear that.  Which agency was it anyway?  I'd guess Zhuhai or Wuhan from your info. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Irishman

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2009, 04:15:11 pm »
Jeeze Danny that sucks. I'm more and more of the opinion that if at all possible we should use msn or emails ASAP no matter how basic the English, at least we know then we are dealing with the real person and getting real replies.
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Offline Bob

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2009, 04:53:43 pm »
that sucks,,let me guess, the Wuhan P509 Agency? yes? I know what they did to me, and to think when I walked into the agency they were all smiles like nothing happened, and wanted me to pay 3000, ha!  I won't give them a cent! they have taken money from me many times (through false EMF's), they won't get anymore!  :evil:

Offline David

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2009, 12:02:49 am »
Sorry to hear about this Danny... but please post the name of the agency otherwise no good will come from this.

Big Dave


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2009, 12:30:24 am »
Danny , I'm sorry that this has to happen to you . That really suck's big time . Your Lady should get all her money back , what the F... did they do for her or for you ? Nothing , but cause you this shit .

I give you Qing's agency , which she sad was concidered the best , that is why she went with that one in Guangzhou , which is way south of Shanghai .
The Agency ID is  " GZB " so all the Girls there start with these Letter's on their ID's . The name is  " Guangzhou Xinxin Marriage Indroduction Agency "
hope this one will be of better value to you , Danny .


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2009, 12:44:43 am »
Danny , after your Lady get's back what's coming to her , have her change to this Agency , I have mentioned . If you two need to use the EMF's to communicate that is ? If you can use E-Mail or MSN do so , but make Chnlove credit your Card for what you have in Credit's left , they owe you that . The least they can do for you , for the trouble .

Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2009, 12:55:39 am »
Danny don't feel bad these creeps are burning a lot of us. In fact the last three admirer letters I responded back are complete fiction and nothing but ploys to be long term penpals while taking your money lying to you. I just wrote to Chnlove a really harsh letter telling them that I don't appreciate them being willing accomplices to scams. Don't get me wrong I appreciate them helping me realize my dream of moving here yet they don't really care as long as they get thier cut. They need to start policing themselves and stop all the doubletalk about how much they care about thier paying male members. One recent form letter I recieved was a woman hoping that I will come visit her soon in China. Meanwhile my profile clearly states I have been living here for the last three months. It seems our paradise is becoming infected with some pretty devious underhanded types that just want a quick buck regardless who gets hurt. I will post all past and present agencies that have played games with me so others might avoid getting burned like I did. One commonality was very young hot girls responding to guys sometimes twice thier age, thier intention is to hook you with a truly hot vivacious girl when in reality it might actually just be a translator and a manager in cahoots to bilk guys. I cannot say for certain how many people are actually participating in any particular. It is just like anything else, wherever there is money to be made the grifters will show up quickly. Chnlove needs to take some active responsibilty in protecting the male members on here. I am seriously considering file criminal charges of fraud with these agencies if it is possible. Danny what I've been doing is being straight up from letter one and stating all the red flags and if it is a scam they drop off the radar right away because you are not buying it. Like Chong said write to the ones you choose as opposed to the admirer letters to prevent such a mishap. Right now I have 45 emf credits yet am relunctant to use them for fear of being played. Fortunately I just started seeing a young 23 year fluent woman who really digs me. She doesn't mind the age difference so I'm going to see where it leads. Have to say I'm really dissappointed with Chnlove's cavaliar attitude towards the guys lately. Without us they wouldn't be around at all. Granted these incidents may be isolated yet it doesn't negate the hurt it causes in the long run. Kind of hope Chnlove has people reading these posts so they can wake up and actively try to fix things. Danny don't give up just be a little more wary doing this now.
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Offline jimbert

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2009, 03:58:19 am »
those hot young women can scam you in person too
what's with wuhan bashing? lots of guys here seem to visit there
+ my mom and my chinese girlfriend agree  i'm hot +

Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2009, 04:33:50 am »
Not bashing anyone just giving you guys a heads up. Yes, I realize they can also do it in person what is your point?
China Mike
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Offline Irishman

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2009, 06:53:29 pm »
I'm amazed at the amount of people being asked to relocate to China, my over riding impression was that it was for ladies that wanted the western lifestyle or were out of the market in China due to divorce or age?
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Offline Danny

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2009, 05:27:17 am »
Quote from: "Arnold"
Danny , after your Lady get's back what's coming to her , have her change to this Agency , I have mentioned . If you two need to use the EMF's to communicate that is ? If you can use E-Mail or MSN do so , but make Chnlove credit your Card for what you have in Credit's left , they owe you that . The least they can do for you , for the trouble .

She's not really my lady. This will make you laugh: I didn't receive a single letter from her. Every single letter was written by the agency. She had no part in the exchange whatsoever.

I got a full refund from chnlove for all the credits I spent on this lady and got a pile of extra ones for the trouble the agency caused me.

I exchanged a few emails with her yesterday but she doesn't seem like she would have been a lot of fun anyway. In her first letter she wanted me to tell her whether I was prepared to relocate to her and I told her that it's too early to know. She seemed pretty aggressive and angry, understandable in the circumstances, but I'm thinking I don't need this sort of thing at the moment, so I think I'll just throw her back into the big blue sea, from wherever she came from *laughs*