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Offline froseman

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #105 on: May 25, 2009, 10:30:50 pm »
Hi Willy,
I do not fully trust the Hand to Hand agency in Zhuhai, China.  I did EMF messages with P368360 (Ms. Li).  The EMF messages were very not written very well.  Later, the lady just happen find me via Yahoo to chat via Yahoo IM.  The lady’s English is good.  I assume that the agency was doing the EMF messages.  The hand to hand agency did not provide the lady’s email addresses or phone numbers.  Also, the pictures for P368360 are wrong.  I got the lady’s real photographs.

Recently, I did EMF messages with P368340 (Luce Zhang).  She recently said that she found another guy on Chnlove.

I did EMF messages with four or five ladies from the Hand to Hand Agency.  I never traveled to Zhuhai, China.  I changed my mind about going to Zhuhai, China.  Let us know what you find about the Hand to Hand Agency.

Note that you do voice calls via Skype.                              


Offline maxx

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #106 on: May 25, 2009, 11:01:35 pm »
Fred I'm suprised hand and hand agency in Zhuhai used to do a fairly descent job.Up until you posted this.I had never heard anything bad about them.

It is the other agency in Zhuhai that you have to watch out for.I can't remember the name right know but I will have a look and get back to you.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 11:03:22 pm by maxx »

Offline China Shark

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #107 on: May 26, 2009, 01:48:32 am »
Yes, Martin is right guys. Girls I'm contacting through the free personals on also use this type of email. It is on the up and up, but the others are mounting.
China Shark Mike
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Offline Uncle Brucie

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #108 on: May 26, 2009, 01:59:36 am »
Its me again the complainer

Yes i believe the hand in hand office in zhuhai is playing games when i wanted to setup a video or webcam with someone there which she/or they said would happen. when she wasn't busy at her work she all of a sudden gets called to go work in shengyang ( hope that is right) and now it is going to be an extended maybe permanent job there for the same boss. NOw she got my email address but i do not think she even got any letters from me,execpt maybe the first one,and she went on her way,because they got shorter and shorter of noting in them basic didn't get questions answered just too busy at work,or i have to buy something to now she is supposedly in shengyang for 5 to 6 months and since londoner is going there maybe he can check it out P368530.As usual i just get an email from her short and sweet saying she is staying at her job and likes it there another 3 liner emaill.I leave this one for londoner to look up in zhuhai hand to hand.

Now my real reason for coming here is abut another agency which the lady i know have away from them is from P2031699 told me that she does not even read any of the emails she gets from P203 at all they are  just answering them
Yes that first time when you talk to a lady in person and real and fumbling around with language ,culture difficulties is good we laughed all night 4 hours and she wants to com back at 7 when she gets home from school and talk more i love it
makes a person just seeing the joy for the first wonderful.

Anyways so maybe this one in chengdu is up to something too P203

That is all so hopefully everyone has read the list and are staying away from the other ladies i have posted

Uncle Bruce
My 2 cents  ????


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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #109 on: May 26, 2009, 02:09:36 am »
I am getting concerned about the ever growing list of shady practices.  How is it that some of us are meeting wonderful ladies, while others are having a rough go of it?

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #110 on: May 26, 2009, 03:09:23 am »
Martin , with reference to your Question on Shady practices , with everyone battening down due to the financial problems world wide and most of the translators at the agencies being paid a percentage for the number of translations both ways that they do , it is very much to the translators weekly / monthly pay how she / he  creates volume as volume = money .
 I think there has been a revolving door policy and for each disgruntled male there have been easy replacements , and it is only now where we are telling it in a blow by blow way instantly , that the picture is starting to emerge .
 One further thing would be as many have done would be for anyone writing emf's to ask for the translators name and get friendly with them and most will treat you more personally in the short time and ask them Questions to .
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Offline Frans B

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #111 on: May 26, 2009, 04:35:15 am »
Having off-and-on in my working worldwide over the years been tracking Internet Dating scams through acquaintance Reporters Sans Frontieres and CA Border guards these scams going on right now under the noses of the Chinese government is nothing new because it is the centuries old exploitation of women, and having always been a gangster operated business it will never be eradicated.
ChnLove agencies are nothing but glorified Pimps.
Pimps always on the lookout to increase their take from the work of females elevated themselves from the prostitute business into the “high class” sex – people who are married do have sex - business with contracts. Where before they had to troll the streets to lasso clients for their stable, now they regard themselves high class businessmen with an office, computers, secretaries, tea ladies etc. showing on their Website ladies who are interested in marrying a foreigner. These ladies not having any other means at their disposal are their prey, and the law protects these glorified Pimps because the lady signed a 2-year contract during which contract time she gets scalped to the tune of 60,000 Yuan (US$2,000) plus additional charges when she gives her personal information – phone #, home address, E-mail, correspond direct, when the prospective husband visit her in China, marriage rigmarole, visa, unending is the gimmickry these high class Pimps can fabricate to suck the last Yuan out the ladies. To give females a chance to have some control over themselves the US has now a law on the books requiring the lady to give her personal details and declare she is actively looking for a husband. To circumnavigate this law the agencies pushes the “marry in China card”. No problem if the man goes live in China with his Chinese wife. When he wants to go back to the US to live, a foreign wife of American citizen Visa need to be applied for, the US Embassy in China is well aware what goes on and just sits on the Visa application for months on end, another excuse by the agency sucking Yuan out the lady claiming active pursuing the issuing of the Visa, all rubbish off course.
ChnLove has been an on-and-off affair for the past several years with me, I never get anywhere with the ladies. That is the few who do send me an initial contact EMF. Right now I’m on again having received an initial contact EMF from a lady that meets all my criteria. So far no reply EMF from her yet. I’m not a young guy I’m a 75-year old retired person living on a golf course in Thailand. Reason it always comes to nothing because I get involved in my correspondence asking if her contract is finished and in a round about way plug in my e-mail. A few months ago I contacted a Doctor again from a couple years back who is still on the ChnLove Website asked in my EMF to her if her contract is finished and in my roundabout way written conversation plugged in my e-mail. Received a few paragraph EMF from her, nothing about the contract, as for the e-mail she said, “My English is still not good enough for email”, which is after listing LEARNING: English since 2006. I was given 2-Semesters to get up to speed to attend regular college courses as a student from Holland in New Zealand. She is a Doctor and 3-year later she still is not up to speed for simple e-mail contact? Set me to wonder as a Doctor how she keeps up with medical practices advances if she can’t even grasp enough English in 3-year for simple E-mail correspondence. It would not surprise me if the reply EMF was from the agency and the Doctor never was given my EMF. Why should the agency care they got $10.00 coming and going.

The MAIN PROBLEM with ChnLove setup is:
THE TRANSLATOR(s) and the ladies contract.

Eliminate the translators and replace them with electronic translation. There is now some very good electronic translation software on the market doing a very good job of translating everyday-use language.

The lady opens on her or Internet Café computer the ChnLove Site writes her e-mail in Chinese and sends it. When the man opens the ChnLove Site on his computer in the inbox is the lady’s letter. He opens it and click translate – Chinese to English / English to Chinese – after a few minutes when translation completed it is on the respective monitor for reading.
For this no human involvement ChnLove has to be compensated. This can be done either of two ways:
Credits: 1-letter vv Chinese to English translation on the man’s computer and his reply on the Lady’s or Internet Café computer English to Chinese $5.00 or
Membership: 1-month $25.00 unlimited use letters coming and going.
Don’t worry about unlimited in my whole 75-yr. life I have known only one guy who did write a letter every day to his prospective wife vv. Like Smorgasbord meals: As much as you can eat. I have know several owners of these places and they all did well and did not worry about the occasional glutton that walked into the place.

Contract in the shredder.
Any business has to have money to stay in business.
Ladies Application Fee $50.00/yr. Renewal $25.00/yr. this will stop any asshole and her sister walking in the door. It will also stop this utter ridiculous number of as I see some agencies telling viewers: 127,000 ladies on file. It automatically weeds out the ones that found a husband and the ones not interested in the hunt any longer.

In addition ChnLove can offer other services for a fee i.e. Visa application service, Airline tickets, Passport application, organizing the wedding and lavish banquet for them foolish enough to waste their money to become as the Chinese say: “Big Face”, for those who know better use for their money taking the couple to City hall marriage registrar’s office to get the marriage license, car rental, bus tickets, train tickets, conducted tours tickets, and lots more. For which ChnLove must post a Fee Schedule.

As you can see there is a living to be made from this type HONEST operation. For those grown up in business during the last several decades with 100% profit on any and everything you do it is better to become realistic and come back to the days when I learned business in the depression days under socialism when companies were allowed a maximum of 3% clear profit. Yes 3% clear profit, in the fifties when I was working on assignment in CA one day I received a cheque from Ma Bell (you youngsters probably don’t know who Ma Bell was) Bell telephone during its financial year before had made more than 3% clear profit so all customers received a refund cheque. Also received one time one from Sears & Sawbucks (for you youngsters Sears & Roebucks). Hopefully real socialism soon will be back to clear up the financial morass people presently are being sucked into.
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Offline Londoner

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #112 on: May 26, 2009, 06:05:06 am »
As usual i just get an email from her short and sweet saying she is staying at her job and likes it there another 3 liner emaill.I leave this one for londoner to look up in zhuhai hand to hand.

The girl I am communicating with is from the other agengy; Zhuhai Huaxin Marriage Research Center, but I am happy to conduct a bit of detective work for you when I get there in July
Consider this job done Uncle Bruce :)
 Worryingy, most of Chinese Shark's list of scammers come from this agency! I just hope my girl is the exception as far as this scamming business is concerned.


Offline Danny

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #113 on: May 26, 2009, 06:11:39 am »
Quote from: 'Frans B' pid='3841' dateline='1243326915'

A few months ago I contacted a Doctor again from a couple years back who is still on the ChnLove Website asked in my EMF to her if her contract is finished and in my roundabout way written conversation plugged in my e-mail. Received a few paragraph EMF from her, nothing about the contract, as for the e-mail she said, “My English is still not good enough for email”, which is after listing LEARNING: English since 2006. I was given 2-Semesters to get up to speed to attend regular college courses as a student from Holland in New Zealand. She is a Doctor and 3-year later she still is not up to speed for simple e-mail contact? Set me to wonder as a Doctor how she keeps up with medical practices advances if she can’t even grasp enough English in 3-year for simple E-mail correspondence. It would not surprise me if the reply EMF was from the agency and the Doctor never was given my EMF. Why should the agency care they got $10.00 coming and going.

Frans, this doctor you wrote to sounds just like the doctor I am writing to. Was she from Zhuhai? She has been on the books since 2006 and like the lady you were writing to she was supposedly learning English since 2006.

I am not sure that is an issue or not. There is no category of "No English and no plans to learn it". The lowest level is "learning".

I can imagine just giving this game away and not having any interest in having anything to do with Chinese women anymore. It's the same way for women there, you leave your profile up and don't pay much attention to it anymore. What's wrong with that?

I don't think it's necessary for doctors to speak English to keep up with medical practices. If there is a good system for monitoring international journals and translating them, then I am not sure that this is a problem.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 06:12:23 am by Danny »


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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #114 on: May 26, 2009, 06:24:36 am »
Laura from Zhuhai.

I am exchanging correspondence with her also (or possibly with her translator).

Willy The Londoner is visiting her soon, so she is Willy's girl. Hands off everybody! :exclamation:


Offline Frans B

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #115 on: May 26, 2009, 09:23:43 am »
Quote from: 'Danny' pid='3843' dateline='1243332699'

Quote from: 'Frans B' pid='3841' dateline='1243326915'

A few months ago I contacted a Doctor again from a couple years back who is still on the ChnLove Website asked in my EMF to her if her contract is finished and in my roundabout way written conversation plugged in my e-mail. Received a few paragraph EMF from her, nothing about the contract, as for the e-mail she said, “My English is still not good enough for email”, which is after listing LEARNING: English since 2006. I was given 2-Semesters to get up to speed to attend regular college courses as a student from Holland in New Zealand. She is a Doctor and 3-year later she still is not up to speed for simple e-mail contact? Set me to wonder as a Doctor how she keeps up with medical practices advances if she can’t even grasp enough English in 3-year for simple E-mail correspondence. It would not surprise me if the reply EMF was from the agency and the Doctor never was given my EMF. Why should the agency care they got $10.00 coming and going.

Frans, this doctor you wrote to sounds just like the doctor I am writing to. Was she from Zhuhai? She has been on the books since 2006 and like the lady you were writing to she was supposedly learning English since 2006.

I am not sure that is an issue or not. There is no category of "No English and no plans to learn it". The lowest level is "learning".

I can imagine just giving this game away and not having any interest in having anything to do with Chinese women anymore. It's the same way for women there, you leave your profile up and don't pay much attention to it anymore. What's wrong with that?

I don't think it's necessary for doctors to speak English to keep up with medical practices. If there is a good system for monitoring international journals and translating them, then I am not sure that this is a problem.

Hi Danny,
The Doctor I referred to is from the land of the Panda, Sichuan, Chengdu city.

As for English comprehension it all depends how you look at it. I see foreign men here in Thailand who do not speak Thai and the woman they live (“married’) with do not speak his language, so they just go around like animals in the Jungle making grunting noises and nodding or shaking as the case requires their heads. Of course the foreign man and the Tai woman are both from the low end of the working class and I can understand the situation.
As for the Doctor, I place her at the upper end of the Middle Class and have higher expectations of her based on past experience with trainees in foreign countries in learning to fly commercial airplanes and also maintenance engineering, after two years learning English they were fully proficient in English to immerge themselves in the subjects I instructed. Do not overlook the fact that we are dealing with Chinese which is a highly intelligent race who can accomplish anything they set their mind to. Go to Beijing and look at the aw-inspiring things they accomplished for the 2008 Olympics. Take a look at the 3-Gorges Dam; world top Dam design engineers said it could not be done and would not submit bids on the project. Look at the Highest Railroad in the world, the one to Tibet, engineers who run the Alaska Railroad said the project was impossible. And there is getting more every day.
The lady (in this case a Doctor) has put her Profile on the Internet to lasso a foreign man and undertook as the Profile shows, English: LEARNING it is reasonable to expect so she can converse with the foreign man she lassoed. How serious is she in her pursuit? If she has no intention to learn English then she should have her Profile state ENGLIS: No intentions learn. Three year later she still admits herself she cannot do any thing in English on the computer, and she has a computer.

In connection with my working and living all over the world I never married resulting in being an independent person capable doing his own housekeeping and my attitude, if I meet some lady that meets me halfway fine, if not, that is how the cookies crumble. In the meantime the Profile is on the Internet for any lady interested in reading it and deciding.

I just received the reply from the lady that initially contacted me. No answers to my questions about her contract and other agency tie-ups. The answer to my imbedded email, I will lift the answer from the EMF:

know the computer system. It always takes much time. I understand you.
My English is not good, so in order to make our communication more clearly, I think we'd better write letter here, ok?

This lady also, like the Doctor, she has a computer.
This lady lists, ENGLISH: FAIR.
The reply gives me the impression that it is the regular canned reply the agencies have.
Maybe the agency phoned her and she said (like the regular Thai reply when a Thai is put in front of having to make a decision “Up to You”).

This Forum is very interesting, has a lot of good information for newbies and supplies me with how other people look at a subject.
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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #116 on: May 26, 2009, 09:39:34 am »
And as far as I can see Dr Franz, you are not too bad with some of you in-depth answers too. :)


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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #117 on: May 26, 2009, 11:08:08 am »
Well...maybe in fairness to the agency that posted her profile, they are wanting to make some money...because afterall, this is a money making business.  To switch right over to personal e-mail gets the agency what?  Or do you expect a good will service because....well...why?

While I agree with getting of EMF's quickly, there has to be some some money made by the agency.  So I am sure they are putting the brakes on.  I did not approach the subject of getting of from the EMF system for a little while.  I offered to phone her instead.  The agency did not try to stop this, because we were not trying to jump off from their system.  And after a short while longer, we started chatting on web cam.  We still kept up with translated e-emails.  I know it got pricey, but this was the way I chose to do things.  If you are interested in meeting a Chinese lady from Chnlove, then this is the way you have to do it.

To assume it is all a scam, because you want to cut and run from paying for anything...isn't that shoplifting? Or maybe, and I am going to be blunt here, maybe you are just not interesting to the ladies.

And to assume that because her English level is learning...well...sadly, this is a Chnlove mistake on their page.  I agree, when it says learning, they would be learning something.  What it really means is, "does not speak English."  But from my experience with my lady, and what I have read from others...when a lady gets into a committed relationship with one of us guys, she usually tries her hardest to learn the language.  Until then, there is not a lot of point, because who is to say she will meet a western man.  And with English being somewhat of an unused language in China, it makes sense to me that they have not learned any.

Just something to chew on.

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #118 on: May 26, 2009, 11:45:58 am »
Just like Martin wrote my lady isn't learning English... She have started to learn Swedish instead because she will move to Sweden in the future... She knows a little English but haven't used it for a long time and have forgotten most of it before I came.. Now she have started to pick it up again but still in a very small scale.
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #119 on: May 26, 2009, 02:03:38 pm »
Hi Londoner - When are you going to Zhuhai - I arrive 30th June and leave in August.
Willy the Londoner
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