Author Topic: Rotten chnlove agencies  (Read 33165 times)

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Offline Danny

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2009, 05:37:23 am »
Quote from: "David"
Sorry to hear about this Danny... but please post the name of the agency otherwise no good will come from this.

Big Dave

The agency was Aristocrat Garden Matchmaking agency (agency number P566).

I don't know for sure what happened. I mean I don't even know for sure the person who contacted me was really the girl or it could be anyone for all I know. Still everything I have written is what happened over on my side of the fence. What happened in the agency and at chnlove is a mystery to me. I don't have anything against this agency. I just wouldn't ever use it under any circumstances *laughs*

Offline Danny

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2009, 05:40:30 am »
Quote from: "Arnold"
I give you Qing's agency , which she sad was concidered the best , that is why she went with that one in Guangzhou , which is way south of Shanghai .
The Agency ID is  " GZB " so all the Girls there start with these Letter's on their ID's . The name is  " Guangzhou Xinxin Marriage Indroduction Agency "
hope this one will be of better value to you , Danny .

Thanks Arnold. I met someone nice from GZB. It didn't work out because she was looking for someone to relocate to Beijing. She would have to be damn special for me to do this, and she wasn't, so I just thought best to put an end to it. Chnlove is too expensive to use as a penfriend service.

But I'll keep an eye out for them when I'm looking next.


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2009, 01:10:57 pm »
I think i am being scammed with a agency from Zhuhai.I send emf's asking certain questions to this lady but i feel i am getting the umm harlem shuffle but i keep getting letters back saying she wants to know more about me but i hardly get anything about her and yes this is a one that has been mentioned above i believe it is the hand in hand matchmaking in Zhuhai P368 so it seems that maybe i have been taken but is there any other way of knowing for sure that i am talking to the lady.I also send a emf to her early last night telling her i had no credits left and  i was going to fix in the morning but i had 1 and this morning u get a emf from her :/ now i am not sure if i want to put credits back :oops:

Offline jimbert

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2009, 09:46:46 pm »
Quote from: "China Shark"
Not bashing anyone just giving you guys a heads up. Yes, I realize they can also do it in person what is your point?
China Mike

your in person lady fits your pattern: "One commonality was very young hot girls responding to guys sometimes twice thier age"
i just thought that was ironic
+ my mom and my chinese girlfriend agree  i'm hot +

Offline David

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2009, 02:01:23 am »
Quote from: "Ronan"
I'm amazed at the amount of people being asked to relocate to China, my over riding impression was that it was for ladies that wanted the western lifestyle or were out of the market in China due to divorce or age?

Well if you can have your cake, and eat it too, and eat it in your own house...

The first woman I started writing eventually told me she was wanting to start her own business, as we continued writing
it became apparent that she was wanting to be the controlling person in the relationship, and that she also preferred to
stay in China.  I would be alright with relocating I think if I really loved the woman but I was looking for a more equal
partnership so I ended the correspondence.

Big Dave

Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2009, 02:21:47 am »
Update on Chnlove's reaction to my rather harsh letter regarding the scum that subcontracts with them. Chnlove gave me the addresses and I just need to get them translated. They seem to actually be concerned which surprised a little. Refunded 10 credits and are asking for any and all info regarding this kind of thing. Pretty sure if I am anywhere these agencies the Shark will pay a little visit and give them a piece of my mind. I'm a nice guy until you cross the line like these vermin  have done. Hell, with being a victim here. I might be a westerner yet that doesn't I am a mark to be fleeced. Next post on here I'll post the agency names and as much info as possible.
China Shark Mike :mrgreen:
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Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2009, 06:28:23 am »
Here's the agencies to stay away from: P558,  P678, and these two scumbag companies each tried to work me twice with the same scam GZB272 and P518.  GZB272 was so blatant I had that woman removed from Chnlove altogether. This list is over about 3 months of a 5 month period. They are major criminals nickel and diming us guys thinking hell we can afford. Stand up to this scum and contact Chnlove immediately upon surmising something is afoot. Believe me everytime they give credits back they get really irate and eventually probably boot them off of Chnlove. It is not worth it for them to chance on losing really good paying customers for a few dirtball. If you get admirer letters from these agencies proceed with caution because the are not to be trusted.
China Shark  Mike :mrgreen:
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Offline Norb Smith

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2009, 11:29:27 am »
Mike I have been corresponding with a lady from GZB272, and am now wondering how bad you got scammed as the lady I am writing seems to be very upfront but also a little cautious and shy, I ask her questions, and I get answers, I asked for her address and phone number in a sly way so as not to disturb the agency, and she replies that she wanted us to get closer before she divulged this to me, but then we have only been writing to each other for a short time. Any info you can further give me on this agency I would greatly appreciate, I am keeping my eyes open and being very careful, since I have had two women I was writing to that wrote for a long time and then one went home for spring festival and I never heard from her again, and the other supposedly got transfered because of her job, gave me her e-mail addy and I wrote to this and she has completely disappeared also, so you can see why I am being a little gun-shy also, but I guess thats what I get for being a retared, revamped and relocated Dum Ol Wyoming Cowboy
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Offline Neil

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2009, 01:34:47 pm »
Hey Michael.  I've been writing a lady from P558 for a while now.  Not my girl, just one I've met.  One thing that struck me about her is her letters are not full of mushy, lovey stuff.  She comes off as really down-to-earth and smart, always answers my questions and asks me good ones too.  She knows about me and my girl so she's trying to be just a friend but man, why'd God have to make these girls so beautiful?  ;) Do you think I need to be concerned? irresistible as chocolate

Offline David

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2009, 04:50:49 pm »
Hey can the moderators please do a posted sticky in one of our forums that just lists the bad agency names and numbers?

I think that would be extremely helpful and beneficial.

Big Dave

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2009, 07:02:37 pm »
I finally jumped back into the game and started writing a girl from GZB. I'm a bit cautious though I often heard more good things about GZB since apparently ladies from far out of town are going to this agency because of it's reputation in China. That includes this girl I'm writing to. She lives in Chengdu.

Anyway, she did send me an admiration letter. Normally I wouldn't respond if I didn't at least put them in my favourites. However I actually noticed her profile a day earlier because she recently refreshed it and I was highly considering throwing her in my favourites because not only is she attractive and had a good profile and letter but she also listed her English as good. (for the record, I don't want to pile on favourites just in case I have more than one respond then I'm faced with a dilemma of choosing. I can't afford the credits, lol)

Anyhow, I'll let the EMFs go for a bit to see if there's any spark and if so I'll definitely be pushing to move our communication to emails and MSN. If anything seems fishy I'll be sure to let you guys know. Likewise, if it turns out good, I'll be letting ya's know too. :)
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Offline jimbert

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2009, 05:22:44 am »
Quote from: "David"
Hey can the moderators please do a posted sticky in one of our forums that just lists the bad agency names and numbers?

I think that would be extremely helpful and beneficial.

there are enough bad apples for every agency to be on the list is that helpful ?
+ my mom and my chinese girlfriend agree  i'm hot +

Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2009, 07:29:28 am »
Jimbert is right, there are a lot individual scammers working in cahoots with dirtball translators. Hell I think my exgirl was scamming me via through the emfs. The world is a changing and the poor feel justified in ripping ordinary folk off because of thier rough upbringing. It sucks yet is something all of us on Chnlove must deal with. I might just completely stop using the emfs other than to talk to friends I already know. Too many doubts as of late. Also, I really don't need it like I did when I was in the states.
China Shark  Mike :mrgreen:
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Offline Hans

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2009, 05:13:46 pm »
Danny, this is really outrageous. I can understand how you feel right now. I would also like to know the name of the agency.

I have had some problems myself. I found out that the lady I have been corresponding with since November was also writing long love letters to another guy. We found out by accident when I was looking for tips about my trip to Changsha to visit my lady in June. Luckily, the other guy was great and we could talk about it and even show each other the letters she had written to us. She wrote long love letters to both of us and honestly I don't understand how she had the time since we both corresponded with her every two days or so.

Anyway, when we had made it clear she was the same girl I confronted her about this and she denied it all. The interpreter (who also was the interpreter between the lady and the other guy) wrote me a message saying it must have been some kind of misunderstanding and that maybe she had made a translation error. Of course she knew very well that our lady was cheating on us. It was not until I confronted the lady with bits of the love letters she had written to the other guy that she confessed. The interpreter never said anything after that and I finally decided to end the contact.

However, I posted a short comment about this on the Chnlove forum but it was never posted by the admin. I guess they didn't want anyone else to know what had happened because it could make the look bad. Instead I got a letter form Customer Care in which they expressed their great sympathy and wanted further information, which I gave them. I finally got a few credits and another pretty nice letter from them. It wasn't their fault, they can't guarantee that every single lady out there is honest. But I was very disappointed that the interpreter helped the lady to feed me with lies like that. The agency is the Changsha Love Bridge Company. I'm not saying the agency is bull altogether, but I promised myself I would at least let other guys know about it afterwards. I told Customer Care too and they wrote they would make a note about this. I think we should try to help each other if we can. If anyone wants the name of the lady, I can give it to you. She certainly has a way with words so if she could fool me and another guy, she can certainly fool you too.

After more than four months of making great plans for the future and feeling good about myself, I'm back on square one again. The problem is that I will, deep inside, question the honesty in all the words of love in letters I receive from now on. I can't imagine what is must feel like for you, Danny.

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2009, 02:34:27 am »
Quote from: "Ronan"
I'm amazed at the amount of people being asked to relocate to China, my over riding impression was that it was for ladies that wanted the western lifestyle or were out of the market in China due to divorce or age?

Ronan, I was pretty surprised about that too. The last three women I've started to write to through chnlove have all asked quite early on in the correspondence whether I was prepared to come and live in their city. I don't like to lie and cheat people, so for all three I said that if I found the woman of my dreams I would consider it, but at this point in the relationship (the first few emf mails) I wasn't in a position to make such a big commitment when I hardly knew them.