Author Topic: Rotten chnlove agencies  (Read 33164 times)

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Offline Danny

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2009, 02:45:44 am »
Quote from: "Bruce"
I think i am being scammed with a agency from Zhuhai.I send emf's asking certain questions to this lady but i feel i am getting the umm harlem shuffle but i keep getting letters back saying she wants to know more about me but i hardly get anything about her and yes this is a one that has been mentioned above i believe it is the hand in hand matchmaking in Zhuhai P368 so it seems that maybe i have been taken but is there any other way of knowing for sure that i am talking to the lady.I also send a emf to her early last night telling her i had no credits left and  i was going to fix in the morning but i had 1 and this morning u get a emf from her :/ now i am not sure if i want to put credits back :oops:

I used this agency for about six months, almost on a daily basis, and had no problem with it at all. I was in a position to know whether or not they were up to any funny business because I was talking directly to my then woman on the telephone at the same time. I was really happy with the service I received. They seemed to always act fairly between the two of us and when we were going through some rocky times, they did their best to patch things up.

Offline Danny

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2009, 02:47:29 am »
Quote from: "Vince G"
Open a new topic listing the agencies that are good and bad for all to see and be aware of. I'll find a spot to put it. Yeah, I'm big on lists.  :D My family use to make fun of me for having so much paperwork saved. Now I make a living at it and they call me for advice. The paperwork has been reduced to computer files instead.  :o

Maybe we have Shark visit the scamming agencies and break heads?  :D   8-) Oh yeah, New York style.  :shock:

Vince, this is what I was suggesting, but I thought you just said to start up another post. Maybe you could write the first one, and then we'll just follow along with whatever you have in mind for this.

Offline Nick L

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2009, 10:04:51 am »
Add P512, Yibang Rose to the list

Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2009, 10:44:48 am »
Guys now we are starting to make a difference. I'm afraid this scamming thing is a lot more widespread on Chnlove than we like to believe. After I recieved the 10 credits back my admirer letters stopped almost the same time. I think there are quite of few people working this angle. At this point I don't have to use Chnlove yet am sad to see that there is so much deception even on a reputable site. Also, I'm not discounting all of any of the real sincere ones looking for thier half. The way I see it quite a few people are in on this and possibly personel from Chnlove are very chummy with the translators. The fact remains I was marked on the proverbial blacklist to lay off if any intentions of trying to play me. So somebody informed the appropiate parties to back off for good. I'm glad I know the truth and I can help bring to light some of this nonsense. The nice thing that will come out of it for me is that I don't have to worry as much or be so paranoid about deception from the majority of them here. All in all I think Chnlove is amazing yet now I'm starting to realize where there is money to be made people will lie cheat and steal and justify in the name of westerners have too much money anyway. Keep posting on this thread so we can stop other members of the brotherhood from getting burned. What I surmise is the usual mo is that girls usually 20 years junior seem to play it more than the others. It is tough to call because of the east's view on age gap differences. As soon as O think of new stuff I'll post back again. Eyes and ears open wide because some of them are just plain no good out there.
China Shark  Mike :mrgreen:
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Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #34 on: April 19, 2009, 12:52:37 am »
Danny, Thanks for posting the good reference info on Zhuhai P368. I just received an extremely warm response from an angel through that agency and I immediately came to this thread to see is there was any dirt on them. Not that I don'y have a pretty strong profile, but I would assume this girl has had hundreds of admirers. With your positive response to Danny's question about Zhuhai P368, I'll go ahead and see what develops. As I'm sure some of you have thought on occasion, what's this seemingly perfect China doll doing talking to me?
As for Geordie's suggestion above - that might not be a bad idea. But before I submit her ID to the masses, let me exchange a few letters with her.
Tampa Mike

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #35 on: April 19, 2009, 01:08:07 am »
I don't want to waste credits on a scam, after reading some of the horror stories here. If I've missed post concerning a question like this, sorry for being redundant -I think I've read just about every post here, as well as on the old facebook site (I'm the Mike that was ribbed for once having 185 favorites listed  :?  - I kinda went dark on that site when there was a lot of animosity being expressed there, but I'm glad to be here and appreciate all of the good info shared by this brotherhood.) In reference to the letter mentioned above, that made me wonder if the gorgeous woman who wrote to me was from a scamming agency, is it possible, or bad form, to write an emf to the translator to ask if everything is legit in regard to a woman accepting new suiters? I mean I would do it tactfully, as I know their fiduciary obligation is to the woman and they want to make money on the EMF's, but would a sincere letter to the translator be a bad, or useless move? What do you guys think?


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2009, 02:01:36 am »
Hi Mike , so you narrowed it down to one now ? Hehehe . I think it's not a bad idea , to get to know the Translator your dealing with personally , by either Phone or E-mail . The three Women I'm in contact with ( Wife , two Sister's ) I know two of the translator's personally , talk to one ( me and my Wife do ) on a regular bases on the phone and the other by E-mail . When they send you pictures of their Vacation's , I think their are legit people and are not trying to scam you , since I still use EMF's to both my Sister's ( Baoding /Kunming ) . I think that you should do that and build up the confidence between you and him and your Lady being real at all times .

Offline Danny

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2009, 03:46:17 am »
Quote from: "Mike Moore"
Danny, Thanks for posting the good reference info on Zhuhai P368. I just received an extremely warm response from an angel through that agency and I immediately came to this thread to see is there was any dirt on them. Not that I don'y have a pretty strong profile, but I would assume this girl has had hundreds of admirers. With your positive response to Danny's question about Zhuhai P368, I'll go ahead and see what develops. As I'm sure some of you have thought on occasion, what's this seemingly perfect China doll doing talking to me?

Mike, it's difficult to tell isn't it? Some of the most gorgeous girls seem to refresh their profiles just constantly. You just have to wonder what's going on there. Maybe you'll get lucky!

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2009, 03:57:36 am »
Arnold, I sent a letter, and added a P.S. to the translator saying thanks for the assistance and asking if there was anything I could do to make my letters more easily translated (I tend to ramble sometimes.) I also asked for any advice on how I could better respond to the woman I want to meet. I don't expect to get any such advice, and really don;t need it that much. I just wanted to open a line of communication with the person who is going to be between this gal and I for a while.

Danny, as for maybe getting lucky with her, if this pans out, that would be an understatement. She has the qualities I am looking, and then some. That's what makes me suspicious. The relationship gods have crapped on me all my life. Why would they suddenly let me win the lottery?  :D


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2009, 06:43:18 am »
Geordie ... Thought about your "Cupid Note" test before. However, even if a Brotha did send a "CN", the translator/agency may reply back with a form letter without the lady knowing ... then you may think that your lady is "cheating" on you. So, it solves nothing !!!  Ronan has the best idea. We should have a published list of our respective ladies with their Profile # ... but only with the last 4-digits ... i.e. P**8568. Then if any two Brothas have the identical last 4-digits, they can chat privately to see if the first two numbers match.

Mike Moore ... Maybe the lady thinks by kissing your frog pic, you'll turn into a "Prince"   :mrgreen:  Seriously, Mike ... you have to use all the lessons learnt from Brothas on these forums, to determine if that lady is legit.

Offline Hans

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2009, 08:15:50 am »
I think it's great we can share information like this, maybe we can prevent some of us from being cheated on or fooled. It certainly can't hurt. Maybe we should even have a special part of the forum dedicated to these issues...? The scam and cheat part.

When I caught my lady cheating (it's OK if she has contact with several men in the beginning, but not after we have decided to meet and live in the same apartment together for several weeks) she was obviously shocked. She had absolutely no idea that we men have the opportunity to communcate like this. I told her about it and exaggerated a bit when I said that we men talk to each other to help out and that we would always find out about a cheater sooner or later. I don't think she will make the same mistake again - or maybe she's just a hopeless and immature type who will never learn.

Anyway, the suggestion to publish the last four digits is a great idea! We are all putting a lot of time, money and emotion into our search, all we can do to minimize the risk of being cheated on or fooled, is worth doing. Just my two cents...


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2009, 12:46:39 pm »
Geordie ... Partially true. The translator will know if a relationship is moving along or not. In the meantime, they have to consider all potential male candidates; thus, the "Form Letters" at the beginning. As some guys have mentioned, their translator wrote tens of letters BEFORE their lady got notification that he was interested in her. For example, the agency will pick the 5 best men out of 10 and present them to the lady to choose. In another case, the lady didn't know the man existed till he arrived in China ( after an exchange of 60 EMFs ).  Also if the lady is corresponding through private email and no longer using the agency's EMFs, they may use her profile to send out "Admirer Letters". The scam agencies won't hesitate to write you 10 EMFs and then, all of a sudden, the lady's not interested. It's early in the relationship so you won't be heartbroken, but meanwhile, they soaked you for $ 100. Multiply that by how many men ???

Bear in mind that I'm painting a worst case scenario here  :evil: in reply to this particular thread. There are good honest agencies out there.

Offline Chris

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2009, 01:35:33 pm »
It sounds like we need to add a category to the forums and make a separate topic for each agency as problems come to light.
And when I get excited my little China girl says, "Oh baby just you shut your mouth."

Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2009, 02:05:34 pm »
Hell, we could open up a whole new forum discussing these lowlifes.
China Shark Mike :mrgreen:
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2009, 08:23:16 pm »
Chong, Funny you mention the frog pic, because I sent it to her today, among other pics, asking if her kiss could turn me, this smiling frog, into her Prince Charming. Yeah, I'm pretty corny. I have to tell the group here that I received another beautiful letter earlier today from her, including some photos of her painting some absolutely beautiful drawings. She states she will only correspond with me and is serious about this contact and certainly not a fake. I am feeling like I hit the lottery here.  Even my 29 year old daughter agrees that this woman is stunningly beautiful inside and out.
Also, Chong, this contact here is a result of my keeping my profile closed, as you suggested, and sending cupid notes to only three top-flight women. I got responses from all three, but only have eyes for this one. In for a penny, in for a pound with this one only. I'll take it as slow as I can, but I am feeling pretty good here for the first time in quite a while.
Tampa Mike