Author Topic: Rotten chnlove agencies  (Read 33171 times)

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Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #60 on: April 22, 2009, 01:56:50 am »
Here are three scumbags not to be trusted:
GZB272380    Jing Pei
P558388    Kelly  Wu
P518512    Yi Jun Cao

These were all found out in the last month. Are not real and if are total scammers. As soon as I mentioned red flags they lost all interest. After Chnlove refunded credits all of my 2-3 admirer letters that I usually recieved a day stopped completely. I am now convinced that people within Chnlove are directly involved and hence the reason being blacklisted. It's all good because I am not responding to admirer letters anymore even if they seem legitimate. I am not leaving myself open anymore from this type of fraudulent behavior. It isn't too bad because I live here yet want to help the others avoid the pitfalls I have encountered.
China Shark  Mike :mrgreen:
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2009, 02:10:15 am »
Oh no , not Jing Pei ? My favored Girl , how could you ? Bitch !!!

Thanks Michael for the inside's . All our look-out's are saving many guy's here in the brotherhood big buck's . Not that it save me any now , but all of you digging up all those Scambag's , deserve to be recognized for what their doing , Great Job !


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #62 on: April 22, 2009, 06:27:26 am »
Hi all,

Hey ChinaShark terrific job!!! Perhaps they will care more if cash starts to stop coming in. But also, there will always be a newbie...I think sharing this information is the best way to protect ourselves. I thank God that I found this site. Lately I am focusing in twenty-late- thirty-something divorced girls. I am not interested in virgos worth a Mercedes :mrgreen: . This way I have had a couple of nice, well-thought, long responses. I am also underrating my earnings to avoid millionaire seekers. It breaks my heart when I read the forums on chnlove, there are so many good people there being clearly scammed. I hope all of them find this forum. and yes, letĀ“s make a "black list". We are being ripped off our money and what is worst, our deepest hopes, so it is just right to defend ourselves. God bless you


Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #63 on: April 22, 2009, 06:59:44 am »
One more thing to add before I forget. Even if you get the direct email doesn't necessarily mean she or they are on the up and up. Jing was so clever she gave it up right away thinking that would hook me thinking it was legit. First thing I did was send a direct response and low and behold excuses starting coming in after a lame half ass attempt at a real email stating I'm on a business trip in Beijing and hardly have access to a computer but maybe when I get back to Shenzhen I could. She was laying groundwork in case she was overloaded with to many letters to respond back to. I will dig back through my old emfs when I first started this 6 months ago and furnish you guys with more people to stay away from. We are hurting these lowlifes now. The more info we share on this thread the less chance these parasites have of burning newbies just getting thier feet wet. After 6 months in this thing I've become obssessed and am finally starting to learn the sad truth about a lot of the treachery that goes on in the name of the almighty dollar. I do not really care so much about the money as being betrayed and decieved by woman pretending to care about me. It is the principle that these dirtballs lack, complete disreguard for human dignity. Keep it up guys and we'll take out the majority of the trash for good. They want to play games yet we got game also. Feels good turning the tables on scum like this. Righteous indignation will stomp a mudhole in these varmits.
China Shark Mike :mrgreen:
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline China Shark

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #64 on: April 22, 2009, 08:29:29 am »
Here's three more names to the garbage heap. Some of these date back 5 months yet they are all in the game or just plain scamming for fees. There were a few others yet don't feel right until completely sure. These ones are lifetime penpals nothing more.

Elaine Yu   P518474 has been on Chnlove for 4 and a half years, real scum this one, had to block her because she would send paragraph emfs telling me how busy she was and not even send pix promised, greedy lowlife.

Ping Wang     GZB678057       this one was a major player prior to me getting her thrown off Chnlove altogether. Goes into telling me that she is getting back together with her husband for the sake of her son yet does not pull her profile from Chnlove. Well I helped her get herself removed because if she wasn't looking why is she on the site in the first place.

May Yang   P678057       real game player and not for real. Threw up some red flags and called her to the carpet so she decides we aren't right for one another. Pretty sure she was working quite a few guys because letter 2 or 3 she states maybe we not be good face to face. Hedging her bets or anticipating the not interested angle early on in the game. No good through and through.

Take these for what you will but don't discount the facts that I've presented. I'm done being upset with these agencies and thier lowlife tactics. It is now up to us to stop them dead in thier tracks.

China Shark Mike :mrgreen:
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Hans

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #65 on: April 22, 2009, 08:32:54 am »
Quote from: "China Shark"
I do not really care so much about the money as being betrayed and decieved by woman pretending to care about me. It is the principle that these dirtballs lack, complete disreguard for human dignity. Keep it up guys and we'll take out the majority of the trash for good. They want to play games yet we got game also. Feels good turning the tables on scum like this. Righteous indignation will stomp a mudhole in these varmits.
China Shark Mike :mrgreen:

This is so true. I don't really care about the money either (although I am far, far from rich), it's the feeling of being played with that hurts. They don't care about our feelings. Problem is, some of the guys here have apparently suffered severely from scam bitches. How can you ever trust an online woman again? How can you ever trust that her words of love are true? Is there anything easier than to write "I love you" sitting in front of a computer? I have just started to communcate with another woman and, right or wrong, I brought up the honesty part right away. It didn't scare her away, luckily, but even if it had I don't see any other way than to address the issue very early. On the other hand I did that with Wen Ping too and that didn't help much...Maybe we should have a new saying: "Honest guys finish last"...

It's a blessing this board exists now and that we have the opportunity to help out and encourage each other. I will not post anything on the Chnlove forum again, it's pointless. Let's stick to this board instead.

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #66 on: April 22, 2009, 12:59:11 pm »
My letter toChnlove customer service ( I am still waiting for the response their Intendance Dept.):

In many ways the service you provide through your website is far superior to similar matching websites. I hope that through your service I will fulfill my goal of finding a wife. However, if I do not receive confirmation from you today that I have indeed been corresponding to the woman in profile  P368__, I demand a refund for the 5 credits wasted in writing to the translator/agency at #P368 Hand in Hand Matchmaking Agency in Zhuhai. In the future, when attempting to open a dialog with a woman through your service, I will understand that I am speaking to a translator, and will compose my letters accordingly. I will state my case to the translator and, after that initial EMF, or two (which should be free), I will require confirmation that I have been deemed worthy to write to the woman with whom I hope to correspond. I will expect that, upon notification from the translator that I may contact the woman in question. I can receive her personal contact information and be free to open my heart and, through those letters, develop a lasting bond with the woman. That's how this should work. Less fear that a man is being scammed.

To understand that I had poured my heart out to a male translator is humiliating!!! You must understand that many, if not most, of the men who use your service have experienced bad relationships. Taking the step to find a wife in this way requires a level of trust and openness that is uncomfortable for many men. But we are willing to open ourselves to the potential rewards or losses. The cost of EMF credits is minor, when compared to the cost of baring one?s soul to a stranger. Your associated agencies appear unconcerned with the emotional toll they take from your male customers.

I understand that a woman receives many letters from admirers when they list their profile. I understand that their lives are busy with work and family-related duties. I understand that an agency may act in her best interest to weed out unsuitable men, so that the woman is not forced to spend countless hours sifting through letters from potential candidates.

That being said, you should clarify the situation on your website. Here's how it should work: State that the Cupid note is delivered to the agency (not the lady). The agency can then request further information from the man, to gauge his suitability to correspond with the woman. If found suitable they should notify Chnlove, who should then contact the lady to verify that she is ready to correspond with the man. The man should then be notified that he may begin the EMF process with his chosen woman. The woman?s personal information should be provided, to increase the man?s comfort level. The initial correspondences to translators/agencies should be free, as the Cupid Notes are now.
You should be trusted to balance the emotional cost with the financial cost paid by gentlemen who use the service.

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #67 on: April 22, 2009, 01:11:49 pm »
Shark, I envy your ability to be on the ground in China and meet women through daily interaction, rather than through the internet. I hope to be able to spend significant time there in the future, if some business dealings pan out. Small chance, but I'm fighting to succeed. Everyone who is searching here knows there is a woman for him in China. The tricky part is finding her without wasting an inordinate amount of time, money and  heartache in the process.

Offline Danny

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #68 on: April 23, 2009, 08:37:40 am »
Quote from: "MiguelfromSpain"
How bad is all this...

we must have a lot of respect for them, be careful not to hurt their feelings or their delicate hearts, different culture bla bla bla...but nobody cares a s**t how we feel when we discover that the sweet words are just the translatorĀ“s,( this is what really infuriates me most), that we are expected to pay an enormous amount of money for the girl to their parents, a wedding ring worth of an Audi, a wedding for 200 people and sustain the family in China on a monthly basis...
I am quite trapped for a girl I am writing to who says she is studying in France, now please is anybody else contacting her? Better know early than late for sure...Best  wishes for you all and thanks for this site,


Miguel, I know what you're saying.

After all the scams I've experienced and other guys have experienced, I just feel really cold about chnlove.

I have been writing to someone who seems like a good person. But my heart has gone really cold towards her.

In my head I know it's not her fault that some of the agencies are complete bastards, but it's hard to change what you feel, that you don't trust the letters you receive.

Eventually I will know one way or the other that she's either there or not. For example, one day she will offer me her mobile phone number, or a direct email address.

I haven't asked for this because to be frank, asking for it suggests that I want to take the relationship further, and at the moment, I'm happy to let it drift along.

I keep wanting to tell her to find someone else, but she tells me I matter to her. Before I was scammed, I would have found this touching, but now, I just wonder whether it's for real.

I've tried to treat her as well as I can, but it's hard to get excited about a relationship when you're not really sure one way or the other if you're writing to an angel, or some hairy backed fellow working at the agency *laughs*

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #69 on: April 23, 2009, 08:55:21 am »
Danny, I think if you read the recent posts here, you might have a different take on things -

We have all fallen into a trap of doubt here lately. Read the letter I received today, especially her paragraph concerning my needing to erase doubts. There is hope here, Bro!


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #70 on: April 23, 2009, 09:01:52 am »
Well guys ...

1) If you don't participate, you'll never know if there was an opportunity or not.

2) It's a numbers process to weed out the dishonest to find a honest lady.

3) Ironic that most of the dishonest lady's profiles are no longer on ChnLove since we out them in public.

4) Because of this forum, eventually, with the amount of Brothas in China ... there'll be many personal referrals to finding a lady for others. i.e. friends or family members of our ladies.

and .......

5) There's a business opportunity for us Brothas and our Chinese wives to establish a Marriage Agency in China. Imagine this scenario ... we have a Central Office and then each Brotha & Sista have their own local office in their respective cities.  With our experience, knowledge and honesty .... many foreign men & local Chinese women will trust us to match-make !!!!!!


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #71 on: April 23, 2009, 09:24:39 am »
No !!!   We have no business interfering with their agency. They wouldn't want us to see their inside secrets anyways.

I was thinking more of a "FUTURE" business opportunity for us guys who want to live in China.

To REALLY help out foreign men & local Chinese women, we have to do it properly OURSELVES. The lady in Shenyang that I visited find her agency through a newspaper ad. She even suggested starting an agency because of the potential. With the amount of computer knowledge among us Brothas, it wouldn't be difficult to start an internet match-making business in China. We have to have a scenario where our ladies deal with the local women ( ie. interviews, EMF translators, photo shoots, English lessons etc etc ...) and us guys deal with the foreign men ( i.e. organizing trips, gifts, visas, marriage documents etc etc ... )


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #72 on: April 23, 2009, 09:30:08 am »
can i invest in this new china match making company

anyways was the bad apple GZB all of them or just the one i got a cupid note from a GZB271

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #73 on: April 23, 2009, 09:36:11 am »
Chong, I spent a good bit of time yesterday thinking about this very thing. Taking all the gripes and reasons guys distrust the Chnlove process, how could we address those concerns and create an improvement on the Chnlove model - improved from a trust standpoint. I posted a letter that I sent to Chnlove customer care that had some good and some whacked ideas in this regard, but I realized that, while if it was some of us on the China end making sure to the best of our ability that the women do not abuse trust, as much diligence should be made of the men that are allowed to make connections. I'm sure some, but not all, of the dying lines of communication (her response letters get shorter) we read about here are due to the fact that the woman begins to doubt the relationship will actually progress from the internet communication stage. Some of these women have been online for years and spent many hours on failed meetings. Every new contact goes through the same online acquaintanceship process, but ends with no payoff - I'd get worn out too! If we could shore up the China end, and do some due diligence on the western end, I think we'd have a thriving biz. Just my thoughts.

Vince, Given the note I got from my translator today, and the care I received from the agency, I think they would be more open to the idea than you might imagine. I think there are many legitimate agencies that wish they could get out from under the cloud of suspician, and this might allow them to prove their worth.


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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #74 on: April 23, 2009, 09:41:07 am »
each time i read a post of yours about the hand in hand agency there i feel a little better that maybe i am not getting messed with