Author Topic: Rotten chnlove agencies  (Read 33173 times)

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #90 on: May 07, 2009, 12:01:07 pm »
i didn't know where to put this so i guess this is a good as place as any i do not believe it

Freom customer Care

We welcome our gentlemen clients to rate and comment the work of the local agencies. For those agencies who are reported for not doing a satisfactory job, we will carry out further investigation and find out the situation at the soonest. We are very grateful that you could share your thoughts and comments with us.

 Meanwhile, we earnestly hope that you could be with us as a supervisor, valuator and impeller of the agencies' quality service in Chnlove.

We believe your involvement and support is always the wealth that nothing can compare with, and your feedback will be the impetus to push Chnlove's and the agencies' services to a higher level. :-)

he he i should ask how much they pay

Offline Gautam

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #91 on: May 07, 2009, 12:17:12 pm »
beat you to it I checked and this is "china speak" for I hope you will rate the service. So they pay nothing.

I am glad to see someone else complained as well and got the same reply - it is a masterpiece and I wonder how long it took them to come up with that one

Offline froseman

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Re: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #92 on: May 07, 2009, 07:36:51 pm »
I also suspect that Changsha Love Bridge Company is just about making money.  I traveled to Changsha in 2008.  The Agency owner claim that he needed money to give to the lady's parents to prove sincerity.  I can provide the lady's info.


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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #93 on: May 24, 2009, 07:37:25 pm »
Well i caught a agency being liars to me and totally just got back all 24 credits used to talk with her and received from her

Her profile on chnlove was nice but i found her on another site and what a difference from what they were showing i also believe it was a total setup by the agency.this was in P356 agency the lady is P356076

also in another agency i found this lady P2031699 where she actually sent me 2 yes 2 cupid notes but i like this lady even though she was not what was in the profiles her pictures that is.I think they must really hire a bunch of photoshop people to do work like this.
I now contact this lady in private with no contact from chnlove and i will be going to china next summer after i finish a few things here.

so those agencys might be bad ones be carefull

Uncle Bruce
My 2 cents  ????

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #94 on: May 25, 2009, 01:58:54 am »
Good work Bruce exposing these lowlifes.
China Shark Mike
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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #95 on: May 25, 2009, 05:07:00 am »
I was wondering whether or not it is possible to make the list of doggy/dishonest agencies and girls a searchable format, so members can type agency/girl profile number in for a quick checkout. As the list of both girls and agencies grows, it may become tedious to check a suspect against our list in the future. Just an idea!


Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #96 on: May 25, 2009, 06:04:44 am »
Just joined this particular site.  My lady and I stopped going through chnlove emf service some time ago and speak every day on telephone for an hour or so.   We also send info by cell phone text.  A fellow subscriber tells me that he has received a admirers note from my lady and he has sent her an EMF in reply.  She tells me she has not sent the admirers note nor received a reply.  

I have asked him to tell me is he receives a 'reply' from her.    She tells me she has not written to anyone since I came on the scene

I am aware that my first few letters sent to my lady were not received or answered by her as the letters were roughly the same as I received from 'other prospects' and when I wrote and EMF about this the style of the letters started to change and it seems that this was the first she actually received.

The agency was P368 Hand In Hand

I will be in Zhuhai at end of June and will be returning to UK to London  in August.  If you want me to check anyone out at the actual agency let me know.   I will have the daytime free for 6 weeks whilst my lady is working.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Frans B

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #97 on: May 25, 2009, 07:42:16 am »
Danny, sorry to hear the lady's adventure and your involvement.
With all the photos and letters in the agency’s computer system it is very tempting to pull this scam and takes a person with strong morals not to attempt it, $10 roundtrip for a couple minutes work.
Understand the setup, ChnLove is the head of the beast that pulls together independent agencies all over China and standardize the operation. Its like an big family scattered all over hells half acre, you may have control over them, but never will you be able to control them to the full hundred percent. ChnLove tries and I give them credit for their trying. Any shenanigans pulled is not ChnLove it is the individual agency all of whom are independent operators. Sure they can be kicked out the ChnLove setup, back were they were before joining, still have the business.
The fees (50-60,000 Yuan) (US$2,000) they are charged and you thought it was all free for the ladies heh?
Another interesting item, no action on the account for weeks, buy some credits showing credits in the account and all of a sudden you get contact EMFs. Smells sour. Get contact EMF from a lady and all of a sudden more contact EMF out the same agency appear. What happen were they asleep before the first lady send her EMF? Any thinking person’s mind now goes further, is the first EMF legit? It is like with everything now in the 21st century capitalist run world, rip-offs are so brazen they know they are the ones having their hands on the controls.
Keep your eye on the ball, it is your money.
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It is worth any inconvenience, any hardship.” -Andre Vltchek

Offline China Shark

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #98 on: May 25, 2009, 10:19:48 am »
Guys I ran across another scamming agency. Zhongshan TianMimi Information and Consultation Co. Ltd. Woman's name is Melissa Liu P788128 totally bogus profile or flat out scum scammer. Still looking so I'm shooting out cupids to control the nonsense. I get an immediate reply back the next stating that she sees in my profile I'm Australia and proceeds to ask me things about Australia and the weather. Shark has clearly stated am living and teaching here in China but these nimrods are not even reading the profiles they are form lettering responses back from cupid notes. My guess is that we curbed quite a bit of the scamming by sharing our intel that these vermin are trying new variations on the same thing, fleece the westerners because of course we're rich. If you guys are wondering the last girl I met here on Friday and Saturday, think I'll pass and continue my quest. Hell at this rate I'll have to date a hundred Chinese women before I find the perfect, such is life. After getting this response to my cupid I was pretty damm mad and after work I sent an extremely harsh letter stating that all of us here are fed of with Chnlove's indifference to our plight. I don't trust Chnlove anymore, too many red flags anymore, what is real anymore is anybodies guess. They refunded me 10 credits, Bruce 24 credits and Danny some credits even that whackjob Geordie. If they are handing out money they must know what's going on and are using it as hush money. When I travel to Hong Kong I am going to pay a very unfriendly visit to the staff and answers better be forthcoming or there will be problems. I'm getting sick and tired of the games, enough is enough. Guys start trying to get direct contact, cut Chnlove and the agencies out of the picture as soon as possible. It can be done, I got the last girl's contact info on her first emf to me and met her the next two following days. There are software programs out there if she still needs time. If we start hurting thier bottom line they will have no choice but to start shooting straight. I really want to believe Chnlove has our best interest at heart yet I know this to be a falsehood. Our money matters nothing else. If that is all they understand so be it. It is the principle it isn't about $10 emfs. Hell, I don't need Chnlove yet I hate seeing you guys get victimized. Let's put an end to this nonsense for once and for all. Bombard Chnlove with complaints as often as possible and they'll start getting the message, as united front this scum doesn't stand a chance. I for one will not tolerate this garbage from petty thieves.
China Shark Mike
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Offline MLM

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #99 on: May 25, 2009, 11:41:33 am »
Mike my Lao Po was a little shy when we first met but she did meet me at the airport and we did hug and she did give me a quick kiss, then she looked around to see who had seen it, a friend of mine met his lady in Chengdu at the airport  and she also hugged and kissed him, they were married before he came home.
So, keep your eyes open and listen to what is said and then do as your heart tells you to :angel: :heart:, that is, if your head tells you it's ok first.:dodgy:
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 11:42:06 am by MLM »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #100 on: May 25, 2009, 12:51:39 pm »
It looks like P368 Hand in Hand is in the habit of making fraudulant introductions - The Toon has received replies from the lady I have been talking to for some time and we are meeting in 4 weeks. That is me and the lady and not me and Toon!

She is adament that she has not been in contact with anyone else and as I speak with her on the telephone twice a day and we talk for more than one hour a day then I am inclined to believe her.  Especially as Toon has sent me the copy of her first email and funny enough it is the exact same email that I received on my first contact.  Details on the message are well out of date now but the same email.

She was all for going to the agency to sort them out but I have told her to wait until June when I will be their for 6 weeks.

When I first contacted her I suspected the messages were not hers.  There was too much of a sameness when I received replies from other when I was cutting down my prospects from Four to the One I am visiting.

Now we do not use EMF we do all our talking by telephone every morning when she is getting ready for work and every night before she goes to bed - which is suprising as the first few requests for phone number was 'English only few words' had to be the office to get more EMF messages as we can talk for longer than an hour with the good english she has.

I will be in Zhuhai in for the whole of July so anyone who wants me to take up their cause with hand in hand when I visit them,  then let me know.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Uncle Brucie

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #101 on: May 25, 2009, 01:11:29 pm »

here's one i am not sure but it might be another agency scam ans she doesn't know what is going on


She had to go out of town and a real hard time with letters before short but somewhat sweet but i think agency is working this one too not her

oh yes here is another total scam she does not look anything like her profile
    Phoebe Ren - P356076
on AsianFriendFinder she is     retafai01

also the one i am talking to now in private no chnlove does not look anything like her photos on there P2031699 so here might be another agency that is playing

I have been doing some looking since i could not figure login mess out

Here's a new one why not post the ones on chnlove that we find on other sites

Uncle Bruce
can i get uncle brucie back i like it better
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 01:17:50 pm by Uncle Brucie »
My 2 cents  ????


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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #102 on: May 25, 2009, 06:01:52 pm »
I have been seriously scammed last month (will post full story shortly), wasting 5 months of writing to a (fake) profile and on arrival in China there was another girl to meet me (late evening), insisting she was the girl in the profile. Not being sure immediately, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but turned out she approached the agency only two days prior and never saw any of my messages or emails.

She paid RMB 10,000 (transacted in my hotel room) to this mob, just for meeting me.

Spent 24/7 with an imposter... LOL. May I say that I gave her value for money to the best of my ability... :D

The same has started to happen here with P368.

I have enough of this sh!t and have asked for a full refund of my credits purchase.


Dear Sir/Madam,

It has become plainly obvious that your members as well as your agencies cannot be trusted.

Your services are for a large part a serious scam.

In addition to having received fake admirer and EMF letters during my  membership, short follow-up messages (without substance) have been received when I did not reply to the lady immediately (like same day!). As the translators would be well aware, such message are also charged at the same rate.

Through forums I have learned that this practise is widespread among your agencies.

As an example, the following messages are fake:

P368IDBJIED (May 23)
Word for word the same message as sent to another member long time ago.

CIDADID (May 18)

Agency P368

I replied to both of these, unaware at the time that they are fake and obviously instigated by a translator from that agency.

I do not wish to be insulted and scammed.

On May 10 I purchased 30 credits, to the value of USD 135.00. Please provide a full refund forthwith.

Yours faithfully,
Toon Verplak.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #103 on: May 25, 2009, 08:03:25 pm »
I concur that the part that Toon refers to with P368 is correct.  They have fraudulantly sent him an introduction from my lady who I have been talking to for some time and they have also answered his reply in her name.   When I say the lady I am talking to I mean just that - we talk for more than an hour every day and have done so for some time and I really believe her when she says she has never heard of Toon and has not contacted by the agency apart from me for a long time.   The introduction letter sent to Toon was identical word for word to that which I I received from 'her' in my first replies.   So obviously my early letters to her were false as well - the difference is that I wrote to 'her' first in my case.  I know that the information in her introductory letter to myself and the later to Toon may have been correct two years ago but was no longer valid now.  

I was suspicious of the letters I was receiving back because at that time I was writing to several ladies and the letters were so similar.

But when I insisted that I receive a telephone number and natural photo I received both straight away and from then on our relationship blossom without going through CHNlove.  When we have important things and details to pass we have email that is far away from Hand in hand agency.  She has told me that she has not received my early letters and had marked it in her diary the day I first made contact with her.  Which was about the time I insisted I received the phone details so it looks as if it was not till then that they started passing my mesages to her.

Ladies with Hand in Hand always have an email address ?????? this is untraceable at whois but all of the ladies I wrote to have the same email so if you write to any email you will be writing to the agency.

I am going to Zhuhai in about three weeks and I will be visiting the agency. I will keep you posted of the results. I will be there for about 6 weeks this trip then returning there in the middle of August and staying until October so if you need anyone checked out whilst I am there then I will be free whilst my lady is at work.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Rotten chnlove agencies
« Reply #104 on: May 25, 2009, 10:03:40 pm »
Ladies with Hand in Hand always have an email address ?????? this is untraceable at whois but all of the ladies I wrote to have the same email so if you write to any email you will be writing to the agency.

Be careful with this are going to make people paranoid for no reason.  Right now, the ladies could be in China saying that we men must be a scam, because all of them (or a lot) have ??????

My wife has a, as does her brother.  This is a common email program in use in China.  I just wanted to clarify this.