Author Topic: Moving to China  (Read 9268 times)

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Paul Todd

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2009, 12:32:29 am »
 it was in a nice shinny packet that came straight from the supermarket, unfortunately there were no pictures of donkey's on the bag or any other way of warning me of the contents They were quite large pieces but I don't really think that helps in the case of donkey's!  I thought it was not too bad ,until someone joyfully pointed out what it was .


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2009, 06:21:39 am »
Talking of pictures on the packet.  On a television show over here about advertisements, I remember one being shown about some sort of product and is was showing a picture of a child on the front of the packet.  We were told that the people in this county (not sure which one) would not buy it, because they thought they were eating the child...:huh:

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2009, 09:38:17 am »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='19683' dateline='1255235549'

 it was in a nice shinny packet that came straight from the supermarket, unfortunately there were no pictures of donkey's on the bag or any other way of warning me of the contents They were quite large pieces but I don't really think that helps in the case of donkey's!  I thought it was not too bad ,until someone joyfully pointed out what it was .

Of course we get a similar advert here - shows nice meadow grass but never shows the product - because it would reduce the sales.  New Zealand lamb is the product.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2009, 10:28:54 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Well here is an update on my move to China to be with Zhen.  I have quit my job and apartment in Edmonton Alberta and loaded my furniture and effects onto a Uhaul truck and drove through the mountains towing my car behind me to my sister in BC.

We got everything unloaded with minimal damage thankfully and now I have some arrangements to make here then I am set.  I am still having issues with the teaching thing especially the degree versus diploma bit, however I received a message from one of the recruiting sites with a job offer in Nanong city Jianxsui.  The salary is not as good as previous but it does include accomodation and round trip airfair and is a one year deal.  I think if we can get the Z visa from this I will take it.  

For me it doesnt matter where in China we go as long as Zhen and I are together then we are happy.  She will of course come with me to which ever position I finally get so its all good.

So now its  a case of waiting the 6 days until its time to fly to Zhen and start the next chapter in my life.  Yes its a little scary giving up your entire life to fly around the world to live in a foreign land with different language and customs and culture, but with Zhen at my side I am sure we can make this work.

After we marry in Feb2010 we will start the long tedious visa process to bring Zhen to Canada and then decide where to live.  I have no specific preference,  China or Canada either is fine as long as we are together.  So I will keep you all updated on how things work out and maybe we can get more concrete details on what exactly you need to teach in China and how hard it is to get a position.


Zhen and Brian

Vince G

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2009, 11:03:56 am »
Best of Luck Brian. Your taking the steps for the better. I had woke this morning with "It's Time" hitting me in the face. I don't want to be here anymore. Work is crap and they find ways of not paying. They are tearing down two homes on each side of mine. They didn't mind at all spiking poles half way into my driveway and across my lawn (and mailbox). Putting up construction fencing. Then one figured he'd take my water hose reroute it to next door to use? until I ran out there and said I have to pay, so you have to pay me. I was met with a "quĂ©?"  WTF?  So anyone what to move to South Florida? I'm selling cheap.

So I'm a little envious right now. It's time to pull things together and get moving outta here.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 11:05:02 am by Vince G »


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2009, 11:22:23 am »
Yeah, good luck Brian. I am enjoying each trip to Asia more and more, so I guess I might move out here one day. I think home will be where my lady is. As long as I am with her I can live anywhere. Well maybe not her home province as the air is horrible in central China and I don't have the lungs for it :s.


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2009, 12:15:15 pm »
Quote from: 'Brian Mc' pid='20571' dateline='1255962534'


So now its  a case of waiting the 6 days until its time to fly to Zhen and start the next chapter in my life.  Yes its a little scary giving up your entire life to fly around the world to live in a foreign land with different language and customs and culture,

Hi mate
I will not be far behind you with my move Brian.  God luck brother...

I TOTALLY understand the emotions and feeling your suffering with at this time:huh:

But as many of the guys have said to me in Pm's THIS is for the best...YOUR life will change, very possibly for the better...

As for the situation with the teaching, the wages will get better, REMEMBER, there is a NETWORK there were your going..Once settled you can tehn look for a better position...

Take Care man, for now, I ENVY YOU

Your friend and Brother

Paul Todd

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #37 on: October 19, 2009, 10:48:13 pm »
HI Brian,

Not long now! Sounds like you have every thing ready for take off. Just think this time next week you will be in the arms of your sweetheart. You wrote "Yes its a little scary giving up your entire life to fly around the world to live in a foreign land with different language and customs and culture, but with Zhen at my side I am sure we can make this work." You missed out being a little crazy as well.:icon_cheesygrin:
From what I can make out, its all about networks here. A network will adopt you  and make all the introductions you require to find a good job. Not to help you, but to further there own networks aims and power base. The fact that you get loads of help really has nothing to do with you personally, only the network!  So don't mistake this for friendship often if you are introduced to someone they will say pointedly that you are my friend now, which means you are part of there network. This extends to goods and services too. For example if you require a 3G connection for your laptop one of your network will take care of it,again not only does this help you and make life a little smoother but benefits the network as well. I'm only just scratching the surface of it at the moment but several different people have made me quite temping offers so far, but until I have worked this  thing out I'm staying neutral or trying to anyway. Any one else with a view on this I would be very interested to hear.
For example, Yesterday we went down to the local police station to get a piece of paperwork I needed to give to the Immigration department to get my 6 month residency visa.  After we passed out cigarettes and sweets they were all very helpful and asked if I was going to teach English? I said cautiously that I might, thinking I do not have a Z visa and they know it. When to my surprise they offered me a job teaching the police English. Now what do you say to the police, Errr no thanks. I don't think so! I told them I had just got married and that we were off on honeymoon as soon as my visa was in order and that on my return I would come and see them. The rate of pay was 5000 per month for a couple of days a week. So offers of work come from the strangest of places.
One other thing I found out that may help, is that you Z visa is valid for one month if you leave a job.This gives you time to find another after which your Z visa remains valid for the rest of the year. So no problems about switching positions.

If your ever around Baoding with your lovely lady Brian drop in and maybe stay for a couple of days!  We have a spare room so no problems! That goes for you too Vince so get yourself sorted out my friend!:icon_biggrin:

Best of luck with your move,
Ming Zhi,Paul
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 10:49:46 pm by Paul Todd »


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #38 on: October 19, 2009, 11:04:47 pm » giving my room away....hahahahaha:@:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2009, 01:41:04 am »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='20611' dateline='1256006893'

If your ever around Baoding with your lovely lady Brian drop in and maybe stay for a couple of days!  We have a spare room so no problems! That goes for you too Vince so get yourself sorted out my friend!:icon_biggrin:

Best of luck with your move,
Ming Zhi,Paul

My Hat off to you Paul and Ming Zhi .
I could not get this from SOME of my Family Member's ... an offer like that . As my House would be open for Vince also , if his Journey to China would take him through Calif. .

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #40 on: October 25, 2009, 03:24:56 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Well the time has arrived at last.  I will be boarding the plane to china to be with my lady Zhen and start my new life in China in less than 9 hours.

I have quit my job,  given up my apartment moved all my furniture and effects to my sister in BC and have all my affairs in order.  Zhen will meet me in Beijing and we begin our new life together.

We will spend a couple of days in Beijing going to the zoo and the sea floor exibit and then its off to Handan.  At this point I am still trying to nail down a teaching position although a couple of headhunting companies are in conact with me regularly, so I am sure it is only a matter of time.

Zhen and I are planning to marry on Feb14 2010 and then perhaps apply for her visa to Canada.  While we would prefer to move to Canada we have to wait for her/our son to finish high school in China first so hopefully the visa will come easier since we will have been married for at least two years and lived in china together the whole time.  However if the Canadian bureaucratic BS doesnt agree then we shall live in China.  Either way is fine with us as long as we are together.

I will of course try to keep every one posted as to how we make out and what problems and issues we encounter along the way.  We both feel that as long as we are together we can work through it all so we are confident this is the right path for us.

So I may be out of touch for a short while but I will post when I can.  Good luck to all of you in your quest for the love of your life in China.  I have found my Zhen and we both could not be any happier.


Zhen and Brian