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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2009, 12:01:53 pm »
I was afraid, for a moment, that you had fallen for the university girl artist scam where they make you buy art for well over it was worth. Glad that was not the case. There are warnings all over the Internet about those.


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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2009, 12:17:07 pm »
Thanks Irish , your story takes me right back on the spot , where I had just been a few month's ago . Remember my Friend's phone number 13520066523 ( Jonvey ) if you need a Tour Guide . Mention my Name and you'll receive a Discount or else ? Also , remember the Simatai Great Wall is better than the Bataling one . Not so many People and super view's from above .

Keep the good news coming .

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2009, 12:36:14 pm »
Forget about westerners ladies, Irish', most of them are jealous, go and tell one of them who would be your girlfriend/wife that you saw another lady, you invited her to eat anywhere with you, you spent many hours with her and so on...
For sure, if she has not left you in the 5 following minutes, maybe is it because she's already dead...  :D
Anyway, you had a pleasant day in Beijing and that's good to see that some nice people can help you and "offer" their services.
Once again, I can admit that even in France, I'm not so sure we could find anyone like that chinese lady to offer any help and so on so "easily".

I hope you'll go on with your trip, to write us many stories about it and that all'd fine for you & Ling ;)
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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2009, 12:39:16 pm »
Quote from: 'feisnik' pid='11822' dateline='1249833713'

I was afraid, for a moment, that you had fallen for the university girl artist scam where they make you buy art for well over it was worth. Glad that was not the case. There are warnings all over the Internet about those.

I guess all successful scams are based on things that could be true. In this case the art was in a premium location, literally in one of the buildings of the Forbidden city with no access to the public. It would have been a damn elaborate scam to pull off there. By the way the artwork was for sale - at totally unreasonable low prices for what it is, I have no room for it in my bags and told them that, but it didnt curb their enthusiasm for showing me their pieces.
It was clearly not for the public though and I was lucky to see it. Photography was not allowed, which I wish it was as the pieces where so nice. When I showed appreciation for one of the girls worked she brought a bunch of canvases to show me other stuff she had done that was good stuff but obviously her best was on display she was pleased at my polite comments.
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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2009, 12:42:51 pm »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='11825' dateline='1249834627'

Thanks Irish , your story takes me right back on the spot , where I had just been a few month's ago . Remember my Friend's phone number 13520066523 ( Jonvey ) if you need a Tour Guide . Mention my Name and you'll receive a Discount or else ? Also , remember the Simatai Great Wall is better than the Bataling one . Not so many People and super view's from above .

Keep the good news coming .

Thanks Arnold, we did the dreaded Bataling tourist hell that is that part of the great wall today...more on that later :D No views at this time of year, the sky is white all the time, and its either raining or just about to rain!
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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2009, 01:18:51 pm »
Irish ... glad to read your nice & funny stories. Have a great visit with Sarge & Have a great time with Ling in Malaysia ... BTW, Malay food tends to be "Hot" also ... order with caution, hehe

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2009, 01:40:19 pm »
Weekend In Beijing

So I awoke on Saturaday with a bot of a sore head, yes I did revisit the delightful "Snow Beer" place last night as Ling was working.
So go up early got up showered, brushed teeth, packed bags etc only for Ling to IM that she was running late..a recurring theme - in furture I will tell Ling we have appointments one hour before we really do and smile as the inevitable delays add up haha...

So she arrived , gave me a big hug which made me feel great of course and asked had I had breakfast yet. i hadn't so that was most important matter No 1 We walked to a local restaurant in the baking heat, me pumping sweat out like an oil pump pumps out oil in Texas or some other hot place. I had a beer with breakfast and explained to Ling it was really brunch by now so it was ok, her dictionary didn't have brunch but she didnt mind, it was only one, but it was cool  and sweet in the sweltering heat i have to admit.
After that we caught a cab to the train and took a couple of snaps of each other in front of the bullet train wand were on our way.

Ling figured out where the taxi place was of course (i blame the signposting!) and we got a taxi to our hotel.
The hotel was nice and clean but she had gotten a "good" price for a reason - the beds (yes two beds, Ling wont share one until she knows I am the man she will marry -"it makes no sense otherwise").The room was basically two beds a TV and a small partition to the toiled and shower and mirrors in case you missed anything from anywhere.
Also that night when i tried to sleep in my bed, though the linen was clean the bed smelled of cigarettes which grossed me out as a non smoker.

After that we went to the Olympic Stadium and checked out the Aquatic Centre and the Football stadium. They also have a lake there that has waterworks displays to classical music, which was pretty cool. Just before the entrance to the Underground there is a cooling steam place which was nice after a day of ~ 35C'ish heat.
After that we got the underground back to the city and went to a nice restaurant there and the food was simply amazing taste wise, didn't look like much and there was no foreigners in there, but OMG the food was just great!!
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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2009, 01:55:12 pm »
Quote from: 'Chong' pid='11834' dateline='1249838331'

Irish ... glad to read your nice & funny stories. Have a great visit with Sarge & Have a great time with Ling in Malaysia ... BTW, Malay food tends to be "Hot" also ... order with caution, hehe

We had fugging hotpot dinner tonight. Ling has been surprised at my capacity to enjoy the spicy food so i think she tested that tonight. I love the spicy stuff but jebus, there are fugging limits hahah
My eyes watered, my nose dribbled, I will have a ring of fire the next time i crap but goddamn..what a great dinner!! haah
Ling said she felt warm inside afterwards,  we ordered a ridiculous amount of food which did bring stares, but it is Tianjin not Beijing and the meal was 103 rmb which included my laowai ass beer.
She and I made plans..jeese keep it chronological paddy.

Ok next post be on topic, I blame chonger.
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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2009, 02:01:08 pm »
So far so good.If you get a chance check out the Ming Tombs.Thats a all day adventure.And the summer palace is worth seeing.

Good luck


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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2009, 02:17:58 pm »
Thanks for the update Ronan, can't wait to see those photos, and hope you have a very good time

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2009, 02:31:44 pm »
Ok, here we go.

So after dinner which was amazing and tasty to te extreme, and whuch Ling again paid for we strolled around one of the shopping areas - food street and some others that I forget then took the subway back to the hotel. The walk from the subway to the hotel took us past a park which late at night means trouble in Dubin, in China it means a bunch of mostly middle aged vguys are crooning at a tv screen singing songs, there was at least three groupd of people doing this in about 1KM!!
Ling was feeling playful I carried her on my back for a 10 yards before i realised i could use sasme weight training!!

That night we decided to become husband and wife.

On Sunday we went to the great wall. What a day...more later..
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2009, 02:39:37 pm »
Oh !!!
Congratulations, sooooo, you didn't wait to be under any tropical paradize to ask her in marriage, so? ^^'
I am really glad for both of you ;) Wishin' all the best, of course, and that your trip just goes on its way, just like a "lovely one as you never lived before" ;)

P.S / don't forget to carry her on your back every morning, now, for 10 minutes... ^^'
(enjoy :heart:) ;)
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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2009, 02:44:58 pm »
Ronan, Am enjoying your posts about your trip. And a BIG congratulations for you and your future wife!
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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #43 on: August 09, 2009, 02:56:48 pm »
Good Times Bro!! The day at the Forbidden Temple sounded like major fun. I was worried about being taken to an "authentic resturant", secretly thinking about the 100rmb drinks they will serve you but I'm glad to know that wasn't the case and had a great time.

Hat's off to ya!
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2009, 04:42:22 pm »
Irish ... that's a pretty unique way of proposing ... carrying her on your back ... :icon_cheesygrin:

When you said ... "Can I marry you ?" ... Ling thought you said ... "Can I carry you ?" ..... :icon_cheesygrin: