Author Topic: An Irishmans adventures in China  (Read 24734 times)

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #90 on: August 18, 2009, 01:14:14 pm »
Irish, before going to far on this thread we were all hoping for the best but we hear it has not happened, so sorry for all of the joking around, we had no idea. I am behind you guy and hope for the best for you.

Offline MLM

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #91 on: August 19, 2009, 11:37:23 am »
Ronan, sorry to hear you are having some problems, we don't know what they are and we are sure you will tell us if and when you feel you can, Hope you are well and want you to know we are here for you brother, also sorry for the jokes, we didn't know.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 04:49:58 pm by MLM »

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #92 on: August 19, 2009, 02:29:24 pm »
Ronan, All the brothers here are concerned about you, we truly hope all is well with you, but if it is not, then when you have the chance or are up to it please drop us a line, we are here for you.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #93 on: August 19, 2009, 03:05:01 pm »
Last news from Ronan are from August, 10th, so, a bit more than a week. Man can suppose he may not have easy access to any network computer or anything else like that. There is a saying which says "no news, good news"... I can really understand we all don't really "think" like that...
Maybe is Ronan just having a real wonderful life, maybe not... We can not do and suppose anything until he can give us some news over here.
I also think the best thing to do would to "stop" going on writting on this thread until Ronan comes back or tells any moderator or extra moderator how things are going for him.
I am also sure Ronan sure all the brotherhood is behind him, whatever happens.
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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #94 on: August 19, 2009, 03:25:31 pm »

Welcome back Chum,

This was posted by Ronan in the shoutbox, i think something hasn't gone to plan and he's on way to Beijing to see JIMB  ''» Irishman - 18-08-15:14 -- bust ups suck ''


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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #95 on: August 21, 2009, 04:19:40 am »
Sorry for the lack of updates guys, has been a bit of a wildrollar coaster ride.
Ling and I had a big fight over her smoking mostly due to the fact that we had spent the day on the beach and I probably drank to much wine and got too much sun, which is not really a good excuse at all...
She stormed out of our hotel and checked into the one next door (i found that out the next day).
She called me the next morning and we met up and made up:)

I'm back now in Tianjin from Malaysia and head back home in a couple of days, not looking forward to that.

Ling back at her folks place ..washing my clothes :D
Lets just say that after the argument things really cleared up for both of us. Funny as it may sound we have been far stronger since, it really cleared the air.
And Ed..the getting back together wasn't bad later on to haha!

Ling and I talked long into the night after getting back and our last day in Penang was spent at a lovely hotel right on the beach with fantastic views, it was super romantic and we both loved it. On our last day we hired out a taxi for the day and he just drove us to various places on the Island to see, it was great and stress free, we had a wonderful time.

Ling must have taken like a thousand photos on the trip and can tell she is utterly bursting to tell her friends all about it. She never saw Muslims in full dress before and it made a big impression on her with the way the women dress and the fact that men can have four wives and it seems in Penang they often did!

I am going back home on Sunday but Ling wants to ask her parents permission for me to visit them tomorrow, and we all know what that means right?!
This has been a big decision for her, she was in love with her last husband when he divorced her and she said she had the worst six months of her live after that and she wanted to be sure before committing to anyone again so she doesnt have to experience that again. I understand that totally so know she is taking a big leap of faith from her perspective.

Regarding the smoking she explained it to me and has agreed she wont smoke inside as I don't like the stink of it on clothes etc, she says she wants to quit anyhow, again as an ex smoker of 18 years, know exactly how hard thats so respect her for that and will not bring it up again.

She's the one, proving the meeting with the parents goes ok tomorrow (she is very confident it will) then we are planning on a marriage on Chinese new year 2010 with a honeymoon maybe in Thailand as it will be nut numbingly cold in Tianjin in February!!
I'm going to visit her in November for a couple of weeks also.

I would like to move t China to do the TEFL thing and Ling who has a good job here is ok with that - I don't think there would be much work for her in Ireland except level cleaner type roles which which would drive her crazy coming from a fairly senior management level role in China. I hope to move to China next June approximately.

I'm sorry I havent had time to update the forum as well, its been one heck of a ride!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #96 on: August 21, 2009, 04:36:12 am »
Phew  !!!!!

I can breathe again :):):)

Like everybody here, I was nail-biting waiting for the news...soooooooooo delighted to know all is well....or better than well !!

Fantastic !


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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #97 on: August 21, 2009, 04:40:51 am »

I am so happy for you.  It is good to know that everything worked out well and that your are happy.  As far as the making up part within a relationship, it is the best part of the argument.  It is alway good to start one every now and then just to make up. :icon_cheesygrin:

Good luck with the rest of your time there,



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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #98 on: August 21, 2009, 06:11:45 am »
Bloody great news mate, if you need info about TESOl , PM or email me mate..

The Story continues...:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #99 on: August 21, 2009, 06:19:18 am »
Irish...You scared the crap out of us with your silence. But hearing all is fine again makes up for it. You are so impulsive buddy and you should do something against that. No sun no wine until after you met her parents. ...Sometimes you cant get a second chance. I´m crossing my fingers and hope it´ll be going well tomorrow. Its as good as done and Get home as a lucky guy... at last.

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #100 on: August 21, 2009, 06:32:44 am »
# 1 advice when meeting the 'outlaws' ... oops, I meant 'in-laws' ... watch out for the "Meat Cleaver". Malaysia was a close call, we don't want another one. :icon_biggrin:

All the Best My Irish Brother.


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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #101 on: August 21, 2009, 06:56:26 am »

So what did you think of Penang?? (apart from your smokey situation that is)  Was i right, or was i right about those picture card beaches and views out over the Indian Ocean??

Glad to here everything is back on track for you. I think you brought up a very good point in your post, ''lay off the booze'' especially when your in the company of your lady, most have very bad experiences with Ex's where booze is conserned.  .....Having said that, how do you part an Irishman from his pint of frothy black gold??  ....With great difficulty, is the answer to that one i would imagine!! ...haha!!

Again, Glad to hear everything's been patched-up  between you both......


Offline Ed W

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #102 on: August 21, 2009, 08:04:33 am »
Rock On Ronan! Glad to hear you two talked it through.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #103 on: August 21, 2009, 08:29:37 am »
Thanks for the update, wow we are living interesting lives here!

I hate to threadjack, but do many Chinese ladies *actually* smoke? I haven't found a single profile that says they smoke (or drink for that matter). I can't remember Hong Kong, but when I went to Japan last year I saw a lot of ladies smoking, and that made me kind of sad :huh:.

Vince G

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RE: An Irishmans adventures in China and Malaysia
« Reply #104 on: August 21, 2009, 09:01:57 am »
Some might? but they don't say because it is a bad habit and for whatever reason they don't mention it? I know my lady does not but I do. :s And she knows it. When we're on the phone she hears me and says "Smoke?" and I will say yes. Only once she said it and I wasn't so I said "No" It has also become proof that I don't lie to her. She wants me to stop which I want to anyway before I go there. And she's not a drinker. She may have some wine once in a while but it's less then my drinking which is a couple of drinks a month if that much.

So only one way to find out? ASK!