I've got an opinion on this subject that may not be "mainstream"

I agree, if we want a "red-hot" 22 yr old from Russia or Ukraine, it would take about 1 week tops !!!
We would know EXACTLY what the deal is....2 years of endless sex...and then she dives off with 60% of your assets...90% if you were unfortunate to have a child !!
I have some friends here in Aus who did just that...and they now live to regret it hugely.
But I truly think that the Chinese Women have a genuinely different view about age...up to a point of course.
Age, to a Chinese woman is something to be admired and respected, so I would feel more confident about a "younger" Chinese Woman than almost any other.
In my mind (and in my conscience ) I have thought about life if I marry a Chinese Woman say, 20-25 years younger than me.
It is very likely that she wouldnt have such a problem with this, but for me, I would have maybe 15-20 good years before I either croaked or became a vegetable in a Zimmerframe

Both of us would know this and provided that I was able to make sure she was well sorted financially when that time came, I think I would have done the right thing. At the same time I would have the last relationship in my life with a wonderful woman....worth gold to me.
My only other option is to marry an older Australian Dragon who not only would be waiting for my cash, but driving me to the end-game with the throttle wide open !!!
At this moment I am healthy, slim, well set financially, mentally OK.......I deserve a good woman (lol)
Makes you think doesnt it ??
David E