Author Topic: Admirer Mails  (Read 4943 times)

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Offline ahkiwi

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Admirer Mails
« on: August 06, 2009, 09:42:53 am »
Hi Guys,

New here & slowly feeling my way around ... reading loads of threads :P

I have a couple of questions I could use some guidance on ...

1/ I understand that the Admirer Mails initially come from the agencies (I have one from a "suspect agency" even). As far as replies go, if none of the women catch my interest should I delete the mails or use the "Prefer not to answer this mail immediately" option?

Note: I do not want to upset anyone so I'm looking for the correct way to handle these.

2/ I've done a bit of browsing through the "My Matches" section, if I see a profile that catches my eye what is the best way to initiate contact with that lady? Add her to My Favorites, Cupid, etc

That's all for now, thanks in advance for your advice (and for all the info on the forums!)

World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2009, 10:06:45 am »

Yeah, ....just use that option available on the admirer letter, no problem!! You can add to favorites, you can send a cupid note or send an EMF direct to the lady in question. Then just wait for the response. If you don't see any reflection in the reply to the letter you sent, it means the agency is replying to you, with a present reply letter, and not her replying directly.
If that's the case, write again, and add a short note to the translator at the bottom of your letter, that you will not respond again if the lady is not going to respond to my letter in the normal manner (answering any questions you may have included)  It normally works, but not always....


Vince G

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2009, 11:44:35 am »
If the Admirer Mails are more of a nuisance hide your profile. Then pick the ones you feel are better suit.

Offline JimB

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2009, 05:06:44 pm »
Vince is right. Even if you hide your profile.  When you send her an EMF, she is then able to see your profile. Also when you ad a lady to your favorites list she is notified that you have done that.  So If she sees that, if she is interested she will respond.  Now remember though that a lot of these ladies do not have computers so must go to an internet cafe or have the agency read this to them.  So response time may vary.  You could add them to your favorites and send a cupid note. That is free to do rather than an EMF. My feelings were why waste the money until you know she is interested.
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Offline ahkiwi

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2009, 08:20:20 pm »
Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated !

Just to confirm, I've got at least one from The Changsha Love Bridge Company Agency ID: P216. This is listed in the BROTHERHOOD LIST OF LADY PROFILE # thread as one to avoid - just use the normal "not interested" option for this as well or just delete it?

My great journey begins .... /gulp
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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2009, 08:28:00 pm »

Yeah, just use the standard option list on the admirers mail. But as been stated, there are honest and genuine ladies within these agencies, you just need your wits about you, more than you normally would... that's all...


Offline David E

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RE: Admirer Mails...question ????
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2009, 08:53:31 pm »
Anybody got and ideas about admirer mails and EMF credits.
I have a suspicion that if you have got EMF credits in your account, then you get almost no admirer mails. If you dont have any credits, then admirer mails get very frequent. ??

On a similar note, what is the experience from Bro's about "favourite list"....I know that when you put a Woman into your favourites, she is supposed to get notified. Do we have evidence that women on our favourite lists tend to send admirer letters ??

What I am getting at, is that the whole issue of Cupid Notes, Admirer Letters, Favourites may well be only signals to the Agencies to start the traffic of seducing you to send an EMF...or buy some EMF's

In my opinion, I think that it is best to buy some EMF's, pick which Woman/women you are interested in and take the trouble to write her an EMF

Would this not show that at least you consider her worthy enough to spend a little time and money to initiate communication. ??

If I were a woman on CHNLove (God forbid !!!), I think I would be more impressed by a bloke sending me a letter that he had a)..paid for (not a cheapskate) and b) thought about some actual and specific words to say to me personally (truly interested)??

Any comments/Advice ??

David E

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2009, 10:06:38 pm »
my experience was to get flooded with admiration notes..... I seemed to be getting 5-10 per day, each day I would gently turn down most of them based on some rules I decided to apply. For example: One of the rules I had was ... no one under 35.

I then hide my profile, selected 2 ladies, placed them in favorites, and gently turned down all of the rest. It was at this point I bought EMF credits (50).


Thats the point I was trying to got lots of Admirer mails BEFORE you bought any EMf's....coincidence ??
I agree...each to his own way...I chose to buy first and send specific letters to specific Ladies. Never once got a refusal to communicate further....they were all so happy to recieve an ACTUAL letter :):)

Offline ahkiwi

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2009, 10:22:01 pm »
Some more good tips, thanks guys.
World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.

Ali (???)
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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2009, 01:36:30 am »
You know now that you have brought this item up, It seems so true.  When I have credits, I get no admirer letters, but when I don't have any credits, I get tons of admirer letters.  Even if I hide my profile, and have no credits I get letters.  Hide profile, have credits lots of letters 5 to 7 a day.  What's up with all this?  Could it be the agency's way of squeezing credits?

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2009, 02:15:26 am »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='11398' dateline='1249623390'

You know now that you have brought this item up, It seems so true.  When I have credits, I get no admirer letters, but when I don't have any credits, I get tons of admirer letters.  Even if I hide my profile, and have no credits I get letters.  Hide profile, have credits lots of letters 5 to 7 a day.  What's up with all this?  Could it be the agency's way of squeezing credits?

When I started as a newb I did what the agency suggested....Put the ladies on your favourites list so its easy to find them later.  I did not know this would generate admirer letters lol.  I managed to select 4 to whom I sent emfs to.However at this time I also saw my ladies profile and as soon as I saw her face that was it another to send an emf to.  So now I was up to 5 ladies I was writing to.  I finally after a week or so told the other ladies that I had settled on her and politely dropped them all except her.  Here is the amazing part.  Every single one of them replied to me thanking me for the wonderfull letters that I had sent to them that they were glad I had found my one lady and they were sad that they were not she.  However every one said to consider them a friend and to write to them at any time and they would help me in any way!!

Now that is what I call a wonderfull group of women, to be so supportive even in defeat it warms my heart.  I actually had tears in my eyes when I told them they were not the one and again when they replied as they did.  Such beautiful wonderful women,  they amaze me still .

Anyway to the point  Once I hid my profile after selecting my lady as the one I never received another admirer letter, whether I had credits to spend or not.  According to CHnlove site once your profile is hidden the agencies cannot see your profile so those letters you are getting when your profile is hidden must have been sent from ladies (agencies/translators) that you had added to favourites or cupids etc and they showed your profile before you hid it.  Course I may be wrong too but that is my understanding.


« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 10:15:48 am by Brian Mc »

Offline David E

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2009, 02:29:50 am »

It seems that there is a thread running through this subject that seems to confirm what I thought

No EMF's brings admiration letters !!!...surely we must be getting close to knowing that admiration letters may not be for real.

I bought EMF's 1 minute after I registered in CHNLove and in all the time I have been registered I got 2 admiration letters. But NEVER did I fail to get a response to any Lady I wrote to with an EMF !!!!

Either...a) I am as ugly as a hatful of as*******les  and non-desirable that nobody would ever write to me....or b) No need to send me admiration letters because I have EMF's in my account.

Offline ahkiwi

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2009, 03:55:37 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='11407' dateline='1249626590'


It seems that there is a thread running through this subject that seems to confirm what I thought

No EMF's brings admiration letters !!!...surely we must be getting close to knowing that admiration letters may not be for real.

I bought EMF's 1 minute after I registered in CHNLove and in all the time I have been registered I got 2 admiration letters. But NEVER did I fail to get a response to any Lady I wrote to with an EMF !!!!

Either...a) I am as ugly as a hatful of as*******les  and non-desirable that nobody would ever write to me....or b) No need to send me admiration letters because I have EMF's in my account.

EMF's = talking with someone perhaps ?

I suspect that if this was a western site, regardless of whether you'd hidden your profile or had EMF's, you'd still be bombarded with admiration letters from agencies out to make a dollar.

Kinda nice to know that the Chinese agencies have class in that respect.
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Offline David E

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2009, 07:00:07 pm »
One of your questions was...Do we have evidence that women on our favourite lists tend to send admirer letters ??


Yep....that is my own belief, until we actually pay for and send an EMF to a specific lady, everything else is more or less system/Agency generated. So thats what I a few EMF's, choose who I want to correspond with, and write to her...worked every time, always got a response.
Mind you, cant guarantee that the response was not from a "ghost" writer at the Agency...but thats another topic again !!

Offline Oiler1

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RE: Admirer Mails
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2009, 10:36:36 am »
I replied to an admiration letter and got a reply back. I sent a 2nd long reply and then I got a view note from teh agency saying the woman was not interested in anymore. That happened a few times, so I am getting annoyed and suspicious.

Which agencies are the ones to avoid? Is there a list?