My wife only gave me her cell number the day I left for China on my 1st trip. I guess until they meet us for real, they are just protecting their privacy. Three months into our emfs when I believed Yan to be the one for me, I gave her my phone number and said to use it if ever there was a length of time of no letter exchanges. She freaked out and in her next letter she told me she became very worried that I was planning on doing some thing bad - I was still going through my divorce at that time. Needless to say, I had to explain to her that I gave her my number because if ever there was an unseen accident, that by phoning she could find out that something had happened to me. Lets face it, not knowing is the hardest thing to deal with. Just like now - not knowing when her visa application will be given.
Anyways, I wouldn't fret about the number - shes just being carefull.
And if not staying at the hotel - just two words for you - Squat Toilets :huh: