Author Topic: Daily life of a married man  (Read 31116 times)

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Offline maxx

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #105 on: July 23, 2010, 01:00:12 am »
Ted That was my first thought.I would go down and just beat the stuffing's out of they guy.And tell him it would be worse the next time he touched her.But all that will do.Is get Shaojen beat that much worse.The next time the guy gets angry.

I seen it happen to a girl I used to know.Her boyfriend slapped her around one night.And 2 days latter a couple of guys.Beat the piss out of the guy.They beat him so bad.They fractured his skull.As soon as he got out of the hospital.And served his time in the county jail.He went to the girl's house.Broke her jaw.Broke 3 of her ribs.Then left town never to be seen again.

So unless somebody is willing to stay with Shaojen 24/7 for a couple of months.Till this guy cools off.It isn't a good plan.I do know I would enjoy beating the dog shit.Out of this loser.Just so he knows what it feels like when he does this to her.


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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #106 on: July 23, 2010, 01:09:45 am »
dang I'd say send her down here but as soon as Peggy caught wind of it life would be hell.  She would probable find a way to get here and beat the snot out of me.  There has got to be a way that we could network together and at least get a few of these woman away from such morons.

I'll think on it a day or 2.

I live by myself and have a spare bedroom.  There are plenty of places to work that are in walking distance.  The only issue for me is convincing Peggy and my children that I am not a dirty old man.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 01:12:01 am by shaun »

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Re: RE: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #107 on: July 24, 2010, 06:55:54 am »
i had to laugh so hard since Martin's wife finally let him go to the bakery by himself, Maxx can walk along the river by himself, but my wife wont let me go outside and smoke alone. There's got to be something to this....Do we really appear to need sitters? LMAO

My wife was on the phone with her Mom yesterday. So I sneak out of the house just for fun. Go sit on the bench by the garden.
When she found me. It is probably good I have no idea what she said to me.
Go someplace alone. Or help carry a package. Not going to happen.

Was at Walmart the other day, Standing in line to checkout. An average looking lady smiled at me and then said hello in English. That was it.
It can sure get cold in China even in July, Inside a taxi.

I am really wanting a salami sandwhich, I have bread and meat. Does yellow mustard exist in China?  How about Butter?

My wife learning English. Oh my! she repeats everything she hears me say.  I must be careful.  Sometimes very funny I tell her what she said . It is good she has a sense of humor.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 07:35:20 am by Jimmy »
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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #108 on: July 25, 2010, 08:29:42 pm »

you could get all the extras for eating in Guangzhou at all the import food stores. and mustard and mayo in all the grocery stores.
i went into a few western eateries and started to ask them about buying supplies for the house and they were all helpful in pointing
me to these markets spread all around Guangzhou. try giving that a try and see what happens.

Wal Mart didnt have it???  we dont have a Wal Mart in Guangzhou as the govt wont allow them to open one up but they did manage
to build a Sam's Club in Panyu but it is really just a super large chinese food store that has prices that really arent to your advantage
so i was disappointed when i went there.

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #109 on: July 06, 2011, 02:44:33 am »
 instead of bogging down David E's thread I thought I would dig my old thread up and reply to some of the questions.About a New Mexico dust storm.And my wife's thoughts of a NM dust storm.

The wind usually comes out of the west.Once in awhile it will come out of the south.But mostly out of the west.It starts in Arizona.And works it 's way east to New Mexico.It can blow from anywhere to a couple of hours.Up to a couple of weeks.With winds speeds anywhere from 50 mph up to 105 mph.A 30mph wind here is just a breeze.The winds start in Mid March and usually are over by the end of April.When the wind is blowing most people just ignore it until it does get up to about fifty mph.Then you try to drop whatever your doing.And get inside.Because the stuff flying threw the air.Can hurt you.I have seen it push trees down.Push Semi trucks off the rd.And rip the roof off of houses.There will be so much dust blowing threw the air.That it blocks out the sun.The dirt gets into your clothes your your eyes mouth and ears.Then it starts seeping into your house.And withen a couple of hours all the surfaces in your house are covered with a fine layer of dust.

The dust storms aren't all bad.And they do help with some of the work.I can cut the weeds in the  yard and just leave them there.The wind will blow them across the highway.I can do the same thing with the tumble weeds that blew in my yard.From the last wind storm.All I have to do is kick them back into the wind.And off they go.You can also watch out the house windows.And watch the people driving up and down the rd.Try to hit.Or miss the tumble weeds blowing across the rd.

The first couple of times my wife seen a wind storm.It kind of freaked her out.She was afraid the roof would blow off.Or the dirt would just start blowing threw the house.And everybody would suffocate and die.She started running around stuffing wet towels.At the bottom of the doors.And wanted to know why I wasn't helping and why I didn't seem to concerned.

I had to explain to her that the house was built to stand up to thees kinds of winds.The doors have sweeps on the stop the sand from coming in.They also have extra weather stripping along the sides to stop the sand.The windows have screens then a piece of glass with rubber around it.Then another piece of glass that has it 's own rubber gasket.Along with it's own track.and starting in about Nov. of every year I put clear plastic up over the windows.That I don't take down till the winds end in April.And I have a plug for the A/C unit with a cover. That stops the sand from getting in.And the house has straps that go around the main support beams.That are bolted to to the foundation.

After I explained it all to her and she seen the house stand up to that kind of wind.It doesn't bother her anymore.She does get tired of sweeping off the decks so the kids can play on them.But other then that it doesn't scare her like it used to.And she gets to laugh at me every spring when I have to climb up on the roof.And replace the 6 or 7 shingels that got blown off over the winter and early spring.

It was clocking around 70 Wed of last week.It usually doesn't blow that hard this late in the year.My wife commented that the wind was blowing hard.And she asked me if I had locked the deck gates.Before I came in the house.I told her yes to both questions.And that was her only concern.She went back to playing with the boys.And I went back to the computer.

Offline Irishman

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #110 on: July 06, 2011, 07:07:51 am »
Fascinating post Maxx, we are really lucky not to get that kind of weather here. More rainstorms than anything else!
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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #111 on: July 06, 2011, 07:48:03 am »
This subject was raised just as your neighbor Arizona is being swallowed up.

Offline shaun

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #112 on: July 06, 2011, 07:59:01 am »
OK now your making me homesick Maxx.

I can remember as a kid my father saving tumbleweeds,  3 to be exact, to paint white and put in the front yard  during Christmas symbolizing a snowman.  My mother would tell me that if I didn't stop eating so much food that she would have to make and can tumbleweed soup to keep the family in food.  For a while I believed her.

Believe it or not one of the hardest thing for me to get used to was the lack of wind when I moved to Georgia.  At least in the hottest months there is always a breeze there to kind of cool things down.  Here the heat just hangs on you because there isn't any wind.

Maxx I bet you have driven down the highway after the fields have been plowed to plant cotton or wheat and a dust storm rose up and you couldn't see the hood ornament on the front of your car.

We aren't in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Sorry Maxx,

One TRUE story.  The first time I got married I purchased a mobile home.  The ex wanted a waterbed so we got one of those too.  One Saturday morning I woke up to the wind howling.  Then it got loud enough that she woke up.  She asked me if there was anything to worry about.  I said not yet.  A 100+ mph gust came and blew all of the skirting out from under the mobile home and you could then feel the slight lift from the wind.  Well that skirting was not cheap so I rand outside and began to collect it to put back on later.  I happened to look up at one point and see a 10' X 10' metal shed blowing overhead maybe 20' over my head.  I went back inside and forgot about the skirting for a while.

Vince that is exactly what it looks like when it blows in.  If it is over a freshly plowed field then it is dark brown.  I've got pictures I have taken stored in a box somewhere.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 08:01:21 am by shaun »

Offline maxx

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #113 on: July 06, 2011, 09:49:35 am »
Shaun when me and my ex wife got married.She already had the waterbed.I got real good at tearing it down and then setting it back up everytime we would move.When we got a divorce the waterbed went with her.And I bought a used one from a friend.That I used for a year and then put it in storage for 6 years till I sold it.

I have chased my fare share of skirting across the yard.and the neighbors yard.That stuff is still real expensive.Anymore I don't Even bother with it.I just let it blow away.then replace it with plywood.That you screw to the side of the house.Then you take long spikes.Nail them into the ground.To keep the bottom of the plywood from banging against the house.

Irishman when it does rain hear it comes with it's own wind.It will dig holes in the ground.And make what is called a gulley.A gully is a stream bed.That only has water in it when it rains.A few years ago.There was some tourist from back east.Who were hiking up a gulley in Arizona.It rained Hard in Utah.All that water went down that gulley.And drowned 10 out of 15  of the tourist.They said they heard the water coming.But there was no place for them to climb out of the gulley.

It has rained here so hard.With the wind it dug a six foot deep hole.That was twenty feet across.At the northwest corner of my house. I had to go down to the river.Pick up a bunch of big rocks.Throw them into the hole.I then dumped three trucks of gravel into the hole.I'm waiting for it to cool off in Oct.It will probably take another 4 or 5 trucks of gravel to bring the ground up to the level it was around the house.

Vince I seen that this mourning on the enternet.I don't know why it made the news.Everytime I go to Phoenix the wind is blowing hard there.That is a weekly occurrence there.About 6 years ago a guy hired me to drive a couple of  his GMC Yukon's and a 6 place jet ski trailer.Up out of Rocky Point Mexico.We fought the wind all the way from the Sea of Cortes to flagstaff Arizona. visibility at the time was probably at about ten feet in front of the hood.We Finlay got a break from the wind.Only because in Flagstaff we turned east and ran with the wind.By the time we turned back North in Gallup New Mexico.The wind just stopped.It was a nice drive after that.

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #114 on: July 06, 2011, 10:37:09 am »
I never had to chase skirting across a yard, at least not that type. My old place I re-skined (and everything else new) and used the old skin for the skirt. Got hit by hurricane Wilmer, trees fell, neighbors roofs came off, all that good stuff and my place? Nothing. It all stayed together.

New place? I used the cement boards (4' x 8' cut to size, for siding) for the skirt. Vinyl front and back for air flow. Looks good enough that people stop by to tell me so.

Offline shaun

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #115 on: July 06, 2011, 10:59:54 am »
I used to chase a lot of skirt too when I was younger.  Oooo.... wait you said skirtING.   ;D

I lived north of Oklahoma City many years ago.  In October I would put bails of wheat straw under the west and north sides of my trailer.  That meant pulling the skirting down.  I had a system.  I had a 2" X 4" frame that I slid corrugated tin into.  I would pull the tin then put the bails underneath.  In late April early May I would pull the straw out or I would have mice problems from that point forward.  I put the straw in holes in my yard and also would cover the vegetable garden until the plants began poking through.

The straw helped keep the trailer warm in the winter.  When it snowed I would get 4' snow drifts daily because of what?  The wind.  It comes sweeping down the plain.

I think the only time that the wind does not blow out then is just before a tornado strikes and in the very center of one both of which I have experienced.

Now I am getting homesick.

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #116 on: July 06, 2011, 07:23:24 pm »
I was born and raised in Oklahoma. Did you ever notice that all the trees lean from the south toward the north? Because the prevailing winds during the growing season (Spring and Summer) are from the south. But come winter the winds come straight out of the north because Kansas hasno trees to stop them!.  I dont think I could get homesick for an Oklahoma winter or summer.
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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #117 on: July 14, 2011, 07:53:05 pm »
Hoarding- are you being buried by your wife's stuff.

When I came to New Mexico 17 years ago.I had a 1974 Chrysler new Yorker.And I trunk full of clothes. A old black and white TV.And a box full of legal papers.With some old photos thrown in.I sold the rest of my stuff.Washer dryer TV couches, chairs.And beds.When I bought my house in Jan of 97.I had bought new stuff couches washers dryers chairs tables beds.So I thought I was set.

When my wife came in March of 2007.She brought 2 suit cases full of clothes.So I thought well this is all good.Little did I know the storm was just getting started.2 Weeks after my wife arrived in the states.Packages started arriving from China.First it was three boxes of quilts.Big heavy quilts.That would be better suited for a house with no heat in maybe Alaska.Or Canada.In total I think there is a dozen high quality quits here.That we don't use.And my wife wont let me give them away.So they are stacked in a corner of the spare bedroom.

Then the herbal medicine and the food started to arrive.The food all ended up in a cabnet along with the medicines.This stuff must keep forever.Because she still uses some of it to cook on a daily bases.And she adds to it everytime we go to the Asian market.It cost me 160 dollars Saturday.She had the grocery cart full of these little packages of spices.And animal parts like dried squid.And dried ducks neck.Some of the stuff.I couldn't identify.But my wife seems to like it.So I don't say a word.

When the boys were born.We accumulated more stuff.Which is to be expected.But you know there has got to be a limit to it.And she won't let me donate the extra stuff.We have four car seats.And only two kids.We have 3 strollers 2 cribs.Which were never used.We have a changing table that is buried underneath.The boy's clothes.And she has every outfit that the boy's wore.Since the day they were born.And she brought more back with her.When she was in China last month.She has outfits for new Born's up to 3 years old that have never Ben worn.Most of them are still in the packages.The boys have 2 huge toy boxes.That are so full of toys.That you can't put anything else in them.If there is any toys left laying on the floor.You have to put them in the boy's wagon.I told my wife I was going to donate some of this stuff.She says no.That somebody mite need them.

We bought a new bed 6 months ago for the guest room.I was going to throw the old bed away.Nobody likes to sleep on it because it is old and lumpy.My wife said no.Somebody mite come to stay.And need a place to sleep.I told her they wouldn't be her friend anymore if she made them sleep on that bed.Needles to say she didn't find it amusing.And the bed ended up leaned against the wall.In the guest bedroom.

I think my wife has every piece of paper.That we have received in the mail in the last four years.We have old Chinese calenders.That are at least 2 years out of date.She has her interview packet of proof.That she took to her interview 4 years ago.It is still intact.She could go to her interview tomorrow.And still pass with flying colors.She has a bag of orange peels.And apple skins hidden around here.That she uses to cook with.I thought I would never hear the end of it.When I found the last bag she had hidden and I threw it away.

In defense of my wife.She comes by this hoarding naturally.Her mom and Dad are both hoarders.Her mom has a bag of fish heads hidden somewhere.And four huge trunks of kids clothing.That she has collected from the neighbors.The trunks are so big.They take up one side of a little bedroom.And every nook and cupboard in the house is stufffed with packaged food.And packaged soy milk of some kind or another.I think my mother in law sill has her original wok from when she was first married.

So what I'm after is to hear from you other married guys.Is your wife a hoarder? Is there any history of hoarding in your wife's family?

When my wife went to China I did get rid of the 3 year old news papers.And the 25 gallon drum of plastic bags.That my wife was saving.I donated the bags to the grocery store.And I gave the newpapers to the recycle center.She hasn't noticed yet.So I probably got away with it.But she did raise hell when I threw a couple of pieces of paper away.That she thought.She mite need thirty years from now.

So let me know.Is this hoarding just my wife's thing.Or do you other married guys deal with it to.

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #118 on: July 14, 2011, 09:36:44 pm »
Maxx I don't think it's a Chinese thing...My ex-wife was the same...God did i have a field day when it was over between us...and I moved to new house... ::)
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Offline shaun

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #119 on: July 14, 2011, 09:49:30 pm »
Maxx that kind of thing supersedes ethnicity.   But once it is in your blood it is there to stay.  Don't believe me then watch American pickers on the history channel.  They or I should say we are everywhere.  Peggy is nothing like that.  She throws things away that I think why?  Why did you do that?  You'll need it again.  I'm working on mine though.  I'm actually getting rid of things as much as I can tolerate that is.  Peggy says I am untidy; I say cluttered; we both agree I have too much stuff.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 09:51:44 pm by shaun »