Maxx yout right, case in point, there is a woman in New Mexico that has been moved to a safe house, she finally left her husband, the reason she waited for many years is so her son could be in collage before she left his step father, she had put up with beatings for years, black eyes, broken bones and just general beatings with a belt, now, the reason for all this is because her husband thought that she should walk behind him, have sex when ever and WHERE ever he wanted, she was to have a job, clean the house and serve him before she could sleep, if for any reason he didn't like the way something was done she was beat, well this time he tried to choke her and did until she passed out and then raped her, took all the money out of the bank, took his two pistols, and ran to Texas, now the Police in New Mexico in his home town will not do much if anything because he has ties with them some how, they did issue a warrent for his arrest for breaking the PDF she has on him, for rape and assult, assult with intent, and a few other things, oh yeah felony assult, we got a judge to make it an open warrent, now that means that there are no time limits on the warrent and any Bounty Hunter can hunt him, the problem with this is there isn't any money in it for a bounty hunter so I and my guys are doing this for free. so Maxx you are SSOOO right, this is not for every one.
Mods, we need a thread just for, oh lets say like " I would like to kick ____Bob__R.'s______ a$$ just because!!
because I am or would like to kick this guys A$$ because he deserves it many times over.