Author Topic: Daily life of a married man  (Read 31123 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #135 on: July 25, 2011, 08:33:42 am »
Then I settle back on the balcony for an hour or so watching the beauties go by in very short cotton dresses and even shorter shorts and I have breakfast. 
 It sure is hard being married and living in China.

Willy......what are you referring to when you say It???

Oh Rhon...why did you have to ask that !!!...God knows what his answer will be!!!! ???

No been on here much lately. Been on the balcony. Taking advantage of teh hot weather. Cold Beer. Reclining chair. Thinking I will miss all this next week when we move into the new apartment. Overlooks trees and swimming pools.  Now to return to the  few days of sunning myself with eyes firmly towards the ground level.  At least I know my wife does not leave before the normal time each day. No need to keep one eye on the front door.

IT will not be happening next week.  Whatever IT was.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #136 on: August 01, 2011, 06:08:31 pm »

In preparation for the coming apocalypse, I went through my clothes, narrowed down my wardrobe, even ditched a couple old suits, I'm hoping my ties are safe. The bulk of the Ts are gone. I will miss them, but better I abandon them on my terms and anything that is serviceable attire, went to the Goodwill store. I'm sure some poor sap will want one of those old suits. The ragged bluejeans, I've still got a couple pair. I'm certain I will lose them when she arrives down the road. For now, we'll just focus on keeping her happy there, until she comes here and drastically alters my life.

I've also started talking to her about the dog's dietary needs. The explanation that Boston's are prone to dry skin and getting fat, so he cannot have the cheap food, because he will begin to shed, flake and bloat. And no one wants a bloated bulldog of any variety. They do get horrible gassy. She at current appears to understand. She thinks he is cute, but worries he will not like. Another irony of Bostons, they might be bullies, but the worst he would do is water your leg from the excitement of meeting you.
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Offline David E

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #137 on: August 01, 2011, 06:32:16 pm »

I fear mightily for your potential predicament.....

"New Chinese wife meets large flatulent dog who lets rip around the house"...................better watch carefully what you eat for the first few weeks....could well be dog stew !!!!!!

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #138 on: August 01, 2011, 11:30:28 pm »

I fear mightily for your potential predicament.....

"New Chinese wife meets large flatulent dog who lets rip around the house"...................better watch carefully what you eat for the first few weeks....could well be dog stew !!!!!!

I'm not concerned, she thinks eating dog is disgusting. She had a poodle, until mom and step-dad separated, he refused to care for it while they found a place to live and they couldn't keep it at the shop... What I'm worried about is that she now has a kitten...  :o 

One fact I know very well, my dog does not like cats. Maybe 'cuz the girl I was dating at the time I got him, had him snipped....  or the fact that an alleycat tried to eat him when he was 2 months old. He was a runtly little thing, then he grew... guess I fed him right
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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #139 on: May 30, 2014, 01:40:59 am »
I married her the first time in China Aug 5 2006 Then again April 19 2007 in the U.S. The years have passed quickly. It seems just like yesterday. That I was stressing over the visa application. And worried if she would be able to adjust to the U.S. My wife has done fine. She still won't learn to drive. Or do  any of the  paperwork, I have to fill out. I don't know why. Here English comprehension is almost perfect. She still plays hell trying to say some words. But all in all she do's a good job with it.

Are three boys are happy and healthy. And Are just like all little boys. They are allways in trouble for something. Tristan are Six year old has just finished Kindergarten. He is are JR Einstein. He graduated at the head of the class. He is going to summer school in July, After summer school they are going to talk  about moving him to second grade. If he does as well in summer school as he did in Kindergarten. The last parent teacher conference I went to. Tristan teacher told me that he was so far ahead of everybody else. That she didn't have anything else to teach him.

I'm not to sure about this I don't want him to get bored in School. But he is just six years old and he acts like he is six years old. So socially this may be to big a jump at such a young age. I guess I'll just have to wait to see how he does in summer school.

Conner is 4 and he just finished pre school. He did ok. He wasn't the head of his class like Tristan. but he picked up everything they taught him real quick. Conner is already regesterd at a different school. That has a better rating then the one he just finished. So we will see how this works. Conner is are little charmer. He can turn on the charm anytime he wants to and get anything he wants. It gets to be a bother taking the kid anywhere people always want to touch him and hug him. talk to him. That you can't get anything done. Conner can use both hands to write or throw a ball. He is just as good left handed as he is right handed. His great grandfather could use either hand. So I thought that was kind of cool.

AJ are youngest is going to be 2 on July 3rd He is a baby on a mission he never walks anywhere he runs all the time. He is very vocal if something isn't going his way. Everything in AJ world has to be in order. He lines up shoes, books, clothes, He is always pulling his wagon around picking up his toys, Just so he can dump it out and start all over.

As far as me and my wife go. We are ok. We don't have to many disagreements. I guess are biggest hurdle like all married couples is money. Where I will spend some money trying to make more money.She will want to save the money to make sure we can pay for something down the road. So we do clash over that sometimes. We don't let it get out of hand so it doesn't make that much of a difference. My wife do's like the U.S. she likes the shopping. She likes that you don't have to push somebody out of your way to buy something at the store. She likes the schools and how involved the parents are with there kids education. She really likes the programs and the help that the schools offer in this area. After the first couple of visits to the hospitals and doctors offices she is good with it now. She tells me all the time how much better the hospitals and doctors are here then they are in China.

All in all it hasn't been a bad experience. I would still be the first in line to do it all again.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #140 on: May 30, 2014, 10:38:15 am »
As far as me and my wife go. We are ok. We don't have to many disagreements. I guess are biggest hurdle like all married couples is money. Where I will spend some money trying to make more money.She will want to save the money to make sure we can pay for something down the road. So we do clash over that sometimes.

The Clash over Cash

Yes, we SPEND time over this as well. My wife is great at saving money and complains to me my ability not to save. I need to reply that I pay the majority of the bills, only leaving her to pay her own credit card and sometimes groceries. It is a subtle transaction saving for the future, while still enjoying the today.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Daily life of a married man
« Reply #141 on: May 30, 2014, 11:39:50 pm »
I only pay at the supermarket and my Chinese language teacher monthly fee.  I pay no household bills, no TV, no internet, no telephone, no gas, no water, no electricity, no garden or car parking charges nor any other regular charge. 

I have no interest in paying these. Am I concerned - no one bit. I have complete faith in my wife's spending.  She will not buy something costing even 5 rmb without telling me the price.   Whenever she goes to the safe she will tell me how much she has taken for the monthly expenses.

 I have money paid into our account every month which we both have access to.  This is far more than we need for every day living.  I have no idea and in fact do not need to know how much she is paid for looking after her nieces children. I have no idea if this goes into the safe or her own account.  That is her money as far as I am concerned.

I tell her that she can spend what she likes.  If she wants to save for when I am not here then thats ok because while I am here I have what I want when I want.

She has changed my life and my only wish would be that I had a lot more years, than I probably have, to enjoy what I have found late in life.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,