All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Her sense of duty

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Ed, sorry to hijack but the reputation rating was just too funny.  Guys we really do want to hear your stories. So please, keep posting that is how we learn.

ED, Willy,

Getting back to the 50/50 thing. I don't think it's a case of actually acheiving equality, in all things. It's more a case of trying to get them to see, that there shouldn't be any set boundaries, and if one or the other wants to help you, accept it as a normal everyday thing. I'm pretty much use to being indepenant, so i like a bit of space at times, so is Lucy. It's never going to get to that 50/50, in a way i don't want it too, but when i want to help, i will do and Lucy is OK with that on the whole these days now, ....but Boy, has it taken some time to get where we are now....


Just a thought guys, did any of you 'talk' to your ladies about sharing workload etc...That was one of the things I spoke to her about,...?


What do you mean by workload??  Explain yourself!!  lol!!

David .....

Vince G:
Rob if you mean sharing the house work? Yes, we have talked about it. If you mean if she wants to work after she is here? Then Yes again.


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