All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Her sense of duty

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                                             no hearing of it for the next 20 years.

He said, crossing his fingers, ...his toes, ....his legs, ... for that sort after LUCK!!   hahaha!!


You saying the truth brother and crossing some other things too, I don't need that shi...stuff again my ex used to bring stuff up from 10 years ago when she was mad, haha, she still is, mad I mean, come to think of it she is still bringing up stuff.
Zhou says something about what it was for a day or two and lets it go really, I'm not used to this.and the fact that while she in angry with me she still takes very good care of me


--- Quote from: 'Michael L. Maines' pid='12411' dateline='1250110281' ---
and the fact that while she in angry with me she still takes very good care of me

--- End quote ---

I need to have a talk with Zhou , after she get's back . Enough is enough . She needs to know some thing's .:icon_cheesygrin:

Gee, not holding onto it for 20 years? I wouldn't know what to do. Of course I was constantly accused for the bad thoughts she had about herself. Someone had to plant them there.

The only thing I got right in my previous marriage was when she got real mad at me, SHE slept on the couch. Hehe!  And I am not kidding either.

Wait a minute... she made that decision not me... I take it back, I didn't get anything right!!!!!

Chinese women look better and better all the time.

Now Arnold, you don't want me telling your Qing about all the young Chinese girls you been seen with in Cali. now would you? hahaha.
I like things just the way they are thank you.


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