All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Her sense of duty

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--- Quote from: 'Michael L. Maines' pid='12503' dateline='1250157857' ---
I like things just the way they are thank you.

--- End quote ---

Are you sure Michael ? You know , we are here to help you .:angel:

Arnold, I'mmmmm telllliiinnnnn!!!!


--- Quote from: 'Michael L. Maines' pid='12380' dateline='1250095993' ---
Ed, my wife will go off on the smallest things some times but all she is doing is blowing off steam sometimes and other times she is really angry with me for something so I listen to every thing she is angry about, when she is blowing steam, the next day is like nothing has happened, if it was something I did or didn't do she will still be upset but will still do things for me as she reminds me of what was wrong but then that is the end of it, no hearing of it for the next 20 years.

--- End quote ---

Michael, that's what my late Hungarian wife used to tell me - that if she can't be angry with me, who is she going to be angry at. I really liked being that person for her. Almost always she was upbeat and full of enthusiasm when she was around her friends and family, but sometimes, afterwards she was spent, and she could just be herself when she was at home with me. It's good when you feel comfortable around each other in that way, like the way it sounds you are. It seems you really trust and have confidence in each other.

Go ahead Michael , things are a little boring now . This will show me , how far Qing's " Sense of Duty " goes .
You might loose a Member , due to an unfortunate accident . Being greeted at Pudong Airport by an Hit-man instead of my Sweetheart .

UUmmmm, okay , I can't do it, how could I do that to a brother?

Hey Martin, how about it ?, I still have those dumplings :icon_cheesygrin:


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