All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Her sense of duty

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Ed W:
haha. i think he was referring to his wifee getting the hitman. LOL.

you guys are brutal! :icon_cheesygrin:

You right Ed , that is exactly what I meant . She wants me to take care of myself ... yes ... but not that way , with young Girl's . I wouldn't mind to have all the 12 Girl's Band here at my house though . That would be okay . She knows I can't handle more than one anyway . Hahaha

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: 'shaun' pid='12037' dateline='1249947254' ---

--- Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='11891' dateline='1249856128' ---
Hey David how come you have a reputation of 2 and I have no reputation at all???  Is it because I am always talking B******s.


--- End quote ---

So Willy, I see how this rating thing works now. You moan and you get a reputation of 2.:icon_cheesygrin:

So then my question is why does Willy have 2 and I have 1?:angel:

No, really contratz Willie!!!

--- End quote ---

At first i thought that they felt sorry for me now I qualify for a free bus pass. But then I thought my latest girl thinks I am so cool - so why stop at just 2 :icon_cool:



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