Author Topic: Completely Floored  (Read 7061 times)

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Offline David E

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RE: Completely Floored
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2009, 05:10:39 am »
Quote from: 'ahkiwi' pid='15730' dateline='1252308694'

In my reply to her I mentioned agencies playing games with other guys.


Which of course, her Agency will filter out those words.......she will never read them !!!

Then the Agency will  add in their reply..."yes maybe some Agencies play games, but my Agency does not".....and she will never see those words either !!!

Heh we go :s:s:s:s



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RE: Completely Floored
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2009, 05:13:48 am »
Yeah, I sent pictures of me when I was little. I had lovely blonde hair when I was a kid, but it ain't so beautiful now :@.

In return I got a picture of her when she was 6 (totally adorable, and her mother is really beautiful!) and 1 (a really cute baby). Interestingly the baby photo shows her with suspiciously red cheeks so I suspect they were heavily into this photoshopping before photoshop was invented!

I also got some more recent unphotoshopped pictures of her wearing a sundress and omg she is a seriously hot babe, her profile pictures did not do her justice so I have found a real gem here :blush:.

Offline Danny

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RE: Completely Floored
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2009, 07:51:37 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='15739' dateline='1252314639'

Then the Agency will  add in their reply..."yes maybe some Agencies play games, but my Agency does not".....and she will never see those words either !!!

This is stating the obvious, but the problem we have is that there is no certain way of knowing this for sure.

I reckon before you start throwing around accusations, you need to be damn sure that your suspicions are well founded. It's easy to ruin a really good relationship in this way.

There are many reasons for misunderstandings in letters (eg incompetence, mix-ups, etc) - bad faith is just one of them.

Offline dude

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RE: Completely Floored
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2009, 04:06:49 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='15829' dateline='1252352082'

Scott, If you say something like "The agency your with sucks, they scam men and women" yeah you bet they will filter it. But if you say "I have been reading of some agencies not being good and I'm glad we don't have the bad agency". It will fly. My lady wrote back she has had no problems with them and is glad too. So I know she read it and gave an answer things are fine.

Out of a dozen (women) I wrote, lets say I was scammed just once. I think I kept writing just to figure out what was going on? (pre forum) She gave me her email address but didn't like the internet cafes, phone number but she would answer and say things like I'm in the shower or having lunch and would hang up. The agency fluffed up the letters like I was the one and only. I think I was one of to many.

The agency I have now, I check in ways to see what is being told from my writings. More recent just from phone calls.

Vince, I like the way you address this smart in how you write these women...going off half-cocked is stupidity! You must apply "BUTTER" when writing these EMF's!!! You guys are paying money for this...use common sense!

ahkiwi...I apologize for posting the above! This is called "thread-jacking" or hi-jacking a is nice to receive a letter that you are thrilled about! I hope you find true happiness in your endeavours!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 04:12:46 pm by dude »

Offline David E

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RE: Completely Floored
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2009, 04:54:16 pm »
Quote from: 'Danny' pid='15762' dateline='1252324297'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='15739' dateline='1252314639'

Then the Agency will  add in their reply..."yes maybe some Agencies play games, but my Agency does not".....and she will never see those words either !!!

This is stating the obvious, but the problem we have is that there is no certain way of knowing this for sure.

I reckon before you start throwing around accusations, you need to be damn sure that your suspicions are well founded. It's easy to ruin a really good relationship in this way.

There are many reasons for misunderstandings in letters (eg incompetence, mix-ups, etc) - bad faith is just one of them.

I dont write about stuff that I am not sure about. I have evidence from my previous visits that confirm to me that there was EMF word filtering going on between my letters and hers. Of course, it is possible that I am the ONLY one who has had this happen and nobody else has anyhting but totally honest EMF's passing between them....if so, then my words were a pile of rubbish, and the Agencies concerned had a personal vendetta against me, but were completely honest with all other men they were writing letters for.

I am enough of a realist to understand that the probability of this being an isolated case concerning my letters only  is ZERO.
And I am getting highly pissed off that every time something gets written that does not exactly fit other peoples view of the World, somebody jumps in with that sort of reply Danny.

You have a right to say what you have I. And I am not out to ruin anybodys relationship....if any guy wants to dump his girl because of what happened to me..thats his choice.

I thought this forum was to share all experiences for the greater good...not to dump crap on anything we dont understand.

You of all people should understand the "fair go" principle !!


Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='15829' dateline='1252352082'

Scott, If you say something like "The agency your with sucks, they scam men and women" yeah you bet they will filter it. But if you say "I have been reading of some agencies not being good and I'm glad we don't have the bad agency". It will fly. My lady wrote back she has had no problems with them and is glad too. So I know she read it and gave an answer things are fine.


How could you say that with conviction...I am amazed.

Your version of those words about the Agency imply no threat to their integrity...of course they would let it through...why wouldn't they ?

You have virtually said "we have a good Agency" are praising them.

And her reply endorses that praise. Why filter out any of that. You have missed the point completely.

The point being, that they have the ability to filter any words that imply dishonesty, fraud, scamming and all the negatives...and they do !!

By the same token, they will take out from her replies any references to anything they think reflects badly on them...AND BOTH OF YOU WILL NEVER KNOW. Only when you get face-to-face will you get the unvarnished, crystal clear picture....if your memory is good enough to remember every word !!

I spent 2 days at one Agency and got very friendly with a translator (in fact we set up a small import export business together bringing electric bicycles into Aus) and I was also getting close to buying into the Agency as a Business, so I do have a fair idea what goes on. I will tell you the Agency name and the name of the translator if you want it...on PM only, I dont want to make trouble for her on the open Forum...too many "strange" people read what is said here .

Because I was considering buying into the Agency, I spent a lot of time re-organising their system...about how they conduct interviews, how they document Ladies profile and life story, and how to bettter write a profile that was relevant and interesting and many of their internal process that were archaic and inneficient.. I also met over 40 of the women registered with the Agency and sat down with them to re-write their profiles...and I SAW with my own eyes, with MY OWN EYES the differences with each one of them to the photos they had on their profile. I KNOW that EVERY one was not accurate to a greater or lesser degree.

Why do you think that I get so angry about photoshopping and truthful interchange of EMF's...because I KNOW what goes on.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 05:43:54 pm by David E »

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RE: Completely Floored
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2009, 06:04:00 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='15846' dateline='1252356856'

I dont write about stuff that I am not sure about. I have evidence from my previous visits that confirm to me that there was EMF word filtering going on between my letters and hers. Of course, it is possible that I am the ONLY one who has had this happen and nobody else has anyhting but totally honest EMF's passing between them....if so, then my words were a pile of rubbish, and the Agencies concerned had a personal vendetta against me, but were completely honest with all other men they were writing letters for.

I am enough of a realist to understand that the probability of this being an isolated case concerning my letters only  is ZERO.
And I am getting highly pissed off that every time something gets written that does not exactly fit other peoples view of the World, somebody jumps in with that sort of reply Danny.

You have a right to say what you have I. And I am not out to ruin anybodys relationship....if any guy wants to dump his girl because of what happened to me..thats his choice.

I thought this forum was to share all experiences for the greater good...not to dump crap on anything we dont understand.

You of all people should understand the "fair go" principle !!


I am sorry about not expressing myself clearly.

I didn't mean to suggest that you didn't know what you were talking about. Not in the least.

I was thinking about my own situation.

I was not saying anything about your experience. I was only adding my experience to the thread of comments.

Recently I suggested in one of my emf mails to my dear woman that the agency was acting in bad faith. In a few of my letters there were references to things I knew for sure hadn't happened and so I stupidly jumped to the conclusion that they were just making up bits and pieces of the letter.

In my next telephone call from my woman she told me quite, let us say, directly, that the translator and the manager of the agency were her close friends and that while she can accept that they make mistakes from time to time, she is hurt by the suggestion that they are acting in a deceitful fashion.

So David when I was saying that there is no way of knowing for sure, I meant that recently I had made the accusation that the agency was acting in bad faith, and it turned out that I was wrong about it. The translator had made honest mistakes and I was wrong to say the things I had. So that was very embarrassing for me, and knowing that I had offended them, I was obliged to apologise to my good woman, the translator and the agency.

I wasn't saying anything controversial. I am sure you accept the possibility of making a mistake, or at the very least, of me making a mistake *laughs*

I enjoy reading your posts and so I don't want you to change a thing.

Best of luck

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 06:10:48 pm by Danny »

Offline David E

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RE: Completely Floored
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2009, 06:24:17 pm »

I am not offended, I dont take it personally, we all MUST write what we think and know is our version of the reality.

When all opinions are in and read, than all Bros can decide which bits suit their situation...and which bits do not !!

That is the HUGE benefit of this forum...and I for one love this freedom to speak about what is each of us individually and severally.

I would say to both you and Vince, you can never know exactly what is passing between you and your Lady...IN THE EARLY DAYS of your relationship. This is the big problem for newbies and they should be aware of it.

As you progress into the "electronic" relationship, things get clearer, because you become more important to her that just another guy who writes letters to her. And when you get to web-cam and natural photos, things get even clearer.

But as we have seen recently, from many bros who actually go to China filled with love, hopes, dreams and PRECONCEPTIONS about our beloved...........a lot of times the reality bites you in the bum !

Some bros have the guts/inclination/committment to try to work through what is a completely new relationship....some just bolt !!

It is my weakness that I am a bolter...once the trust is broken...I move on. Mike and many others choose the other way...there is no wrong or right. We all gotta do what we all gotta do !

But if our collective experience can prevent only one broken heart, because we are better prepared, then all the words that are written here are not in vain.

What keeps this forum alive and what keeps us in the hunt is that we also know from this Forum that when you do win BIG TIME and you win for life.

I was a bit sad that the posts over Mike's saga got so hostile. I welcomed all the views and opinions about his experience, but some "posters" could not deal with any version of the situation that did not agree with theirs...and got hostile and abusive. I point my finger firmly at the Mods for not stopping it earlier. I have been "post banned" for a lot less that that !!!

But I guess unless you are in the "purple circle', you dont get so much freedom.


Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='15849' dateline='1252359935'

Dave, I don't know what you or others write in EMF's. I only know that what I write goes through with no problems no matter what it is. I think it's a combination of things. I'm careful what I write using words they both could understand. The translator might filter words or sentences if you get to deep. Put yourself in there shoes.

Recent was to let my lady and the translator (Sonia) know that one of the guys here was going to meet his lady and visit the agency. My lady and his do not know each other but I let my lady know incase she ran into them. But also let Sonia know I knew he was going to meet her. I knew Sonia would read it before she sent it. My lady replied to it.

I don't really know how to describe how I write things because it's off the cuff kind of writing. I don't trust the agency or the translator so I find ways to write without being filtered.


Sorry, but that reply is a cop-out !!!!!!

If I could summarise your reply............"I dont know how I do it, but trust me, I do it" !!!.............

You can do better than that...surely !!!!! are a Super Mod with 5 star rating...we DEMAND you do better than that :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 06:54:22 pm by David E »

Offline David E

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RE: Completely Floored
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2009, 03:33:05 am »
A Case In Point

I am writing to a Lady from Liaoning.

In her 3rd letter to me she tells in some detail about her son, how old he is, how he does at school, what he wants to be when he graduates...all good stuff.

In her 5 th letter, she begins to speak about her Daughter in a way that seems to assume I know all about her.

I query this and point out the conflicting information

I got an apology for "the misunderstanding " quicksmart...and a note from the translator that it was her error.

So what's a guy to think...

She cant remember if she has a son or a daughter ??????

The translator got me mixed up with another client ????

The letters are "created" in the main part without her knowlege ???

And on and on and on

Phew ?!!!!!!!!!!
