Author Topic: Love in letters, or emf's from the heart..  (Read 3118 times)

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Offline Brian Mc

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Love in letters, or emf's from the heart..
« on: September 29, 2009, 11:52:59 am »
Greetings Brothers,

By request I am going to post some snippets of the letters that Zhen and I have sent to each other over the months that we have been writing.  We write at least one full length letter each day so obviously I cannot include all the letters fully.  However since some folks want to see what exactly two complete romantics write to each other in these letters and perhaps maybe drop a few kernels of wisdom or maybe humour I will share our story with you.

Here is part of Zhens's response to my first letter to her which is posted in the first letter thread.

But in my deep heart, I always dream of having a happy family myself, family comes first really. I hope to give all my love to my husband and family; I hope you can make my dream come true. I am so sorry to hear about your former marriage, and I hope you can walk out of the shadow. I can see that you are so serious on love and you said that you are searching for the last love. I am the same with you. I had a failed marriage, and my ex-husband found another woman to continue his life. He left my son and me alone. So I am here hoping to find an honest and loyal man, from your words, I do feel you are the man I am looking for all the time, really, I am so move by your words……

He he, I really thank God for bringing you in my life. You are a nice present and I really treasure you in my heart. I think we can obey the fate and form a warm relationship. But we need time to learn more about each other. I think we must know everything about our loves, and make sure it's our true love.

My response inpart to her letter,
As for my past marriage. Well that was also a path along the road to where we go. It was good for the most part and I have no regrets, not even at its passing. yes I will walk from the shadow especially if the woman I seek is there to light the way with her love. As for honest and loyal. Well dear Zhen I am so much more than that. But yes honesty is a trait I do cherish as is loyalty. Without both there can be no lasting love. Do you agree?

As for me coming into your life, well my dear so far I find it a nice place to be. I find you to be a compassionate and tender lady yet also you seem to have a happiness and lightness about you. I agree we must know everything about our love and so perhaps we begin that journey now? Shall we walk this road together? This journey of mutual discovery and sharing and learning who and where we are destined to be?

Another clip from Zhen..
How are you doing now, my dear Brian? I am so excited to receive your warm and loving letter and I can see we are closer to each other by our honest words. I have never had so nice feelings for a man, and I can feel you are so special for me. I do dream of enjoying the big smile on your face when you drank your morning coffee and read my letter. he he, hope you have a good mood the whole day!

My dear Brian, I do hate lies, and I never play games with love and feelings. I am not such fool. I know true love is hard to find, but once I find it, I should try to hold and treasure it by my true heart. When I read your sincere and words, I do smile in my deep heart. I bet you wrote those words with your honest and loving heart. I can feel your true feelings coming out of each single word. I do feel honored to get your nice words and enjoy true happiness from them. You said you do not understand how on earth any man could walk away from me, he he, in my deep heart, I am not only need a man, but a man with a kind and sincere heart. He will never hide anything to me, and he will try to understand, respect, care for and love with all his heart. Some men try to go into my world, but they only pay attention to my face but not my inner world. Outside beauty will fade with time, but inner beauty will always stay with me and make my life more colorful and meaningful, do you agree with me?

This clip here I thik was one of the defining in our relationship thus far.  We have talked about the usual things but also expressed who we are and how we think.  To me it shows what we all need to keep in mind when writing letters.  Truth honesty and openess.  Zhen pretty much said everything in that paragraph about what she wants in a man.  Luckily we both felt the same way.

Another response from me...
Ha my dear Zhen you have such a knack ( skill) for putting a smile on my face, your words light up my day. Ahh Zhen you are so sweet, and your words are so true, when I write to you I write with my heart and my feelings not just my head. Yes I agree inner beauty is the most treasured of all however it is the outer that first creates the attraction. The outer beauty is easy to see, but the inner, ahhh that is a journey worth making to see someone blossom in front of your eyes, to see and feel the layers of hurt and pain peel away to reveal the most tender and warm and loving heart beneath. That my dear Zhen is the true journey to the heart. That is the journey worth a lifetime of questing to make. That is why we have love. To share our innermost selves with the one person who makes us feel so treasured and loved and yet at the same time allows us to be free to be ourselves. Such a love is so rare in this world and so hard to find and yet it is such a worthy goal to strive for.

Ahh Zhen you are a woman of extraordinary beauty. You are correct though it is your inner self that is the most beautiful. After all when the surface beauty begins to fade and time marches on, that is when we feel our truest love. When the hearts and souls of two people join together for life, and walk that journey to the end of time that is when we know our deepest and truest love. Nothing can come between two hearts joined in such a way their love will be eternal.This is what I seek with all my heart. That deep and everlasting union of two hearts and souls and people.

Yea I know real mushy stuff but as I have said elsewhere, I do not think this stuff up it just flows from my fingers onto the page.  Zhen pulls these words by her love for me and mine for her.  They come out so effortlessly.

One last from her for this post this one was dated Aug 17th  In a previous letter I said to her that we would put all our letters together in a book called the Romance of Zhen and Brian..

My love, I am so happy to know that I am the most beautiful lady in the world to you, he he, my love, I do feel so honored to be your beautiful Zhen, but I am sure you have the power to make me more beautiful, right? I always think of my Brian in my deep heart, he he, can you feel my burning heart for you?

My love, I am sure that I am so blessed to meet you here and I do dream of being with you in the future. I am so lucky to be with you and get your love ;) I am so happy that I wrote you without any hesitation when I found your profile here, and of course, we should thank the agency and the translator for their help for us, right? Just keep my words in your mind, my love, as long as you put your hands in mine, I will never let you go……I am so eager to see our book which having all of our love story in it……The Romance of Zhen and Brian, he he, so funny!

My love, I am your Zhen, and I will always be yours. I do love the feelings when you tease me, he he, I can see that you are so nice and kind and have such sense of humor ;) I am so honored and happy to have you in my life, and I am sure once we are together, we will have fun and make our life more colorful and meaningful……

and one last clip from my reply...
Wo ai ni my darling Zhen, wo xiang ni,

Yes my darling I made my tea ahead of time so that I could be with you with no interuptions. Have I said wo ai ni in my heart to you? Well dearest I have to tell you that I have been thinking about you all day today at work. Several times I was lost in your heart and forgot what I was supposed to be doing hehe, so yes my love you have completely captured me.

Yes my Zhen we shall finish our book, or at least volume one. Maybe it will end the night before our marriage. Then Volume 2 can be The Loving Life of Zhen and Brian. In volume one we shall put all of our love letters and all of the pictures we have sent back and forth to each other, and we shall present copies to your family and to mine so they will know how we came together.

Ahh my love it would be my honour to spend your birthday with you. I shall try to make it so. I will try to come for perhaps 3 weeks. While I understand that you must work and may only have one week for holiday, that is ok . I shall amuse myself in your fine city taking in the sights, and the culture. Then perhaps when you are not at work we can meet and dine together and do things in the moments that we can. Ah my love to be with you finally, to see your beautiful smiling face those wonderfull eyes, that long black hair which thrills me so. What more could a man ask for? To spend time with the only woman in his heart, to see her to hear her to touch her, hold her kiss her. Ahh now I think it is such a long time til October hehe.

So there you have it, a few snippets from the best seller (lol) The Romance of Zhen and Brian vol 1.  It seems quite amazing to me as I go back and read these letters again how our tone and playfulness changed as the letters and our relationship developed.  We had basically committed to each other before the end of week 3 and never looked back.


Zhen and Brian

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RE: Love in letters, or emf's from the heart..
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2009, 03:04:09 pm »
That was really beautiful to read ... now I am even more depressed :icon_cry:

Hmmm with time ...
Go deep or don't go


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RE: Love in letters, or emf's from the heart..
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2009, 04:12:23 pm »
Wow, that's great.

I've been keeping EMFs for the business side of things, but there's much more romantic stuff going on through MSN. If I say something funny or romantic I get the greatest emoticons in response!



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RE: Love in letters, or emf's from the heart..
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2009, 04:19:23 pm »
I think that being romantic myself, I am bit 'disappointed'...:huh:

Oh NOT with your content Brian.... but with my own lol:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Great read mate, no wonder she fell for you:blush:

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Love in letters, or emf's from the heart..
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2009, 10:35:17 am »
Greetings Brothers,
Perhaps a second installment would be in order.

From Zhen..

My dearest beloved Brian

How are you doing now, my love? I am so excited to think of your feelings of reading my letter, but I am sure you will understand the true meaning of my sweet love for you, and only for you. Sometimes I can't help calling your name when I am at work, and each time, I will have a big face when my colleagues will show their smiles to me. I know they are blessing us in deep hearts. Also, deeply inside my heart, I do believe that a nice future is waiting for us……
My love, when we are together, I am sure many Chinese women will envy me, and I am sure you will be loved by many women……What should I do? You are mine and always be mine, and when a lady looks at me, I will tell her, this gentle man is my beloved husband Brian……Ha ha, what do you think, my love?

now reply from me...
I am so happy that you will look after me when I come to visit you. I just hope I will not be too much trouble for you. I do not want you to get into trouble at work. I also look forward to hugging and kissing you. Once I take your hand mine darling i will not want to let it go. As for what the other chinese women may think do not fear. They will see plain as day that I am yours and you are mine for I will hold your hand or your arm or put my arm around you and you may call me your Lao Gong and I shall call you my Lao Po, and they will know we are together forever.

As for a beard my love no I do not have one but I do have a moustache. I have had it since I was 17 years old and never took it off. However if you dislike it I will take it off for you. Do I snore my dear, well let me think, hmmm I have lain awake many nights and never heard me snore so I think that I do not. Yes I tease you again. As for the tickling I meant if I stroke your feet will it make you laugh or if I run my fingers about your ribs and under your arms will you squirm and giggle? If I kiss the back of your neck and your ears will you get tingles up your spine? I know so many ways to show affection to you my love and I will practice all of them on you.

From Zhen..
Please, my dear Brian, please allow me to call you my Lao Gong, and I will be so happy to hear that you call me your Lao Po……We will make a great couple, am I right? I can't imagine how happy we will be in the future, because I am sure we will accept more and more new things and our life will be always colorful and interesting, am I right?

As for the tickling, he he, you are so loving and passionate, my love. Yes, if you stroke my feet, it will make me laugh; if you run your fingers about my ribs and under my arms, I will squirm and giggle ;) If you kiss the back of my neck and my ears, I will get tingles up my spine……I am sure you will always know the way to show your love to me, and whatever we do, I am sure that is because of our strong love, we will always be so happy, am I right?

From me..

As for what you call me my Zhen I would be honoured for you to call me your Lao Gong, and yes I shall call you my Lao Po. As for our life being colourful and interseting yes my love I see that also. Between your culture, my culture your language and my language, your thoughts and mine , yes I think our life will be very interesting indeed heheh. We have so much in common and yet also so many differences and so many obstacles I think our life together will not be boring.

Yes my love I will make it my lifes purpose to show my love to you everyday for as long as we live. You will have so much love each day you will not know what to do with it. Do you remember I told you I was a romantic affectionate man? well my Zhen I shall prove it to you daily. I will hold you and kiss you before we rise, when you are in the kitchen I will kiss your neck and wrap my arms around you and hold you close, when we walk about outside I shall hold your hand or put my arm around your waist, when we are at quiet time in the evening we shall snuggle on the couch and watch our movies or listen to music together, and you will know that my affection for you has no limits. When we retire to bed in the night my love I .............

one more from Zhen..
How eagerly I want to hug you now, and hug you tight, until we have to meet the God. Don't ask me how much I need you. I really have no answers. I can only tell you that thinking of you has become a must in my everyday life. I can live without food and sleep, but can't without you. We have experienced many tribulations in life, now it's time for us to enjoy life. I am sure if you can stay with me and spend the rest of our life together, I will become the happiest woman in the world.

and of course a reply...

Of course I would have to find a most rare and special lady, in a far away and exotic land. And she must be beautiful and have wonderful eyes, a sweet smile, long black hair,and her inner beauty will far outshine her outer beauty. She of course will be intelligent romantic affectionate and be a fine cook. Also she must love me with all her heart and be willing to be my equal partner in all things. She must agree to be my loving soulmate for all eternity and love me as I love her forever. Where am I going to find such a wonderful lady my love? who could it be? Whats that my Lao Po, you know who this lady is? Ahh my darling I certainly hope you know who she is for her name is...... ahh I cannot tease you any longer....... Her name is Zhen of course!! You my love are the one for me, the one that I have looked for all my life but never found. The one who completes me!! Of course this is always assuming that you approve, do you my love?

So there we are, more mushy stuff from The Romance of Zhen and Brian.  It still amazes me that I have found this perfect woman half way around the world with the help of the internet and a marriage website!!  Who says technology is a bad thing hehe.  I have never felt so blessed or loved in my entire life as I do now.


Zhen and Brian

Offline victor-hills

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RE: Love in letters, or emf's from the heart..
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2009, 12:46:57 pm »
Bloody hell Brian if i was a woman and you spoked to me like that i love you to lol lovely read mate
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.


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RE: Love in letters, or emf's from the heart..
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2009, 12:27:14 am »
Well , let me put a twist on this Thread .
How about letter's from one of your chinese Sister's . This is from my mei mei LILY . She has just send me a bunch of her Performance Photo's . She Dances and Sings on Stage all around southern China . I wish , I could some day with Qing enjoy one of her Performance's . It might just happen on my next Trip back to China .

Here is part of her long letter , which she wrote me by herself ... when I send her an EMF a few day's ago and an E-Mail a couple weeks back .

Everything goes well with my dad and sister, did I told you I introduce a aunt to my dad before? now they are still together, I will send you some pictures of our family when we are having dinner :)


Ge ge, I am always very happy to get your letter, sometimes I can’t respond you sooner because I have no computer, I don’t come to net place often, so…but I know my ge ge would understand, right?


Wish you have a nice life with Qing soon in America :)

Your mei mei

Ps: my ge ge, I am so touched when I reread the last letter you sent to me, you said, I think you better tell Jerry , that there is another Man that Loves you ^_^ ge ge, I love you too

Jerry is the Man from Calif . that she's been writing to for some month's now . I'm so happy for her and who know's .. some day all four of us will meet in Calif ?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 12:27:55 am by Arnold »