My own sense plus the help of my brothas have helped to maybe bring this about. That is why this site is so helpful to all of us. It gives us a different point of view or reaffirms our own. Even if not quite right the different points of views help. It gives us a different perspective to look at. One that maybe we would not have thought of. That is why it is so valuable. Anyone who does not use this resource loses. I pity the ones on any other site that does not have this type of resource or the guys who think they know it all and do not need it. Everyone does. Even if to reaffirm their own thoughts. Look at me, Maxx, Arnold, Rhonald, Martin, Chong, Sly, Scott, Mike, Michael, Rob, Shaun, Vince, David50, (sorry if I have not mentioned you) and all the others. We have all used this valuable resource to help us. maybe we are all not at the pinnacle of our love lives yet, but without it, we would be the poorer for it. In the future the new guys need it also. For we are all Brothas and want to help each other. That is why we are here. No one is making any money off of this place.