Author Topic: A Southerners continuing journey in China  (Read 44563 times)

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #180 on: September 10, 2009, 11:05:48 am »
4 MILES!!!

Good God.....thats a hell of a stroll after eating a meal.

You must be in damn good shape, I'd need a powerbar and a bottle of Gatorade.

Offline victor-hills

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #181 on: September 10, 2009, 11:08:43 am »
Jim will be doing a 20 mile yomp with 58 webbing and slr rifle next lol.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 11:11:13 am by victor-hills »
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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #182 on: September 10, 2009, 11:26:35 am »

Only the Brit's Yomp!!  haha!!



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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #183 on: September 10, 2009, 12:09:26 pm »
What is a yomp? :huh:

Offline victor-hills

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #184 on: September 10, 2009, 12:29:36 pm »
lol i new i get them going with that one David ;)
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Offline phil

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #185 on: September 10, 2009, 01:23:43 pm »
Still...a 4 Mile "Yomp" after dinner is a helluva haul. Did you get any prior notice about the mini-marathon?
Knowing my luck, I would pick that night to have a Western Steak Dinner with all the trimmings and dessert :(


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #186 on: September 10, 2009, 01:43:27 pm »
The Term ''Yomp'' isn't accurately described in the above link... The term Yomp describes a long distance battle trek/march over rough terrain in adverse weather conditions. If the distance to be covered were over normal terrain and normal weather conditions, it would not be a Yomp.....

The term IS still used to this day, as told by my numerous friends in the British Forces here, that frequently have to trek 10's of miles in full battle kit, ...and in 30c heat too...  The Royal Marines are still a tough ole bunch so don't mess with them!! ...hahaha!!

« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 03:25:24 pm by David5o »


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #187 on: September 10, 2009, 01:45:05 pm »
Quote from: 'phil' pid='16183' dateline='1252603423'

Still...a 4 Mile "Yomp" after dinner is a helluva haul. Did you get any prior notice about the mini-marathon?
Knowing my luck, I would pick that night to have a Western Steak Dinner with all the trimmings and dessert :(

Keren also told me that we will walk our dinners off....That is exactly what I told her, .."please tell me in advance when we will walk a good distance before I eat.  So I don't eat a 'big' western dinner..."


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #188 on: September 10, 2009, 01:56:16 pm »
Actually, what the Chinese do after there main meal of the day, is a very good digestive aid. It's not unusual to walk at least a mile after meals!! I always felt better for it too, much better for you than laying down and putting your feet up.
Never a good idea to go to bed with a full belly, but i think that must be a well know fact these days. The Chinese custom is just an extension of that philosophy.....

Offline MLM

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #189 on: September 10, 2009, 03:04:23 pm »
Say David, since when are you Dennis?, is this a middle name or is one of them a fictitious name :huh: inquiring minds want to know.
And the U.S. Marines would and still, call that a hump, hahaha, Hump or Yump, its still a pain in the A$$, well maybe more in the feet hehehe.:icon_cheesygrin:
Victor, you are an instigator aren't you hahaha !!!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 03:06:48 pm by MLM »

Offline victor-hills

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #190 on: September 10, 2009, 03:21:30 pm »
Me neaver lol it just remined me when i was doing my  basic training we was told we was going on a short Yomp 20 miles later you feel if your dieing oh the good old days lol
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #191 on: September 10, 2009, 03:24:42 pm »

My middle name is Dennis, ... i use it for my surfing email address, stops most of the crap coming back on my main email address!! .... Also what Lucy calls me when i get up to mischief then i'm Dennis the Menace!! She got that off my Mum, that's what she called me as a kid when i was a little bugger as she used to say! ...haha!!  

Actually .... i'm being called that tonight by lucy, i moved her car key's and she couldn't find them, they were still in my pocket, when i went out!!  hahaha!!  That's the second time i've signed off as Dennis.... both times after getting it in the ear from Lucy calling me Dennis....haha!! You know the feeling after at least a 20 minutes of ranting!!!!

« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 03:28:45 pm by David5o »

Offline MLM

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #192 on: September 10, 2009, 06:17:49 pm »
Oh God yes, I'm hearing it now about that damned dog hahaha


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #193 on: September 10, 2009, 06:26:33 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='16194' dateline='1252610682'


My middle name is Dennis, ... i use it for my surfing email address, stops most of the crap coming back on my main email address!! .... Also what Lucy calls me when i get up to mischief then i'm Dennis the Menace!! She got that off my Mum, that's what she called me as a kid when i was a little bugger as she used to say! ...haha!!  

Actually .... i'm being called that tonight by lucy, i moved her car key's and she couldn't find them, they were still in my pocket, when i went out!!  hahaha!!  That's the second time i've signed off as Dennis.... both times after getting it in the ear from Lucy calling me Dennis....haha!! You know the feeling after at least a 20 minutes of ranting!!!!


LOL  I remember seeing you signed off as Dennis before I thought it was another guy using your

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #194 on: September 11, 2009, 10:13:08 am »
No I thought we were taking a taxi home.  She just started with a little romp to the mall,. then after the mall to the next store then the next then the next.  When i said I have had enough she said we are almost home.  I said OK, then it was 2 more miles.  i kept seeing places I knew but did nt realize how far they were from home.  I told he never pull that on me again.  I need to be mentally prepared for that.  She just laughed.  I got home, took a shower and died.  She didnt get anything last night, I tell you for sure.  LOL.

I will tell you about today in a little bit.  Good day with Qingqing.  But didnt start out that way.
Today, Qingqing was coming home from school. So first thing, I changed all of my information from my wallet to the one she bought me.  She was going to meet us at the art school.  Now the  art school is about 10 blocks by 10 blocks.  Of course we did not know that then.  We go there, go through some of the exhibits.  We got into an area where my phone did not work, although I did not know that.  Soon we started to call her.  Long story short.  By the time we got through to her she was totally lost and crying.  Of course it was my fault.  Because it was my phone that was the culprit.   I tried for about two hours to make it up to her.  Of course no go.  Finally I just said I quit and did no more talking to her.  we got a cab and went to the shopping center to get things for dinner.  While there her and her mother decided they wanted sea food, (which I mostly hate).  I said fine.  We sat at the table and her father calls her.  I do not know what it was all about, but at the end she was crying.  Now I am about ready to explode on this asshole.  He pays no bills on this girl yet thinks he has the right to holler at her. But, I steam and say nothing. She cannot even eat, she is so upset.  I go to pay the bill and she sees I have the wallet she gave me.  She actually smiles.  Mama has to go to class so just Qingqing and I go home.  I keep my cool.  we get home and take a look at the turtles, she thinks they are dead and of course this is my fault also.  But, they finally start moving around so all is good.  i can tell she wants to talk to me but the language thing is there.  So I start to talk about music and that I want to take her and her friends to KTV next week end.  Next thing I know we are deep in discussion of Michael Jackson through google translate.  She has only a slight knowledge of what he was.  So I fill her in.  It goes from there to other things and we are starting to have fun.  King Kong, deep Dark Book and other films.  Next she brings up some of Michael jacksons dance routines and of course I do the worst imitation in the world of him.  She starts dancing with me.  Mama comes home and sees this and starts cracking up.  So here I am doing a solo Michael jackson of Billie Jean.  Of course I ham it up a bit.  By the time I am done, Qingqing is howling, comes up to me and puts her arms around me and tells me i am great.  then she says she wants the three of us to go someplace together tomorrow like a real family.  I tell you it was all worth it.  I know we have a long way to go but at least this is the first big step.  I said Ok, as long as there is no shopping, she said OK as long as there is no big meals.  I agreed.  So tomorrow should be fun.
An interesting thing happened while waiting for Qingqing.  Now while waiting for her, I sit on a bench holding my wife's purse. this Chinese guy comes up, sits down next to me and offers me a cigarette.  I refuse of course.  then he starts a conversation.  I told him that i speak very little Mandarin.  He scoots closer.  I scoot away.  he scoots closer.  I am tired and angry by this time.  I turn to him and tell him to get the F**k away from me or I will brain him. He pulls on my wife's purse and is saying I do not know what.  So i grab his arm, twist it behind his back and am ready to break it when my wife comes running up and tells me he is an art teacher. (She knew him from a class he took) He apparently liked her purse as it is different.  I felt a little embarrassed and apologized to him.  he just smiled and ran away. In my own defense, we had earlier cashed some US money and had about 12000 rmb in her purse.  That is why I was holding it while she was looking for Qingqing.  
But ,really I thought he was trying to pick me up.  I was having a bad day anyway.  the bank only took about 2/3rd of the money, partly because they were "dirty".  I had a bank guard looking over my shoulder because I made a comment about it being stupid and idiotic.  Which pissed me off even more then they said they were only giving me 6.7 instead of 6.8.  so I was getting really pissed.  The guard called another guard and they were both standing behind me.  Just looking at me.  I turned around and glared at them.  My wife kept her cool and I think that is the only reason we got out of there like we did. When we got out of the bank, she turned to me and popped me on the head.  She said do not ever do that again in a bank in China.  They can throw you in jail just for looking cross eyed at a bank teller.  Well, I learned two lessons today.

I went to the hotel where Brian is supposed to stay.  they say they have nothing on him. They did not check very well , so I ask for the manager.  he is a frilly little prig.  He says they have no one by that name either registered or canceled.  We hang around the lobby for awhile hoping to see him.  Nothing.  So i have no idea what next for him.  Any suggestions?  I have already PM'd him twice.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 11:23:44 am by JimB »
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.