I have my retirement and that could have us living well. But for me, more than 2 months is uncomfortable. I want to be home where I can get in the car and go see my daughter and my family. We are a close family. I talk to my sister every day and my mother at least every other day, my daughter every other day, of course my son lives with me now so i see him everyday. i cant do that in China. Plus learning the language is a must if you live there. I dont know how well you are coming along Willy, but for me it was extremely difficult. i learned Vietnamese easily and still remember a lot of it even after 40 years, I know spanish that is easy for my to pick up but something about Chinese is so very difficult.
Willy you are one very brave soul to get a car and drive over there. I would rather downtown Atlanta in rush hour than the expressway in China. I drove downtown Washington DC, downtown New york, LA and Detroit and was never as nervous as I was in Beijing and Xi'an, Wuhan was a bit better but still bad. I have my pilots license and landed in a snow and ice storm in marquette michigan with ice hitting the windshield from the propeller and was never as nervous. I know part of it was that I was in control all those times but still... My wife is getting anxious, she wanted to get a visitors visa to come and stay while we waited for the Marriage Visa but the Lawyer really said it would not be advisable. If for whatever reason she was turned down on her visitors visa it would have a direct effect on the marriage visa. We will not be separated for more than a year no matter what happens. Even if they turn her down, (Which I doubt), then i will go there. I will just stay 3 months at a time then come home for a month or two then go back. I should be able to get a job teaching or rather tutoring there. i would rather tutor so i could set my own times. Plus every 4 months I have to go to the VA and get prescription renewals and let them check me out. This way all of my medication is free. They would just send it to my daughter and she would send it on to me. Like I said, it is not my cup of tea but I will do it if necessary. it seems each day it gets harder and harder to say goodbye on QQ. I have been back a month now and it seems like a year. it really does. When you are engaged or in love with someone it is hard, but after you are married it is even harder. She is your wife your Laopo and you should be together, not separated by some government red tape because they think everyone is a terrorist or a pimp. I can understand doing a background check. but after that it is the government saying they know better on how I live my life than I do. If she were Mexican she would be here in a couple of days. Not one year or so. That is one of the frustrating parts also. Now I am not accusing all hispanics of this. But since they moved in here in Dalton, because of the carpet mills, this has become one of the top 10 drug areas in the country. Hispanics are now 65% of the population here. Like I said I am not accusing all of them. I have a couple of hispanic friends, plus I have done business with them and I have trusted them more than a lot of whites when it comes to renting and paying their bills. They show up every month on time and pay their bills in cash. I know I am ranting but I get frustrated at times like this. Especially after she says she knows i will not let her down. i feel like i am.
I talked to Qingqing this morning and she is doing better about losing the competition. She will be 17 on November 11th. She was more interested in what I got her for her birthday and will it get there on time. Of course it will. She wanted a diamond ring similar to the one I got her mother for our engagement. Of course I didnt get one that expensive but she should like it. I wouldnt normally do it, but this is the first birthday since her mother and I have been married and she has been good the last couple of months. Plus her father usually just gives her a card with 100 RMB in it. Last year Mama got her a Blackberry type of cellphone and cost her about 5000 RMB. Like I said she is spoiled. Mama told her this gift is from the both of us but she didnt buy that one bit. Typical teenager. lol.
Well thats all my rant for now. Thanks for listening. Sometimes you just gotta get it off your chest.
For this stuff, this is the perfect place.