Author Topic: A Southerners continuing journey in China  (Read 44498 times)

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Offline MLM

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #45 on: August 17, 2009, 10:14:16 pm »
Its been 7 days and no word from Ronan.

The women in China are all beautiful for some one, just not all are for me, just one is perfect for me, now that I covered my butt..., thay are pretty aren't they. :icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Ed W

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #46 on: August 17, 2009, 10:30:24 pm »
Quote from: 'JimB' pid='13067' dateline='1250517722'

I told her it could be funny that either me or my father could have fought against her father as he was an advisor in both Korea and Viet Nam.  I starting laughing about it but she did not think it was that funny so I changed the subject.  We NEVER talk politics.  Angel is not political anyway.  I think we may have had a total of two conversations about it, and both were to the effect that we do not discuss it.  

Jim, My wife never showed the least bit political when I was there. I believe this is the conditioning in her culture since when I tried to take a pic of the guards outside the government building, she quickly pulled the camera down and said "No. They're the people. They are protected.". It doesnt take a genius to figure out she's telling me it's not a good idea but although she prevented me from potentially commiting a crime by photographing them, she also never mentions her opinions of their politics. I believe she just accepts it as the moon or the sky. It just is....

My wife and I never had any conversation of politics when i was there and I bet we will hardly ever talk politics since I learned she loves her country very much and does not argue with it's policies, and neither do I about mine. The exception for me is I can vote and hope my vote causes the diference.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2009, 12:29:38 am »
I knew I was family once my father-in-law brought up politics with me. We even spoke of Mao. My wife and I have spoken of American politics before, and I spoke of Chinese politics with my college-age translators for my wife's family in the past.

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #48 on: August 18, 2009, 09:31:34 am »
This afternoon we went to my brother in laws hospital.  If you can call it that.  it is like a country club in a park setting.  i kid you not.  it is huge with winding trails going by waterfalls connected to a lake that has walkways all around. to walk around it is about 10 miles.  It has paddlewheel boats, electric boats, kayaks and big wheel replica to handle about 15 people.  It is one of the most famous hospitals in the country.  It specializes in orthopedics.  It has 1,000 doctors with about 3500 nurses.  My brother in law is only 39 years old so he is stil one of the younger ones there.  But, when he leaves and goes back to Wuhan, he will be in very high demand.  he says about 5 more years experience.  His wife and my little girlfriend still live in Wuhan and come up once a month and he goes down once a month.  He rents a tiny two room apartment one bedroom/kitchen/living room and a bathroom. it costs him 3000 rmb a month.  Rather expensive but he is close to the hospital and he doesnt need much so he stays there.  He apologized like crazy stating he could not make t to the wedding but he had to work and could not get out of it at all.  Work comes first with this family.  Mama and Baba put a very strong work ethic in.  So anyway he says to make up for it he is taking us out to get Peking Duck.  Not just any Peking duck but a place only the locals know about and get the real thing.  Specially raised and fed just for this place.  I took a couple of pics.  the duck was out of sight. how you eat duck is this.  Take a crepe type of bread, place your duck in the middle. pour on some special sauce, (to me it tasted like a BBQ sauce).  Put your sliced scallions and lettuce stalks.  Roll it up and eat.  we also had duck soup with big pieces of duck in it.  A duck type of soup with just about everything imaginable in it.  Sliced tofu, peas, potatoes, you name it.  About 5 courses for 6 people.  200 yuan. (No wonder he volunteered to pay.)  Just incredible.  They were telling me that downtown the same meal in a big restaurant  would run about 900 yuan.  Still cheap but man.
Now we are home and packed up to leave in the morning.  We have a 7 AM flight to Wuhan.  Will come back in 5 days.  We do have internet in the hotel. But will probably be very busy with family and so on.  Speaking of which, I feel totally at home here. really. Completely comfortable even with the language difficulty.  My brother in law and sister in law already treat me like family.  And tell me that they know she and I will be together forever.  Angel  and I have fallen into a sort of routine already that shows we are totally comfortable with each other.  it is so great.  We were meant to be together.  I am old enough to know that we will have difficulty but as long as we can keep our sense of humor about it.  We will be fine.  we have had the racist conversations of the people in both the US and China. we do not care what anyone else thinks or says.  
The only problem that has cropped up is the baby thing.  She really wants one.  i do not.  I finally told her that I would have the operation and if it is supposed to be it will happen, if not that is the end of it.  I do know that it will not work so I am not concerned.  

Still no word from Irish.  OK Ronan, enough, come up for air just long enough to tell us you are OK.  I know he went to Tianjin and his girl was ling, that is all I know.  I know two people from tianjin plus a new brother in law in the secret police.  I do not want to start off asking him for favors but I will if necessary.

Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline ahkiwi

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #49 on: August 18, 2009, 09:58:48 am »
Thanks for the update Jim!


Irish passed though earlier I think, left a quick note in the shoutbox
World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.

Ali (???)
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Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #50 on: August 20, 2009, 09:46:45 am »
Lets start with yesterday.  Got up early and of course it was raining.  Angel, being the smart woman she is, had hired a car.  He came all the way into the complex and helped us with our clothes. Now of course I overpacked.  But I have been having to shower at least 2 times a day.  It has been so terribly hot and humid. I will drench a shirt in about 5 minutes.  It seems the humidity has been about 90%.  Anway, we get to the airportone hour and 15 minutes early.  With all of the delays we never stopped between sections and just made the plane.  Now here we are all packed in, full flight.  I am drenched in sweat.  On comes the pilot, we are being delayed due to the weather, please sit tight and we will inform you when we can take off.  He shuts down the plane.  No air conditioning.  I feel awful.  Stuffy, no air and in the middle seat.  I am just about ready to say the hell with it and get off after 45 minutes when the engines start and he says we are now 4th in line for takeoff.  At least the air comes on.  Finally we take off, no problems. 2 hours later we land in Wuhan.  My “Secret Police” is going to pick us up.  Ok, the story of the Secret Police.  I kept wondering why it wasn’t a big Secret.  It turns out that “Secret police is that he is a Detective.  True a highly placed one, but still a detective.  He has a car and a driver assigned to him.  The driver sucks, really.  He kept stalling out the car, it is a stick shift and actually hit a guy on a motorcycle.  But not bad enough to cause  problem.  No one said anything.  I kept the smiles to myself.  He took us to the hotel.  A howard Johnsons 5 star.  Really nice even has an inside pool.  We got to our room and Angel did not like it.  It had two double beds instead of a King size like she wanted.  The bell boy called downstairs.  No more rooms available, there is a conference going on.  By the way brother inlaws name is jimbao.  Easy for me to remember.  So Jimbao got on the phone in 5 minutes the desk called and had us an upgraded room at the same discounted price as the other one.  This had a king size bed and a sitting room with a sofa and three chairs.    It is still who you know.  We had a pleasant day, he took us to a very nice lunch and paid for it. Wow.  We went back to the hotel and took a nap.  It is about 100 degrees in Wuhan.   Then we took a taxi to Mamas house for dinner.  She made two huge platters of dumplings. Plus the other items. Eat your hearts out Dinger and Bonk.  These were absolutely the best dumplings I have had.  She kept filling my plate up with them until I had them coming out of my ears.  Then we sat around and talked. LanLan, Angels best friend arranged for an interpreter for us.  Now the girl is not a good one but at least she could speak both languages.  Brother in law started talking politics with me.  So I guess I am family after all.  He talked rather frankly and asked me the same.  Interesting conversation.  Then it was time to go.  They walked us down to the taxi.  I grabbed Mama and gave her a big hug.  She hugged me back and started crying.  She said when I get rich, I want you to buy a house in Wuhan.  I said I would do my best.  What else could I say.   We got back to the hotel.  It is on the Yangtze river.  Beautiful view.   Then Angel said we had to get up early.  I said wny, and she said we are going to registerour marriage tomorrow.  I said what happened to the 21st.  She just said we are too busy so it will be tomorrow.  I said ok.


We got up around 7:30 took our showers and ate breakfast in the hotel.  Then the interpreter shows up and off we go.  I had paid Vistaright a total of about $165 to get the paperwork done for my single certificate.  They told me everything was fine.  I get to the office.  The woman behind the desk says it is a no go.  What?  She says it needs to be interpreted into Chinese.  I said I thought it was.  She said no it wasn’t.  Christ.  She gives us a card to take to another place about 5 miles away.  Into a cab and off we go.  I am cussing most of the way.  Of course under my breath.  I am going to have it out with them when I get back.  Trust me.  I am telling anyone else right now. Stop doing business with them until it gets cleared up.  They have supposedly done this correctly for a very long time.  Anyway we go and get it done, wait 2 hours.  Get back to the government office at 11:am.  The woman said she did not know if we had time to get it done today.  They close at 11:30 and wont be back until Friday.  I did not want to try a bribe because you never know what kind of heat that might bring down.  I just smiled and asked nicely if she could please try, it was very important to us as we had to get back to Beijing before Friday.  She was a nice kid and said OK.  Now here comes the funny part.  On the application it asks what is the highest education do you have.  I said a BS degree.  She asked what that was.  I said of Bachelor of Science degree.  She said you are no longer going to be a bachelor.  I thought she was kidding so I laughed.  She did not.  She asked again.  What is the highest education do you have?  I said a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.  She said that is no longer good as you will be married.  All I could think of was Who’s on first.  It was all I could do to not crack up.  I finally got it through to her that that was what it was called, not my marital status.  She said OK, but I hope they let it through.  We finally get it all done.  We are now married.  We exchange the rings and get our red books.  Angel has decided to take my name.  So she is now Burk Shi Yunxiang.  She does not want to be called Angel.  She does not feel right.  Her English name is Gina Burk.  Ok whatever she wants.  So tomorrow we will have the dinner.  We were going to have it at the hotel.  But they wanted a minimum of 10,000 Yuan. Plus.  So we head to the fancy restaurant down the street.
Now Qingqing calls her mama.  She wants to come to Wuhan when her competition is done.  She wants us to buy her plane ticket so she can come see her boyfriend.  I can no longer hold my tongue.  This is the last straw.  I tell Angel, there is no way in the world I will buy a ticket for her.  If she wants to come to Wuhan.  She needs to do whatever she has to do to earn the money.  She could not come to our wedding buy she can come to see her boyfriend.  BS, no frickin way.  Angel turns to me and says OK.  She tells Qingqing, so she hangs up on her Mama.  This kid has some serious issues.  
Tonight we go to dinner with my Secret Police brother in law his wife and daughter.  We then take a walk along the Yangtze river.  People in the park doing exercises, old people doing their Kata.  That is what  I would like to start doing.  So we are back in the room.  I am going to take another shower.  Then hit the sack.  Well, I am a married man again.  It feels good.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2009, 09:57:08 am »
JimB Congrats to both of you mate, hope to be in the same club soon...;-))

Vince G

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #52 on: August 20, 2009, 10:04:50 am »
Congratulations Jim & "Gina"

As for the daughter I would have done the same. :@


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2009, 10:11:58 am »
On most forms, when they ask for education, they want to know years. For example most Chinese will have a 9th grade education, but my M.Div is considered 18th grade. They keep counting grades past 12th grade, where the numbers end in America.

Jim, for Americans, in most, if not all provinces of China, you have to have the single certificate translated and re-notarized in China at the province's official translator's office. You are lucky as this translation usually takes many days!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 10:12:24 am by feisnik »

Offline Ed W

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2009, 10:17:23 am »
Quote from: 'JimB' pid='13582' dateline='1250776005'

  I said what happened to the 21st.  She just said we are too busy so it will be tomorrow.  

Another man who enters the "tomorrow" club. Martin was first, I was second, and now JimB. LOL. Dont ya just love to hear your getting married "tomorrow"? I'm gonna be laughing about this all day long.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline MLM

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2009, 12:04:35 pm »
Jim and Gina, Congratulations!!!
It took you long enough LOL, happy for you both, as far as the daughter, over the knee.

Ed, where do I fit in there? or don't I?

Offline Martin

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #56 on: August 20, 2009, 01:33:21 pm »
Ed is referring to..."Oh, by the way, we are getting married tomorrow".

Congrats Sarge.  I am happy to hear the trip is going well.  No real surprise about the daughter though...glad to see you were able to put your foot down.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 01:34:23 pm by Martin »


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #57 on: August 20, 2009, 02:41:16 pm »
Jim b,

He probably is secret police by the way, but  no matter, he is going to be a very useful ali to you in the future, so stay in his good books. ...haha!! You will be surprised at what this guy can get done for you, just by picking up a phone!! You are SO very right in what you say, ''It it definitly a case of WHO you know'' in China....

Congratulations on your big day...  And All the Very Best For Your Future Together Jim & Gina....

(That so called wedding ceromony is just a registration isn't it!! lol!! a couple of signatures ....and your married, your not even sure when you actually become married until someone tells you, are!! ....haha!!)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 02:42:02 pm by David5o »

Offline Chong

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #58 on: August 20, 2009, 09:06:09 pm »
Congratulations Dad ... You made your son proud. If she's 'Gina', can we call you 'Gino' ??? :icon_cheesygrin:

Hey Dad ... I want to come visit you & step-mother ... can you buy me a ticket ??? :icon_cool:

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #59 on: August 20, 2009, 11:15:59 pm »
Congratulations Jim and Gina!! excellent story so far and a wonderfull result.  As for the daughter thing yea I would do the same also.Hopefully time will bring her round.

Best wishes
