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Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #75 on: August 22, 2009, 11:13:43 am »
Tonight we had dinner in a street area that allows no vehicles.  Every nook and crannie has a vendor in it.  I mean every nook and crannie.  We grab a table with my two sisters in law 2 nieces and a brother in law.  Have all sorts of good things to eat.  I like frogs legs, but they leave the whole body on.  Had deep fried grubs, not bad.  some sort of sausage on a stick  and of course the usual rice, chicken soup with the feet, (i do not eat the feet.)  and noodles.  Whle there these roving groups of musicians come around and want to entertain you, of course for a price.  They are not concert hall by any means but have their heart in to playing so it is fun.  I grab one of the mariachi's and start going to town with them.  Having a ball.  But the family was a little embarrassed by it so I noticed that and stopped.  They do not like public displays of any sort.  So when I grab the women and kiss them good bye they are all embarrassed.  But  i do it anyway, because i think they secretly like it.  They never push me away and always smile while I am doing it.  Mama got to the point where she just grabs me back.  i love it.  We then walked around the area.  It is so good to walk around and not worry about trouble.  Everyone there is out for a nightly stroll or selling something but doesnt push it down your throat.  The stores all stay open until midnight here and have music coming from the store fronts, air conditioning blasting out  so people at least slow down to get a good breeze of cold air.  I have not seen a lot of White men here at all.  it is a major city but mostly ethnic Chinese.  I think the area is made up of two major groups.  Hanjou, which is my family now and Hubei which is my wifes little brothers wife.  now there are not many Hanjou which are attractive.  I think my wife is one of them  that is very attractive and my sister in law (Hubei) is also very attractive. But in Beijing the Han is mostly there which we find more attractive.  Just my observations.  Oh and the Taxi drivers suck here too.  Not as bad as in Xi'an but worse then Beijing.  I have just decided to close my eyes when in the taxi and try to grab a few winks.  Or watch strictly out the side windows.  Watching out the front or back just drives you crazy.  You know you are going to run someone down or get creamed by the bus that is heading straight for you.  I could never drive anything here.  Walking in traffic is bad enough.  I am lalways grabbing my wife or sisters in law or nieces and holding them back.  They say I am a very gentleman.  I say I am just the only sane person here. lol.
Tomorrow at noon we leave on the train back to Beijing and home.  We have decided to take the noon train so I can see the area along the route.  8 hours on the train. Oh, well.

Okay, the big thing to happen in Wuhan today did happen.  The "Living Buddha" from tibet came into town and my brother in law was his chief of security.   You know there is an ongoing fight between the Chinese government and tibet.  My wife was supposed to have an audience with him.  But he got tied up in meetings and could not see her.  She was heartbroken.  He was supposed to read our future for her.  He did send his apologies but she still hurts from it.  She says rightly that it was her only chance to ever meet him.  Brother in law also apologized but it could not be helped.  Oh well.  She is not really a practicing Buddhist anyway. And it is probably just as well for me as if she did meet him she may have really started to practice and would have put me in an awkward position.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 11:17:40 am by JimB »
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #76 on: August 23, 2009, 03:21:41 am »
Jim, thank you for telling your story.

I'm a new member here, and I was starting to wonder if it's really worth all the hassle to locate a suitable Chinese wife. Well, after reading of your exploits it would seem the answer to that question is a resounding YES!

Surely there's an urban myth already circulating about "The Great White Buffalo" that appears in peoples kitchens!


Offline Ed W

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #77 on: August 23, 2009, 09:25:26 am »
Quote from: 'remi' pid='13948' dateline='1251012101'

Jim, thank you for telling your story.

I'm a new member here, and I was starting to wonder if it's really worth all the hassle to locate a suitable Chinese wife. Well, after reading of your exploits it would seem the answer to that question is a resounding YES!

Surely there's an urban myth already circulating about "The Great White Buffalo" that appears in peoples kitchens!


A big YES from me on that. It's not always easy but my vote says it's all worthy of your best efforts and can be very rewarding.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #78 on: August 23, 2009, 10:51:20 am »
Thanks Remi, and everyone who has written.  All I am doing is telling it like it is.  I am not exaggerating one iota.  I do not need to.  Now we have only been married for 3 days, but the only thing that changed was her now dressing me.  I fee like the luckiest man alive.  i hit the jackpot with this woman and her family.  we are always wanting to touch each other.  Whether it s holding hands or just leaning on each other. we just have to touch.  I know she really loves me, just by the little things that she does.   For an example.  We will be walking down the street and a friend or relative will be standing next to her talking, they will be deeply in a conversation, she immediately turns around to see where I am and grabs my hand to make sure I am close.  You see if she didnt really care and it was all for show, she would not do that.  this happens all of the time.  Even her best friend made a comment about it to me.  Through the interpreter that I am the most important person in her life.  Because if i come on QQ and she is talking to her, she just says she has to go and talk to jim.  if she didnt really love me I would be second.  It is all about those little things that  i can tell. I have been there before with my ex wife on this type of thing so I know what I am talking about.  Also before going to bed she always does my laundry and hangs them up, even if it is in the sink.  I said before, it cracks me up, getting up in a 5 star hotel to see laundry hanging.  I know the other guys wives do the same thing.  That is why she tells me to not take so many clothes when we go somewhere.  Well I am going to try it this week. we are going off somewhere with her friends from the hospital for three days by the ocean.  I will let her pack for me.
well, i lost a bet coming home tonight.  we bet on how much the taxi would cost from the train station to our home.  She won by one yuan.  so I must give her a one hour massage.  should be fun anyway.  I will tell about the train ride tomorrow.  it was an experience.  A good one but funny just the same.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #79 on: August 23, 2009, 11:00:47 am »
Remi , welcome first of all .
You know we all had that feeling at one point or another . But .. yes you do have to tell yourself many time ... " This will work " and
" I'm going to make this work " . It's not going to happen by itself of course , but the wonderful LaoPo at the end of your search is WELL worth it . For myself , and a few other Dumpling chaser's .:icon_cheesygrin:

Good Luck to you , alway's have Eyes open and be on your Toe's for anything that seems Fishy . That is why we are here and I know that is why you are here . To make it as easy as possible without leaving you out on the street with a Hat . :angel:

Offline Peter

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #80 on: August 23, 2009, 03:09:23 pm »
I recognize many of the things you are telling us about. A Chinese wife is very different in many ways. For you, and for me as well, it is just a wonderful experience.
Enjoy the fantastic trip..
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #81 on: August 23, 2009, 11:58:13 pm »
Just a note before going out to the Market.  I remember reading a while ago, I do not remember who said it, that you sort of develop your own language.  Not English not Chinese but sort of Chinglish.  we have been doing that and it is really funny how you can almost read each others minds, she will give me a look and say something not remotely English but i now what she is saying.  I say it to her in English and she says yes.  I am always correcting her English, as I want her interview to go as well as possible when it is time.  We still spend at least one hour every day doing nothing but English and Chinese. Her English is getting much better but my Chinese still sucks.  I am having a hard time remembering phrases.  simple words yes, phrases kill me.
Also I apparently have lost all track of time.  I thought today was Saturday, she tells me it is Monday.  Well, I dont watch TV or the news and we have been gone from here for a week. Time is flying by.  Been here two weeks already.  Do not want to think how fast time is gong by.

Again thanks to all of you who have wished us well.  I appreciate the support of the brotherhood as the best you can get.  Thanks for following the ramblings of a newlywed who is on a very different adventure in his life.  One I never thought i would have undertaken 18 months ago.  My life seems very fulfilled right now.  Back home I always needed the "toys", a boat, jet skis, motorcycle, sports car, camper, etc.  Here I do not feel I need anything but her to make me happy. In ways it seems like half a world away and in others it seems like the same place. Have to go now.

Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #82 on: August 24, 2009, 06:00:39 am »
Went to the China Bank to convert some dollars.  Man that is an experience.  they made us wait at least 25 minutes, then took each bill, looked at the front then turned it over and looked at the back.  One bill had about an 1/32nd piece torn from the outer edge.  They would not accept it.  One was too wrinkly and they would not take that.  Ok, then they counted it by flipping through it, then turned it to the other side and counted it again, then they turned it over and counted it again then the same thing again. They did not like my passport, so they took my wife's ID.  Made 3 copies of it and attached it to paperwork.  Now i can truly understand the process of checking the money.  If I were going to counterfeit money it might be a great place to do it, but the counting and the not taking the two bills was absolutely ridiculous.  I wanted to call for the manger but of course my wife wouldnt have that.  They are so accustomed to not making waves that they will take almost anything.  It was only $3,000  US.  (My new daughters tuition is due)  Didnt know that until I got here.    I would just as well let her go to school in Wuhan where she would not have to pay.  In Beijing if you are born here your schooling is free, but if you moved here you must pay tuition of about $5,000.00 per year.  This does include housing and meals.  Up until now little brother has been paying it. (Now I know why he is so happy to have me marry her).  Anyway getting back to the money exchange.  They did give me the full 6.8 which is better than my own bank in the states did.  This is just a heads up.  

Now the train trip from Wuhan to Beijing.  we get on board this nice new train.  The interior is just like inside of an airplane.  Except for the windows, very big.  however, every third seat is placed on a wall with no window.  Guess which seat we got?  You are right.  that was the reason for taking the train to begin with. So I could see the countryside.  Now both the people in the seats in front of us rode the whole way with the shade down.  I got to see maybe 20 minutes of an 8 hour ride.  This train is fast, it ran about 80 to 100 mph in the open stretches but there really was not that much open.  we stopped at one town , this young lady got on in the seat next to ours.  Her husband came running in with one of the bags she forgot.  He placed it in the overhead bin and started running out. The train started to move and in about 1 minute he came walking back.  He missed getting out before the train took off.  Now I could not understand the conversation but from the hand gestures and what few words I could pick up.  She was giving him hell for being stupid enough to not get off the train.  He started about her bag, she said she had left it intentionally for him. (This i got from my wife)  His head just dropped.  I had to start laughing. (I did it quietly of course) They are now counting money to see if they had enough to buy his ticket to the next station.  They did not.  Now the conductor gets involved.  She had a sense of humor about her.  Once she heard the story she started to laugh.  I do not know how they worked out the ticket, but he had to stand for the next 5 hours.  there was no other seat available.  Every once in a while she would look up to him and slap her forehead like telling him how stupid he was.  Every time, I cracked up.  
Little kids here are attracted to me.  A foreigner I guess.  but one little boy on the train about 5 years old.  Made a game of coming up to my seat,then touching me on the arm and run back to Mama just laughing as loud as he could.  So of course I played along.  I growled at him every time.  This just made him do it more.  After about an hour I was sort of tired of it but not him.  he would quit for a little bit then tap on my arm and run laughing.  the people around us thought it funny for a while then they started to get annoyed also.  Finally someone must have said something to mama because he stopped until just before we arrived. a very comfortable trip but not being able to see the countryside made it boring.

As the others have said.  The Chinese do not like lines.  If you give them an inch in front of you they will line jump.  I do not like this at all.  A couple of times I have just put my arm out and pushed them away.  It is just like their driving.  No one gets upset with it, they just accept it.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline Ed W

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #83 on: August 24, 2009, 08:50:09 am »
Jim, I'm not sure how much US cash you brought but I found it much easier to use my bank ATM card at the BOC (Bank of China, usuallly the machine is in the lobby) and get whatever the day's exchange rate is without any hassles at all.

I almost fell over laughing about your wife doing the daily laundry in the 5 star hotel bathroom sink. LMAO.. Mine did the same thing. The first time she did it I didnt know what was going on but there sure was a lot of noises in the bathroom, unrelated to the usual task, so I had to investigate. Yep, I was just as surprised. I didnt say anything about it but gave her a kiss and she ushers me back to relax.

Darn Jim, this brings back such fun memories. I'm glad your having such a wonderful time.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #84 on: August 24, 2009, 10:52:34 am »
Jim that tale about the other couple on the train was so funny, ROFLMAO...

Offline Hajo

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #85 on: August 24, 2009, 03:21:00 pm »
Hi Jim, it makes me really happy to read that Angel and you are feeling happy together. Yes, it is a wonderful experience to be married to a little China girl. I wish you a happy honeymoon and may your happiness never end!
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Offline Buzz

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #86 on: August 24, 2009, 06:51:40 pm »
Jim, thanks for letting us share in your happiness.  Appreciate all the little stories and observations you have shared.  buzz

Offline Chong

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #87 on: August 24, 2009, 09:23:26 pm »
Hey Dad,

Speaking of which, back in the 80s when I didn't know you existed, I paided my own way through school @ $ 3,000 x 4 years ... I'll skip the interest. Western Union is fine with me. :icon_cool:

Oct/08 ... When I exchanged a bank draft in Shenyang, I was at one counter for 15 minutes filling out a stack of papers. Then I was told to go to another counter to receive my money and had to filled out another stack of papers and had to show my passport ID to that second person also. When I had to exchanged some US Dollars, I just gave it to the lady I visited to exchange. They gave her no hassle at the foreign exchange outlet independent of the Banks.

Aug/09 ... Here in Kaiping [ same Bank of China ], I was at one counter only. When they gave me my 23,000 RMB, I received two stacks of 10,000 RMB in 100s taped together with masking tape. But they didn't bother to count it or put it through the counting machine.

July/09 ... At a KFC in Taishan, a little girl came up to me and wanted my spoon straw that came with my slushie ... even before I finished my drink. Cute kid ... couldn't say "No" !
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 09:28:47 pm by Chong »

Offline zook144

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #88 on: August 24, 2009, 11:03:59 pm »
Am enjoying reading your posts. About the money exchange. When I was in Shenyang in April, I exchanged money at the hotel. They did the same thing. Looked over every bill. I had a bunch of $20 bills. Look on each side. Wouldn't take anything that was creased or a small piece of the corner out. They only accepted about 1/3 or what I wanted to exchange. Said the China bank wouldn't accept damaged bills.
And about your wife. She sounds great. Hope I am that lucky some day.
The Journey Is The Destination

Offline JimB

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RE: A Southerners continuing journey in China
« Reply #89 on: August 25, 2009, 01:29:59 am »
Thanks everyone.   Today is a stay at home day.  The smog is very thick and humidity is high.  we are just getting some things organized, pictures and such.  I actually made dinner last night. Spaghetti,  and breakfast this morning, french toast and scrambled eggs.  She was pleased that I did it, but told her do not expect this every week. lol

If anyone has a connection to an auction house for fine antique pieces, PM me please.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.