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Important message for all current and future members

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David E:

--- Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='12069' dateline='1249964465' ---
No actually all online computers have a IP. There's a lot number assigned to your service provider and one of those numbers becomes yours. Just like a phone number. Even if you go to a WiFi (Starbucks etc) your number comes up so this is who they charge for the air use. The ones sitting outside libraries have IP numbers too. It's just stolen so not traceable to them. But if it was banned they have to steal another. Moving or using a different service changes the IP. Bouncing is another but your paying several services for this in several countries, a scammers favorite.

--- End quote ---


Thinking ahead to when I go to meet Ming in Feb...

I now use my home computer (fixed) for the Forum. When i go to China I will use my laptop and hook into the Hotel internet.

Will I be a ble to log in here with a different computer...because I might need some help/advice/bragging space:icon_cheesygrin: during my visit

Please excuse if this is a dumb computer literacy is pretty basic !!


David E: yes!

Yeah David, I logged in from China while at the hotel in August.  It's fine.  I had to remember my password though, which was difficult since it keeps me logged in all the time here.


--- Quote from: 'Neil' pid='25735' dateline='1261016459' ---
Yeah David, I logged in from China while at the hotel in August.  It's fine.  I had to remember my password though, which was difficult since it keeps me logged in all the time here.

--- End quote ---

I thought everbody used the same password "Dumplings"

Ya Neil I had the same problem when last over. But now my wife's laptop has it saved and she even once posted here under my name. She also saw a picture she didn't like that I posted and asked me to remove it. Oh the joys of being married.

I could access this group from Guangzhou, but not from Zixing in Hunan province.


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