Author Topic: Chinese and their view of Japan  (Read 2181 times)

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Offline yoshiii

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Chinese and their view of Japan
« on: August 04, 2009, 05:42:29 am »

I currently live and work in Japan.
I have always had Chinese and other asian friends thru out my life back in the states, close friends.
I find that some Chinese and Japanese still have this kind of dislike towards each other without really having a valid reason for it.  I know that there are some Chinese(maybe a lot of the older generation) who still harbor seeds of hate and anger from the early and mid part of last century because of what the Japanese did to the Chinese.
Here in Japan some of the Japanese don't like the Chinese because they feel some of them come over here and live off of the welfare system and or come here and cause trouble and so on and so on.

I have always been a person who accepts people for who they are regardless of their race or back ground.(My family background is highly mixed)
In America I did not see much asian racial dislike towards other asians.(At least I didn't see it so much) Americans of asians decent who grew up in America are quite different from  asians  who grew up in China, Japan, Vietnam, etc.

I like  the Japanese culture and people as well as the Chinese culture and people as well as other asian cultures. I like Aikido, I like gung fun. I like sushi, I like Chinese food( I don't give any specific Chinese examples because the Chinese food here in Japan is very different from the ones in America. There is a China town close to where I live) I like Toshiro Mifune and I like Jet Li.

So how would I be involved with a Chinese lady and still keep my interest? I have asked the ladies that I correspond with about their feelings toward Japanese and they all said that they do not like them. They could not give me a specific reason why. One of the ladies used to study Japanese and is open to learning more about Japan.
I asked some of my Japanese friends about their feelings about Chinese people and a couple of them said that they do not like Chinese people(for the reasons mentioned earlier). But I know that Japan is  kind of a xenophobic country in a sense. Yet there is many Chinese things here and Chinese food is very popular here. I think that most of the young generation here doesn't really care if a person is Chinese. I think that some of the older generation care.
Plus I know that usually a lot  the fashion in Hong Kong usually starts in Japan and comes over there.

So what would be a good way to have a relationship with a Chinese lady and still keep the things that I am interested in?  I really hate racial prejudice.

Help please
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 05:48:22 am by yoshiii »

Vince G

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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2009, 09:36:40 am »
It would seem you are of a younger (ahem) generation with what I read. So you find it hard to believe WHY? there isn't a trust between Asians. My generation is post WWII. Where the Japanese were referred to as sneaky. China was an ally allowing our planes to land there. Then we moved onto Korea, China wasn't such a ally. Followed by Vietnam and the other southern Asia countries.

Each generation that moves further from these times are more acceptive to the other countries but some have the untrusting issue from the generation before. So for what you are looking for? Isn't an impossible task, just a lengthier search.

Offline maxx

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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2009, 10:17:07 am »
Yoshii I think you are thinking to much about this.Why would something like this be a requirement that a chinese women like Japan? So you live in Japan you like Japanese things.

I live in New Mexico.I like Mexican food Beer tequila and Mexican boots.Living in New Mexico is like living in Mexico.At lunch today me and my boss will probably go have Mexican food for lunch.

My wife does not like Mexican food.So I don't take her to eat it.SHe could care less about Latin things.It is not that big of a deal in are relationship.I don't shove my likes and dislikes in my wifes face.

We live 10 miles from the second largest Native American tribe in the world.300,000 card carring members.Of the Navajo Nation.There music dress food. there politics.The way they do things it is all over the place.My wife could care less.I like Navajo fry bread.And some of the crafts they make

She likes what she likes.I like what I like.It isn't the defining moment in are relationship.It shouldn't be a requirement for your lady eather.

So you like Japanese things.And you don't think a Chinese women will like it.I think your thinking to much into it.Japanese cars electronics,Cartoons food,hotels .Are all over China.My wifes friend loves her Japanese car.Hates Japanese food fashion.But yet she has spent two weeks outside of tokyo on Vacation.

As long as your not pushing your likes into your ladies face and saying hey you like what I like or else.It shouldn't be a problem.Like most things it isn't complicated till people make it complicated.

Chinese Japanese relations.Are the same as White and Native America relations.Or White and latin relations.One day it is all good the next day everbody wants to go on the war path.You just learn to flow with it.And not get involved.Because it has nothing to do with you and your women.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 10:19:55 am by maxx »

Offline Josh Markley

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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2009, 08:12:45 pm »
Well I will start off by saying Xu Le's parents one chinese (Mother) one Japanese (Father).  I did not ask specifics on how they felt about each other country.  I assumes since they are married they dont mind.  Xu Le spent 4 years in Japan learning the language.  She loves Japan and wants me to go with her to visit.  Two of Xu Le's friends both also taveled to Japan to learn the language.  These girls are also a younger generation.

I can tell you what was uncomfortable for me.  I did Not know Xu Le's father was Japanese.  I was talking to Xu Le's mother about how both of my grandaddies spent time in china during WWII.  I thought this was a harmless conversation.  Then her mother asked me if I knew Xu Le's fatehr was from japan?  I said no.  By this time he came over and wanted to know more.  By this time I thought he hated me.  He asked about th atomic bomb.  I said my grandparents had nothing to do with that.  But i was born and raised in the city the president was from that dropped that bomb and went to the high school named after him.  The father still likes me.  Dont know why haha.
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Offline yoshiii

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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2009, 09:02:23 pm »
Quote from: 'Josh Markley' pid='10973' dateline='1249431165'

Well I will start off by saying Xu Le's parents one chinese (Mother) one Japanese (Father).  I did not ask specifics on how they felt about each other country.  I assumes since they are married they dont mind.  Xu Le spent 4 years in Japan learning the language.  She loves Japan and wants me to go with her to visit.  Two of Xu Le's friends both also taveled to Japan to learn the language.  These girls are also a younger generation.

I can tell you what was uncomfortable for me.  I did Not know Xu Le's father was Japanese.  I was talking to Xu Le's mother about how both of my grandaddies spent time in china during WWII.  I thought this was a harmless conversation.  Then her mother asked me if I knew Xu Le's fatehr was from japan?  I said no.  By this time he came over and wanted to know more.  By this time I thought he hated me.  He asked about th atomic bomb.  I said my grandparents had nothing to do with that.  But i was born and raised in the city the president was from that dropped that bomb and went to the high school named after him.  The father still likes me.  Dont know why haha.


Must have been tense.  Good that your father n law is understandable.

Offline Josh Markley

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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2009, 09:10:21 pm »
Yeah I was ready to run and hide.  I remember a friends grandfather who was also A WWII vet against japan.  H etold me that when a japanese soldier killed an american with tattoos they would cut them off and make lamp shades.  I thought for certain I was gonna become a lamp shade. haha
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Vince G

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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2009, 10:46:39 pm »
Ewwwwww Josh? You were almost a lampshade and didn't know it. The question of the bomb was asked for a reason. The bombers were long range and to make the bombings over Japan they only had fuel for one way. China allowed the US to land there after the bombings. The only Americans in China were mostly flight crews.


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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2009, 11:24:47 pm »
Maxx, you live in New Mexico, where if you do not mind me asking?  I grew up in west Texas and worked in sounthern New Mexico quite a bit when I was in the oil business.

Sorry, Yoshiii, I don't mean to hijack your thread.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 11:26:11 pm by shaun »

Offline maxx

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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2009, 11:34:24 pm »
Shaun I live in the four corners area. The North west

Offline Oiler1

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RE: Chinese and their view of Japan
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2009, 12:45:40 pm »
I like Japanese culture too, but am looking fro a Chinese woman. Actually if there were a Japanese women I would like to marry one too.

I know first hand the older generation really hate the Japanese deep down. After reading and hearing about their atrocities to the Chinese I don't really blame them.

My thoughts are to learn from the past and no gone on hating forever. I take everyone at face value and don't have time to waste hating people.

If the Chinese woman I marry hates Japanese then that is ok, as long as she gets long with me and respects what I like. Hacing said that, I prefer a woman who is more open minded though but sometimes you can;t have everything.