Author Topic: A sensible age difference  (Read 9894 times)

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RE: A sensible age difference
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2009, 07:57:47 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='12034' dateline='1249945174'

So...technically I have been "dead" for a total of 96 minutes in this time !! (no, Mike..did not see pearly gates or angels and such like).
Thanks to modern medicine, the problem was diagnosed last year and fixed proper !! (crook nerve pathway).


This reminds me of a man who been clinically dead several times but lived through it.  Each time his heart stopped. When a new reporter asked him if he had seen the pearly gates or angels he replied, "No, can't say that I have seen that but I do smell charcoal and burning flesh from time to time." Interestingly enough he died in a house fire.  It's kind of morbid but makes one wonder.

David I din't mean to cast dispersions on what you are saying but thought this was an interesting story.

Offline David E

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RE: A sensible age difference
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2009, 08:03:55 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='12040' dateline='1249948667'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='12034' dateline='1249945174'

So...technically I have been "dead" for a total of 96 minutes in this time !! (no, Mike..did not see pearly gates or angels and such like).
Thanks to modern medicine, the problem was diagnosed last year and fixed proper !! (crook nerve pathway).


This reminds me of a man who been clinically dead several times but lived through it.  Each time his heart stopped. When a new reporter asked him if he had seen the pearly gates or angels he replied, "No, can't say that I have seen that but I do smell charcoal and burning flesh from time to time." Interestingly enough he died in a house fire.  It's kind of morbid but makes one wonder.

David I din't mean to cast dispersions on what you are saying but thought this was an interesting story.


I DID wonder about the smell of burning....thought it was the electrodes from the heart-starter you've got me wondering :):):)


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RE: A sensible age difference
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2009, 10:32:07 pm »
Some of you know I am a retired Geophysicist from the oil and gas industry. I retired to pastor a church and am in between churches because of the divorce.  I say all that and then I will tell you that right now I am driving a school bus for a living, talking about living in the lap of luxury.

Anyway, today was our second day back in school.  This is my second year driving the route I am on and there is a 2nd grade girl that is of Filipino and American decent. She's a cutie and so is her mother; in her late 20's.  Her mother is outside to send her to school and is home about 3 to 4 days when her daughter arrives back home.  The mother is always waiting outside. The days she is not there her grandfather is there to pick her up.  He is American and 60+.  The girl calls him her grandfather and the mother calls him dad.  Well, today I find out that the supposed grandfather is actually the father and is married to this 20 something Filipino woman.

So, if there isn't an issue with the wide age difference why does the mother and daughter call him dad and grandfather respectively?  Why are they hide the truth from the public?  All three are actually embarrassed with the age difference. The father actually let it slip out.

When my first wife turned 40 I used the old joke that I was going to trade her in for 2 20's.  She told me I couldn't handle 2 20's.  Now that I am 54 and work with a couple of women in their early 20's I am sure I couldn't handle one.

Sorry guys but I do not see the logic of marrying a woman more that 10-15 years younger than yourself.


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RE: A sensible age difference
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2009, 12:02:38 am »
Amen Shaun!

Offline David E

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RE: A sensible age difference
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2009, 01:00:08 am »

We are talking about a "sensible" age difference here....a 56 year old Man with a 20 year old wife cannot by any definition be called sensible !
But lets get closer to reality...56 year old Man...40 year old woman? 39 year old woman ? 35 year old ?
That still represents an age difference of something like 20 years +
I DID marry a woman 23 years younger than was a wonderful journey.......everything I could wish for, emotionally, physically..and she was well enough educated to be very clever as well as a dish !
Were it not for the big C...we would be still together ...and deliriously happy.
Can we keep this thread for "sensible" debate on the age issue...not the lunatic fringe of baby snatchers ?
David E


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RE: A sensible age difference
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2009, 08:24:44 am »
Still think 10-15 years should be the max, it would be for me anyway. Sure there's always the exceptions, but that's what they are...Exceptions!!

The way i look at it is this, ... I want to have a good broad band of common interests with a life partner. I don't want her to end up without a life of her own,  by ending-up just becoming a full time carer to me in later years.
I want a partner that's going to enjoy a more laid back lifestyle, i don't want to be out at the clubs and bars every night, ....I've done that, got the t-shirt, the video, the CD and everything else that went with it!!
Not sure how you could both be emotionally, and physically compatible, let alone as those years keep passing along.... Maybe it could work quite well in the short term, like any adventure in life, but over a so called long term, .....Nah, Trouble to say the least!!  haha!!

You see i don't think it's fair to take a much younger lady as a wife.  As years go on, she will be deprived of her enjoyment of life. She will still be young enough, to want to go out, maybe dancing, maybe to enjoy sporting activities, all sorts of things. Instead she stands every chance of being stuck at home being a carer for a husband that can't do too much for himself, for one reason or another. Now that would be bad enough for a wife of a similar age to her husband, but when your 20,25,30 younger that him, ...What sort of life is that for a young woman???

Nah, .... not for me thanks!!  



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RE: A sensible age difference
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2009, 11:04:59 am »
Why stop there Vince?  As long as you can get up and go then get up and go.  When it is my turn to die hopefully I will be healthy but I want to go doing something I enjoy.  When my father passed we were watching television with him, his favorite show, when the commercial came my ex-wife looked at him and he was gone.  I just as soon go working in the yard or on the golf course or well... you know!!!!!:icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 01:12:59 pm by shaun »