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Offline Nad

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Our Story
« on: April 11, 2009, 11:03:22 pm »
Hi everyone,
I would like to introduce myself and share with you part of my love story with you on this forum. So here goes, my name is not Nad but I would rather leave it undisclosed for now. I am a 48 year old Aussie guy and live in Melbourne. My story begins in November last year when I stumbled across Chnlove by accident and joined up. I have always admired Chinese woman and the culture. After receiving a lot admiration letters I began talking to three girls two never married and one divorced and living in different parts of china. One of the girls was inconsistent with letters and we feel off, the other I keep on writing and we shared some 10,000 words and many pictures with each other.  There was a third girl I began talking to and the Chinese new year arrived and I did not here from for over a month so I figured that she wasn't to interested. But there was some cracks beginning to appear in my relationship with my the girl I had regular correspondence with. So then on the 10th of January 2009 I get a admiration letter from my now GF and this is where the love story begins.  :mrgreen: I was immediately attracted to here from her looks and how she introduced herself to me, but I did not reply to her straight away because she was outside of minimum age that I had been looking for. But I placed her in my favourites section, then after about two weeks of looking at her picture and wondering about her I decided to write her. She was obviously well educated by the way in which she wrote and able to express herself in an open and trustworthy manner
I have read your profile carefully; your honest heart attract me deeply.
she has her on business in fashion and is always dressed so beautifully in her pictures. After about a month and a half of writing regularly I began to have some strong feelings for her and hided my profile. Since then things have gone from strength to strength, and we declared our feelings for each other, we have had a couple of downs and still sorted out the issues and continued our correspondence and we are planning to meet in September 2009 and we are discussing marriage as well. She is truly a wonderful person and I could not be happier with my life with her now and in the future and just the over day I received my first text message from her saying
Thank you, I miss you very much. Take care
I was so happy to have received that from her. I do not want get into everything that we have spoken with each other, but I feel as a love story, it is a love story, to be open with you, I would be pretty devastated if we don?t take this to marriage, but one thing I have learnt over the years is that Love can deal out some blows, but to use her words
I felt much happier than before. Love is a great power!!!
Regards To All of you.
From NAD

Offline Neil

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2009, 11:37:15 pm »
Beautiful story and congratulations! :D irresistible as chocolate

Offline Hajo

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2009, 01:22:05 am »
Hey Nad, sounds like you have found what you have looking for. Nice story and keep us up to date  8-)
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Offline Josh Markley

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2009, 02:47:01 pm »
Nad, congrats bro.  Have to let us know how things are working out for you.  Its something special when you find the one!
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Re: Our Story
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2009, 10:04:16 pm »
Nad , thanks for sharing that lovely Story with us . I would be sad if this could not end in a Marriage . It has element's of True Love in the early stages , so keep it going for both of you and maybe wedding bells will ring in the near future for both of you . Keep us updated please , how it's going forward . Best to you  ... Mate .

Offline Ed W

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2009, 10:14:48 pm »
Nad, some statements you provide us here sound much like the translator has left the conversation and leaving it to her own. I'm glad things are going so well. Please use the 24hr rule if something seems to go arreye...

Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline Nad

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Re: Thanks to you guys
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2009, 06:57:16 am »
Hi everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to read and reply to 'Our Story?. Yeah it's my honour to have met her, she is everything that I had been looking for. I guess it fair to say that she feels the same about me. We are both serious to the relationship and have always been open and honest to each other and admitted our sincerity to each other from our first letters. And just the other day I got my first Chinese history lesson about the Qing Ming festival, her explanation was just unbelievable, she is a very astute and articulated lady. I am a very lucky guy! :D to receive a lesson from such a beautiful woman, but if she didn?t write it she did as real good job of cutting and pasting it.

As is most of us we do find that the language barrier is problem, as I haven't spoken to her as yet, and I feel that we should do this as part of the natural progression. But she is reluctant to speak to me because she feels that it would embarrass her and I would lose face in her. I understand that is how she might feel that way  but it wouldn't worry me in the slightest about that. So if any one as a suggestion on how I could better communicate to her I would be open to any suggestions.

 I don?t think life can get any better at the moment.
 Anyway regards from NAD


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Re: Our Story
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2009, 09:41:06 am »
Hahaha , 56 feeling like 18 ! I'm 56 and Qing makes me feel like 25 , but is working on making it 18 ! Hahaha

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2009, 12:34:23 pm »
Good on you Nad , from one Aussie guy [ Boronia ] to another , one does not have to send thousands of words at a time to exchange thoughts as they and the translators can get confused , I am using webcam plus a hello phone card and it is magic every night , my Qing over the last 6 weeks can now hold a simple conversation in English and she is teaching me Manderin , but I have to say she is doing better than I am haha .
 Any queries you have don't hesitate to buzz me , I am also the membership secretary of the knox pwp group , Regards Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Offline Nad

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2009, 11:41:31 pm »
Hi Robert, Wow thanks for the offer to get in touch with you and I will look you up in the near future.(pwp) parents without partners? I live in Maribyrnong (inner west) if you haven't heard of it?  and I have heard of Boronia! (lol)

I am happy for you that you have found someone that you can love and trust, and your reltionship sounds very established. I think its wonderful that you are communicating with each other and helping each other to learn the native language.I can see for myself that learning chinese won't be easy and I quess its just as difficult for the ladies too.

 I got dearing last night and sent of a gift of flowers for her which should is scheduled to arrive their on Friday, so I am looking forward to see her excitement of recieving them. I did it all online via Chinaroses which I heard of from reading through the posts here and on Chnlove so I hope there is no address issues because it is a surprise for her, and not for any other reason than saying thanks to her and looking forward to the future. She recently told me about a dream she had that invloved me and flowers :) , so I thought it was a good time to lash out and send them to her. I thought that the price was reasonable cost a $50 au which included a return pic sent to my email account.
So I hope it all goes well.
Any way I hope that everyone is fit and well  and it's been my pleasure to met you all ,thanks again.
Take Care

Offline TomFisher

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2009, 08:54:31 pm »
Hey Nad, great story.  It sounds kind of like mine which I have yet to write.  I agree with the others about the phone conversations.  My lady was nervous about the idea of a phone conversation as well.  I wrote some things to her in Chinese and told her that I only wanted to hear her voice and didn't care about the language.  After a couple of requests she gave me her mobile phone number and our first conversation lasted almost an hour.  Like Vince said we spend much of our time laughing and we still do.  Be patient but gently nudge her and try to learn a little Chinese which should help.  I consistently get letters overflowing with emotion regarding my quest to learn Chinese.  I'm 56 and when I talk to my lady I too feel like I'm 18 again and so does she.  What a beautiful thing that is.

Offline JimB

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2009, 04:28:23 pm »
I am 58 and Angel makes me feel 16. (Not that I am trying to outdo anyone, that is what we really have been saying) We both laugh at that.  She says the same thing at 41 she feels like this is her first love.  I keep looking for a class ring and the drive in.  I did give her my Marine Corps ring along with the engagement ring and there is a drive in movie about 1 hour from here.  So we can go make out. Then head to the lake for the "Submarine Races" lol  
I think that is one of the ways to know it is real.  How she makes you feel when you are with her.  When we are together she makes me feel like I am the most important person in the world.
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Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline Nad

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2009, 08:39:33 am »
Hi Everone,
Thanks guys for taking the time out to read my post here. I really appreciate it.( thanks Jim I have started to read your blog) I quess it is fair to say that this an emotional journey for us. Greater than anything I have ever experienced before. And I feel fair to say I had a few women in my life. But for some reason it feels differant. I dont know if it is the unkown ( not having meet her) and I am just stary eyed(because she is beautiful) or that this is a unique experince that not many of us get to have in our life. I am enjoying it (writing to her) and then getting her reply. But at this point in this journey(this is what we call it) the demons are starting to appear. I am thinking is she real? but I get the most loveliest letters from her. Does the translator realy write back to me and not my girl?.(I even get  little notes from the translator wishing us well). I send her flowers which she received and thanked me for, but there was some sort of refusal to the picture I had asked(and paid for) to be taken.I know that I am at a crossroad and have to make a solid comittment to go and meet her and arrange a flight, but I cant go there to August. And in her last letter she says" We will be together sooner or later" So I can sense she is feeling the weight of this as well, and It is not just me. So I will write to her my feelings in my next letter so she can get to share her feelings with me. I  know that if this journey is to go the full distance to marriage there is going to be more issues playing into this and I have too get real! Anyway I just wanted to vent and share this with you. Thanks for listening Alan.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Our Story
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2009, 12:28:31 pm »
Alan give me a buzz sometime on 9800 5385 sometime after about 9.30 pm is fine as I am usually China talking 10.30 till 12.30 regards Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Offline Nad

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RE: Our Story
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2009, 03:28:30 am »
Hello everyone,
I thought I would write another part of ‘our story” as I haven’t written here for a while. During the past weeks my soon to be wife and I have been going from strength to strength. Gen (GF) had been away to her favourite holiday spot and sent me some lovely pictures while she was away. We shared some text messaging and this seemed work well with the help of Chn translator. But about two weeks ago I get a message in the middle of the night here saying "I give my email address to you can you please write to me here".  So as soon I get it I write to her straight away. Since that day we have written to each other every day without fail, and I feel more in love with her now than when we were while chatting at Chnlove. The first week we just let out all feelings for each other. So this week I went ahead and booked my flight to China. I will be in Changsha in late August. We are both very excited about our first meeting and Gen even asked if we would marry in my first visit. I thought about it seriously and we agreed that we would have engagement if she accepted my proposal.  So there is much to do now and I feel that I will be here more often as I go through the processes of getting Gen over here. I wish you all  the same happiness  that I have found with her she truly is a wonderful woman.
Bye from Nad