Author Topic: How did you get started...  (Read 6331 times)

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Offline DougK

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How did you get started...
« on: August 14, 2009, 04:11:22 am »
Hello all,

I was wondering if the other members might share how they started in searching for a wife in Asia. And, please excuse me if you have discussed all this in previous threads.

Did you start with China Love? Or some of the other sites? Has anyone done any of the so-called "love tours" in Asia or even other areas of the world?

For myself, as I stated in my intro, I was married to a beautiful woman from Taiwan. After experiencing life with an Asian woman, being immersed in the culture and traditions, it is what I want in my life now.

Looking at the web, there were quite a few sites...AsianEuro, ChineseLoveLinks, LoveMe, ThaiDarlings, etc. Yet, China Love stood out. Now, there are obviously some things about CL that I don't like, and won't get into at this time, but the women presented there and the overall presentation of the company were more impressive than the other sites.

So, gentlemen, where did your search begin?


Offline Danny

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 09:14:57 am »

I think that it helps to not take any of this too seriously. In particular at the very beginning of the relationship. Inner peace through reduced expectations, is my guiding principle *laughs*

Over the past year I have tried some of the websites you mention for a short time. It's possible to find love and good people in all sorts of places. But I reckon, if you find Chinese women beautiful and enchanting, chnlove is the best website of the lot.

I am the first to agree that there are real problems with chnlove. It seems to me that around one in five of the women on the books at chnlove are (for a variety of reasons which I won't go into now) a waste of good credits.

However in my humble opinion, the average woman at chnlove is far better than the average woman at any other website I have ever come across. If I was doing this again from scratch, I would definitely come back to chnlove.

I found that the behaviour of people at some of the other websites is often quite disheartening. It seems more of a scramble, more like an out of control game of musical chairs at the other websites. The men and women who meet at chnlove seem (again, on average) to be more serious and respectful than at the other websites.


Offline MLM

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 09:43:11 am »
Hi Doug,
           I to have tried some of those other web sites, but went to Chnlove and I stayed for overa year there and met a few wonderful women but were not meant to be more then friends and a scam or two after I went to meet with them.
Most of the guys here have gone half way around the world to find thier loves, me, I went all the way around the world to find mine right here and yes she is Chinese, she is from Xiamen, Fujian, P.R.of China.
So you see I found what I was looking for right here in the States.
Good luck and best wishes with your search.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 09:44:07 am by MLM »

Offline Ed W

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 09:56:47 am »
I actually started at chnlove and found my love in the first 2 wks. For me I set my criteria like this.

had to be divorced - so she'd be aware of how marriages work and how they can go bad.

had to have children - so she knows what being a parent means and the sacrifices that go along with it.

And then, there she was. Added her to my favorites and got an admire letter from her a few days later and away we went.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Vince G

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2009, 10:27:40 am »
I've dated for many years in between marriages, :fi_lone_ranger: If I dated a woman with dark hair the next would be blond. If they were german the next was spanish. There was a time when I dated 7 sues in a row? It got to a point where it was like "Hi I'm vince and your name must be Sue?" So I set my sights on an Asian. Chinese or Japanese. Looking local it just kept expanding out more and more. Started local city, then the next cities next to me then different States and then I came upon Chnlove. I wasn't to crazy about the idea of "Dating" someone in China. A little far to meet for coffee or a drink. But meeting a few (online) and as some didn't work out I was on my last search. Just one more and back to locals. It was my last and her first. The day her profile was listed we met. Over time we both came to realized we were very well suited. I wasn't ready for this. I didn't think it would happen. But here we are? and I'm glad it happen.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2009, 11:21:50 am »
Greeings Brothers,

Well Doug for me it was a strange way.  After I seperated from my soon to be EX I checked out all the usual sites in Canada, Plenty of fish ,Lavalife ,Metrodating, etc, and to be honest what I saw on those sites was very disheartening.  I suddenly realized at my age, 51 I was in for a rough and rocky road to find the last love of my life.  Now I have always carried a torch for asian women ever since I was very young.  I do not know why that was .I had never written to or dated any but their look and mannerisms and yes even those beautiful sing song voices pulled at my heart.  My EX was Italian and we shared almost 20 years, before it ended. Anyway now that we are parted I started my search on the north american dating sites.  Somewhere in all that surfing I must have come across a link to CHNlove.

As soon as I went to that site I knew where I would have to go to find my love.  I cancelled my profile on every other website and focused on chnlove.  Suddenly North American women had lost their appeal to me.  Although as I said there was not much appeal left to begin with.  So I did as the site suggested being a total newb I browsed the 35 to 50 range, me being 51 I figured that 35 was as low as it would be smart to go.  So I added quite a few beautiful ladies to my favourites ranging in age from 36 to 47.  Then the admirer letters started pouring in.  To say I was stunned at this development would be an understatement.  On the north american sites I might get notice of someone reading my profile or a message sent but upon investigation it was always someone I was not interested in.

With chnlove however, it was a totally different story.  Her were some of the worlds most beautiful women sending admire letters to me.  Somehow I managed to narrow it down to 4 and sent replies via emf to them.  In less than a week I found another that I had to write to.  As soon as I saw Her face I knew she was the one for me.  I read her profile and sent the emf.  So now thats five women I was writing to.  All beautiful the youngest was 37 the oldest was 47.  Where in the western world could you write to 5 women in that age group and all of them being stunningly beautiful?  Anyway in less than a week I decided that she was the one and I must end my contact with the other 4.  Man I have to say that was a most painfull day.  Telling these four women that I had found a connection with another and must in good consience stop writing to them, was a very hard thing to do.  Yet all four wrote back and thanked me for my kind letters, all four were sad that they were not the one for me, and all four offered to remain friends.  Again I ask you where in the western world would such a thing have happened?

 So now I have found her.  she is beautiful, cheerful, funny, happy, and a ray of sunshine to my soul.  We have discussed much and progressed well until my divorce came into the picture.  I told here at the start that there would only be honesty and truth between us so I told her when she asked about my divorce .  Well that did not go so well I am afraid.  The divorce was not specifically the problem but rather that it could take 15 months or more for me to be free to marry again.  That news hit her very hard.  I almost lost her with that news but as I said only honesty and truth between us.  She said she did not know if she could wait that long as she is not young anymore (she is 41 and I am 51).  Needless to say I was crushed by this.  So I did the only thing I could I laid it all on the line told her exactly what I felt and where I saw us going.  I told here that I would come to her and meet her and if we decided things were not as we thought I would set her free and she would not have to wait to find out if we were right for each other.  That was one of the most difficult letters I had ever written in my life.  Now this happened just as the typhoon Maracot hit Taiwan and then the mainland.  Her agency it seemed was closed for at least a day, and it took a couple more for her to write back to me.  It was the longest 4 days of my life.

However the reply was most wonderfull to here.  She told me she loved me ( that was the first time she actually said it) and that she agreed we should meet.  She said she didnt want me to give her up and she didnt want to give me up either.  To say a wieght was lifted from my soul is an understatement of epic proportions.  So the long and the short of it is I am off to China to meet this wonderful woman at the end of October.  I plan to go for a month, which should be plenty of time to find out for sure what we have between us.

So the moral of this great long winded post?  Follow your heart and do what you need to to find your dreams.  Be totally honest to the lady you write to and respect both her and yourself.  I almost lost Hong because of being honest but in the end it was also the salvation of our relationship.  So for me I am totally sure that I have found the woman who will become my wife and walk with me together until the end.

Regards to all

« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 10:01:17 am by Brian Mc »

Offline Danny

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2009, 06:00:39 pm »
Quote from: 'Ed Watson' pid='12646' dateline='1250258207'

I actually started at chnlove and found my love in the first 2 wks. For me I set my criteria like this.

had to be divorced - so she'd be aware of how marriages work and how they can go bad.

had to have children - so she knows what being a parent means and the sacrifices that go along with it.

Really you had criteria like this? That was my criteria too! I don't know why people put such a premium on "unmarried". I reckon to have never been married at say age 40 is more of a worry than to be divorced. Of course each person is an individual and you look at them as a person and not just a set of characteristics. But I have always thought the best of the lot were the women that fit under your two headings.
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='12654' dateline='1250260060'

I've dated for many years in between marriages, :fi_lone_ranger: If I dated a woman with dark hair the next would be blond.

Vince, sometimes I look in the mirror and I think if only I had been born handsome life would be easy. It's sometimes good to hear your stories and I think to myself, maybe it wouldn't have been so easy after all. Glad it's working out for you now!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 06:03:51 pm by Danny »

Offline maxx

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2009, 07:55:24 pm »
I was just looking to see where I wanted to go on vacation.I couldn't decide between Hong Kong,Japan or Okinawa.While I was looking Chnlove site popped up.And I took a look..Then forgot about it.The next day my wifes translater wrote me a letter.2 months latter I'm in mainland China.Talking to the women who would be my wife.

I looked at another site before CHnlove.It was called Genx.I was talking to a Russian girl.Who said the reason she wrote to me was I was the only person.That didn't ask her for nude pictures.We wrote about 4 letters.And then I started writing letters to the Women who would become my wife.So I broke it off with the Russian women.

Offline Chong

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2009, 08:32:34 pm »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='12736' dateline='1250294124'

So I broke it off with the Russian women.

To think, you could have been "The Super Moderator" on "Soviet.Love.Info" advising us on how to make a 'Mexican-Russian Borscht'. :icon_cheesygrin:  Would you have named your son "Igor" ???  :dodgy:

Maxx's advice on ChnLove.Info ... In China, don't leave home without your passport.

Maxx's advice on Soviet.Love.Info ... In Russia, don't leave home !!!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 08:39:56 pm by Chong »

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2009, 09:14:54 pm »
haha.  Chong, you made me choke on my supper I laughed so hard.  

My criteria was a little different.  I wanted a younger lady but not too much younger but I preferred no children because I couldn't bring myself to take a child away from a father, being a parent myself and having my girls currently living on the other side of the country.   My girl has never been married and I would really like to give her a nice wedding she can be proud of and make her feel like the princess she deserves to be.

Like Mike, my divorce turned out to be a bit of a disaster, but she's stood by me through it all. irresistible as chocolate

Offline maxx

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2009, 09:26:54 pm »
Chong your out?Mom told me that they locked you up in the nut house again.Something about sexual relations with cats.You bring great shame to the family.Little sister says come home.You have lost all family face in China.No Chinese girl want man who likes that kind of cat.Mom very sad.Neighbors will not even talk to mom any more.


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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2009, 10:09:37 pm »
Don't know about you guys sometimes.

What does this discussion have to do with the thread anyway.  Oh, I get it, this is how Chong and Maxx got started.

never mind
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 10:11:27 pm by shaun »

Offline JimB

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2009, 11:48:13 pm »
My Son, My son, when I said date an animal with a beautiful kitty, I did not mean that literally.
Sorry about the sidetrack.

Here is the readers Digest version.
I started on all of the sites like most of the others.  Found my way to Chnlove.  Put up a profile, got a ton of admirer letters, but found 4 on my own that I wanted to write. Found Angel, we sort of broke up and I went to another site and found a woman there that I really wanted to be with.  She was coming to the states to visit me and her sister when she was killed in a car accident on the way to the airport with her mother. After a little while I went back to Chnlove but could not find one like Angel I wanted.  I reactivated my profile and Angel wrote to me.  That started it now my story takes a turn here.  I thought I was writing her but was the interpreter that was doing most of the writing.  Angel actually wrote about 4 letters out of every other day for 4 months.  I decided i wanted to see her so set up coming over.  The last thing i told the interpreter was that if this was a fake, I would turn them into some political friends i had there in China.  Well, Angel met me in my hotel and after a few days we went to Xi'an. This is where we decided we wanted to be together.  I asked her to marry me, she said yes and now 5 months later i am here for my wedding on the 21st of August. Living here for 2 months. What could have been a disaster turned out fantastic.  Despite Chnlove not because of them. I still believe Chnove has mostly women that are honest and straight forward, but you have to be very careful and look for the warning signs. read here and you will find them.  If you do that, you will be fine. Plus ask here for advice.  Everyone is here to help and get help.  just be honest.  Everyone here will give you his opinion, you may not liek it, but it is given with truth, never meant to be mean or belittle.  People who do that here are very short lived thanks to the great mods we have.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 12:06:00 am by JimB »
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2009, 07:25:32 am »
Quote from: 'JimB' pid='12765' dateline='1250308093'

My Son, My son, when I said date an animal with a beautiful kitty, I did not mean that literally.

Sorry about the sidetrack.

Here is the readers Digest version.
I started on all of the sites like most of the others.  Found my way to Chnlove.  Put up a profile, got a ton of admirer letters, but found 4 on my own that I wanted to write. Found Angel, we sort of broke up and I went to another site and found a woman there that I really wanted to be with.  She was coming to the states to visit me and her sister when she was killed in a car accident on the way to the airport with her mother. After a little while I went back to Chnlove but could not find one like Angel I wanted.  I reactivated my profile and Angel wrote to me.  That started it now my story takes a turn here.  I thought I was writing her but was the interpreter that was doing most of the writing.  Angel actually wrote about 4 letters out of every other day for 4 months.  I decided i wanted to see her so set up coming over.  The last thing i told the interpreter was that if this was a fake, I would turn them into some political friends i had there in China.  Well, Angel met me in my hotel and after a few days we went to Xi'an. This is where we decided we wanted to be together.  I asked her to marry me, she said yes and now 5 months later i am here for my wedding on the 21st of August. Living here for 2 months. What could have been a disaster turned out fantastic.  Despite Chnlove not because of them. I still believe Chnove has mostly women that are honest and straight forward, but you have to be very careful and look for the warning signs. read here and you will find them.  If you do that, you will be fine. Plus ask here for advice.  Everyone is here to help and get help.  just be honest.  Everyone here will give you his opinion, you may not liek it, but it is given with truth, never meant to be mean or belittle.  People who do that here are very short lived thanks to the great mods we have.

Excellent post JimB.  IMHO this post is the first thing a newbie should read.

Offline Danny

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2009, 08:37:28 am »
Quote from: 'JimB' pid='12765' dateline='1250308093'

She was coming to the states to visit me and her sister when she was killed in a car accident on the way to the airport with her mother.

What a terrible thing to happen. I am just completely shocked. I am really sorry Jim. When you read something like this and it puts everything in perspective.

Life is short and sweet. Make the best of it you can I think.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 08:38:03 am by Danny »