Author Topic: How did you get started...  (Read 6332 times)

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2009, 09:09:30 am »
Quote from: 'Danny' pid='12787' dateline='1250339848'

Quote from: 'JimB' pid='12765' dateline='1250308093'

She was coming to the states to visit me and her sister when she was killed in a car accident on the way to the airport with her mother.

What a terrible thing to happen. I am just completely shocked. I am really sorry Jim. When you read something like this and it puts everything in perspective.

Life is short and sweet. Make the best of it you can I think.

Thanks for saying that Danny I forgot to mention it.  What a sad situation. JimB's understanding of the dynamic of working around chnlove to see the individual and be aware of the environment we find ourselves in while seeking a future wife.


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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2009, 09:41:58 am »
The way I got started was by looking at the age range 35...50, nothing much else mattered..The one thing that I was interested in was TOTAL honesty, I even put in my profile that looks were unimportant, as long as the lady had a big heart...

After receiving many cupids, I decided on a lady from Lioning, but parents interference caused us to split, after a couple of weeks I then decided to send Keren a cupid, and have went from there..I have always only wrote one lady at a time...

Chong that was so funny what you said about Maxx I still have not stopped
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 09:46:30 am by Scottish_Rob »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2009, 10:53:58 pm »

No sure if I had a criteria or not.  Had an impulse to look for a wife.  So stumbled across Chinlove.  I made a selection of all the girls I fancied and this probably numbered 200 or more. decided that either Shenzhen or Zhuhai were the most convenient cities to get to from Hong Kong so by only keeping girls on my list from these cities I cut the numbers to 157!.

Then I tried to work out which of the beautiful women would be likely to be attracted to me as I approached 60.  That reduced the list to 0.  So i started again and looked at all the photos and tried to work out which girl would want a man of my personality and good looks.  That list was also 0.  So then I looked again and picked out the ones who looked stupid enough to want to be involved with me and I came up with one.  However as most of you now know she was not that stupid and we failed after a week or so.

But I now have a delightful girl, admittedly one who had left her glasses at home when we first met, but who seems to see me through new rose coloured glasses.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 01:02:35 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2009, 11:46:21 pm »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='13023' dateline='1250477638'


No sure if I had a criteria or not.  Had an impulse to look for a wife.  So stumbled across Chinlove.  I made a selection of all the girls I fancied and this probably numbered 200 or more. decided that either Shenzhen or Zhuhai were the most convenient cities to get to from Hong Kong so by only keeping girls on my list from these cities I cut the numbers to 157!.

Then I tried to work out which of the beautiful women would be likely to be attracted to me as I approached 60.  That reduced the list to 0.  So i started again and looked at all the photos and tried to work out which girl would want a man of my personality and good looks.  That list was also 0.  So then I looked again and picked out the ones who stupid enough to want to be involved with me and I came up with one.  However as most of you now know she was not that stupid and we failed after a week or so.

But I now have a delightful girl, admittedly one who had left her glasses at home when we first met, but who seems to see me through new rose coloured glasses.


Hahahah  Thats pretty funny, probably true but pretty funny.  Course its true for all of us.  How they can say we are handsome to us is beyond me but then I think they are all beautiful so maybe its the same in reverse, who knows.




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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2009, 05:13:31 am »
Hi all,

I've been on chnlove for a couple of weeks.

I sent a few cupid notes to ones I liked the look of, and some were interested in me.

But mainly I've been corresponding with ones who have sent me letters - a couple were actually on my shortlist (does the agency know when you add them to your favourites?)

Usually after 2 letters I know if the girl is worth pursuing.

I did try looking for girls near Hong Kong, as I'm familiar with that part of Asia. However, the chnlove geographical search isn't great, and just because a girl is registered with a Shenzen agency doesn't mean she is from that part of China!

I've also found that despite the extra travel hassles, girls from the more northerly/central provinces seem to be more what I am looking for. I'm currently corresponding with a lovely girl from Hubei province. The southern cities (Shenzen, Guangzhou) can be a bit wild, with higher crime/scam levels than cities to the North.


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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2009, 08:39:57 am »
Brett, how do you know about the Southern cities being a bit wild?


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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2009, 08:55:28 am »
Guidebooks, teh Internet, and from what a friend told me having been to Shenzen on business.

But then the same could be the same of most cities in Europe - the petty theft and ripoffs that tourists have to put up with in Rome is shameful (and yes, I got ripped off and a fellow traveller got her handbag sliced open :s).


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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2009, 12:21:06 am »
Vince---- 7 sues in a row?? my ex name was sue and i hope she wasnt one of the 7  if so my condolences to you.  hhahahaha  
   any way doug i think everyone looks for something different when searching but i think the best rule of thumb is to take it slow
  and really read the letters and ask questions.   keep away from the looks as the main factor as that means absolutely nothing it
is in the heart and mind.  but we will tend to see a really beautiful lady and think wow thats the one and come to find out different
after writing her.  whats the old saying -- you can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig---  i have found out in my search that the
percent of them being sincere though is quite high because they have been treated poorly for many years and really are looking
for a good man who will just love and respect them.  it took me a while to find the one who wags my tail but now that i have i will
be going to guangzhou and living with her.  so i wish you best wishes in your search  i think best wishes sounds more appropriate
than good luck as it takes more than luck for a good relationship

  happy searching
  it will work out

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2009, 01:48:38 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='12654' dateline='1250260060'

 There was a time when I dated 7 sues in a row?

Pleased to hear that you were not influenced by Johnny Cash and 8 was 'a boy named Sue'!!!!

Or come to thing of it you never mention if any was a girl named Sue!!!!!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2009, 07:27:01 am »
He he Vince my ex's name was sue too, you been to the Uk?

Vince G

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2009, 09:52:41 am »
I'll ease your minds. I did date a Brit but it wasn't a Sue. I met the 7 sues in a row but dated 2. One maybe I should have held onto? I didn't have any feelings for then nice to date. The other was a nut case. She was following in her mothers footsteps. Her mother was married (back then) 7 times?

Offline Hajo

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2009, 01:03:24 pm »
I started with some Danish websites, but there was no bite. And then just in the beginning of the spring festival, I saw an advertisment from Chnlove. I was sceptical I must admit. But I tried anyway. I found a few ladies which I was interested in and sent cupid notes. I got a response from two. I decided to write with one of them, but the responses I got were short and no real content. First I thought that would change. Well, it didn't. She was not the right one.

Then in middle of april, I found a lady in Urumchi. I send her a cupid note and got a nice long letter back. We wrote almost everyday. To make it short, we dropped the translator after 1.5 month, met August the 1., got married August the 3. and returned to Denmark together on August the 15.

Even though we won't get into the Guiness Book of records, it is amazing how fast it went. We were meant to be together.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Offline seagull

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2009, 10:23:25 pm »
Quote from: 'Hajo' pid='13455' dateline='1250701404'

I started with some Danish websites, but there was no bite. And then just in the beginning of the spring festival, I saw an advertisment from Chnlove. I was sceptical I must admit. But I tried anyway. I found a few ladies which I was interested in and sent cupid notes. I got a response from two. I decided to write with one of them, but the responses I got were short and no real content. First I thought that would change. Well, it didn't. She was not the right one.

Then in middle of april, I found a lady in Urumchi. I send her a cupid note and got a nice long letter back. We wrote almost everyday. To make it short, we dropped the translator after 1.5 month, met August the 1., got married August the 3. and returned to Denmark together on August the 15.

Even though we won't get into the Guiness Book of records, it is amazing how fast it went. We were meant to be together.

Nice story Hajo. It's amazing how quickly things in life can change for the better. May I ask, how did you get her to come back with you to Denmark so quickly? I always thought it's a long and complicated process bringing a Chinese girl to a Western country, even a tourist visa has its hassles.


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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2009, 05:12:38 pm »
For me, when I was younger (much younger), I dated a beatiful girl from the Phillipines. I was stupid and ended up breaking up with her. And my father has never made me forget that I should have stayed with her. I ended up marrying a Canadian girl, and ended up getting divorced 5 yrs later.

I ended up dating another Canadian girl, and we ended up breaking up after 2 1/2yrs. I guess that with my bad luck with North American women, has turned me off on them. And after answering many, many, profiles on a few dating sites with no luck has also turned me off. I cannot understand, why a woman would not want to be with a nice guy as myself.

My fascination/love for Asian women however has always remained with me. Their exotic beauty, and wonderful loving, and giving personality is what has brought me to where I am now. I did have contact with a few different Asian women, however, they changed their minds, or their family helped change their views on coming to Canada.

I then contacted Hong in Nov 2008, on POF, and we hit it off. However a few months later, her family ended up talking her into going back with her ex-husband, because of their son. During that time, Hong actually introduced me to a friend of hers, that I ended up talking with, but I did not have the same feelings for this other girl as I did with Hong.

But, Hong's relationship with the ex-husband ended in disaster only a few months later. She said that during the breakup, she could only think of me, and that she felt that being with me, was her destiny. She spoke to her friend, who graciously stepped aside, and the feelings we now have for each other are much stronger than before. I was originally planning on going in April 2010 to marry her, but she has begged me to come sooner, as she wants to see me sooner. I am now going in Dec to Beijing, just before Christmas, and we are going to be married.

I know that it will be winter, and cold there, but we have each other to stay warm, and I plan on taking full advantage of her offer to keep as close as possible for 2 weeks to stay warm lol.

Anyway, it's good to read all these stories, and it sounds like a few of you have gone through what I have in the past with North American women. Best of luck to all of you that are going to China to be married. I know that I am looking forward to it!!

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RE: How did you get started...
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2009, 06:40:10 pm »'re a Canadian!  How cold could it possibly get in China???