Author Topic: Great Wall  (Read 6222 times)

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Vince G

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RE: Great Wall
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2009, 12:04:19 am »
Just a quick note and then back to the Wall. It's not that the manufactures or contractors have a say in it. Certain State, County and City codes are more valid there then the NEC. For instance in NYC any wire work in more then the second story has to be a BX wire (Armor casing). Miami Beach? After trouble shooting a few lifts the relays weren't working because of the power source was under 240v. That's when I found out the power on MB is 208v? No 240v there?

OK the Wall. The picture of the map has some of the wall in black? Why is that? You guys have pretty good photos from there. It's going to be hard to top them.


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RE: Great Wall
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2009, 12:46:40 am »
Vince , if you see the little Man inside the circle .. crossed out , that means you can not go any further than Tower 12 . Why? Because it gets too dangerous for the Public to continue, as the wall there is in some places less than 18 inch wide and steep . Oh ... and about a thousand or more feet drop down . Want to try it ?

Vince G

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RE: Great Wall
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2009, 01:00:05 am »
Piece of cake. I made a living climbing elevator shafts and working on 10 inch wide planks.


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RE: Great Wall
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2009, 01:04:51 am »
Now you only have to convince , that Vince , wants to try this easy task ahead , to the two Policemen standing Guard at the fenced in area . Just bring them some Smokes and a Bottle of Black Label , I'm sure your in . Ha-ha

Vince G

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RE: Great Wall
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2009, 01:12:24 am »
Here's part of the Great Wall of Whitestone Queens, NY. @ 10 degrees F


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RE: Great Wall
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2009, 01:18:30 am »
That looks easy. Now add on a strong wind coming from either direction , trying to blow you some quick way down to the Village or the Lake . Hey ... that would be FREE of any charge . As the flying Fox was 35 yuan each . If you happen to get the go ahead make sure you take pictures going down . Haha