All About China > Photos From China

Great Wall

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Vince G:
Arnold I have a question in the 3rd photo. Your standing before a tower when you took the photo. to the left of that it looks like a walkway, but not part of the wall and further down then where your standing. it looks like the only way to get to the other tower to continue on, Is this a Gap in the wall?

Most of the towers have? looks like antenna's I think they're lighting rods? Are they? and the little compound on the right? Guard station?

And last question, Is that Chong doing his run above the second tower on the left? Near the tree line?


Yes the antenna like rods are Lightning rods. But unfortunately, they haven't been connected to the structures correctly! haha!! They are ionising lightning rods, they spray up a negative stream of ions to catch any positively charged ions (potential lightning strikes) and supposedly take them down safely to ground.... They can, if positioned correctly protect an area around  where they are positioned without any connection to the building structure itself.

Hope i'm not being too technical here haha!!


I see David answered one of the questions .
There actually is a break in the Simatai Great Wall , devided by a large Lake and a Power Station . That walkway it a suspension Brige to that other side of the Wall . This is the Lake Qing and I went down on the Flying Fox . Awesome ride .
That could be Chong looking for me , but is going the wrong way . Haha

Vince G:
WOW! From above that lake looks like a puddle? I thought maybe the wall got washed away? A little earthquake to loosen the ground and some hard rain to wash it away. I like the photos though. Can't wait to see it in real life.

As for the Rods? They can be attached to the building but need a ground wire (cable) going from the rod to a rod planted in the ground. In the US it's a 6 foot rod in the ground.

This is so much better than the Badaling Wall , but everybody seems to be stuck on going there . This is worth the 45 minutes extra drive out of Beijing . Thats if you up to walking eleven Tower's instead of five . The other side of the Lake , will take you all day back and forth . So , a nice ride down on a Rope and your ready for a great Lunch in the Village below .


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