Author Topic: My trip to china(Brief)  (Read 2640 times)

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Offline minky09

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My trip to china(Brief)
« on: August 14, 2009, 02:15:11 pm »
Hey guys just thought I would give my experience of meeting my lady in China.I met here online maybe 6 months ago,she was roughly the same age as me 23...She gave me here number after around 3 months, and we were really into each other,photos and personality.

Anyway I went to China,and met here at the agency,she was even more beautiful than her photos....I know its a bit of a cliche but we were really close after a few hours.The first few dates we were accompanied by a translator but her english is fine, she was just a bit nervous to be on her own with me...We soon ditched the translator and went around China by ourselves !!!

I can tell you that I am so happy I joined Chn love,I speak too her everday on the phone and am returing to her in China very soon maybe in 1 month.She is also coming to my country very soon to live hopefully and contact via emfs are now totally out of the equation as well as the translator,they are no longer needed....

a few things I noticed.

I rang her from my country a few times but.... ''It was not her '' it was the translator i was speaking too '' crazy I know !!!!

I told her when I got there,she had no idea, but things were going so well and I was just glad to see her and not some completly other girl !!!!! I also got her real mobile number from her when i got there,and it was different from other number I had being calling....So warning becareful what you say on the phone before you meet her,you maybe talking to her translator !!! ha ha

Also agency charge fees...Cost me about 800 per day Yuan but once I seen here there was no way I was disputing fee with the agency...Seems fair to charge this to meet an amazing person.I used the agency for only 2 days.....

Anyway,just to let people know that its not all bad news,scams and fake women.....I think if you ask for normal photos and you dont get them maybe that could be a warning sign,my girl sent me hundreds before i met her....

Best of luck.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 03:11:46 pm by minky09 »


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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 03:06:59 pm »
What is your country?

Offline minky09

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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 03:09:39 pm »
Ireland,originally (Cork) but im in Dublin at the mo !!!!


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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 03:18:54 pm »

I hope you've been reading the other threads, especially the ones concerning the Red Envelopes/Dowery, cause i take it your Girl is single, Right?? And i take it, your looking to marry her too!! ..haha!!

Don't get sucked in to paying silly monies when it comes round to sorting that side of things out mate, in fact start educating her now. lol!! And you had better start saving big time now toooooo. ...hahaha!!

Personally at 23, the last place i would be imaging myself on, if i was 23 again, would be a marriage site!!
I'd be off seeing a bit of this big world, before thinking about settling down. Which is basically what i did do at your age. But i guess everyone is different, and everyone has there own needs wishes and dreams to fulfill.
So whatever yours are , i hope you get to acheive them all.....

Best of luck to you Minky...


Offline Danny

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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2009, 06:28:38 pm »

That's a great story. I always love to hear about times it worked out. Sometimes it seems that it never will. But you've done it well and with a sense of humour.

I think it's a good test of things to be able to get over the fact that from time to time you are scammed. It would have been easy to just throw it all away when you were tricked by the translator. There's good advice there.

About getting married early. I have know a lot of happy couples who married early. One of my best friends, she married the boyfriend she started dating when she was 14yo. Choosing any good thing, means not choosing something else. It's opportunity cost. I think give David's advice serious consideration and do as you think best.


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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2009, 06:40:22 pm »
Love knows no age.

Offline minky09

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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2009, 06:43:31 pm »
Hey David

I have actually discussed marriage with her and neither of us are ready yet.....I don't think all the girls on Chnlove are strictly there to get married, because my girl told me how other men had brought up the topic on mails before i met her and she had been scared off.....To be honest I have told her my position and what I want to do in life and if she is with me marriage or not I would be extremely happy....Both of us are just happy to be together and having fun,she is actually considering studying in my country so marriage is well of the cards for the time being.......

I know its hard to imagine and most think the girl has altererior motives, but im smart enough to know between fake and real emotion..To be honest it will be me convincing here to come over here......

Offline froseman

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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2009, 06:46:33 pm »
Quote from: 'minky09' pid='12679' dateline='1250273711'

Hey guys just thought I would give my experience of meeting my lady in China.I met here online maybe 6 months ago,she was roughly the same age as me 23...She gave me here number after around 3 months, and we were really into each other,photos and personality.

Anyway I went to China,and met here at the agency,she was even more beautiful than her photos....I know its a bit of a cliche but we were really close after a few hours.The first few dates we were accompanied by a translator but her english is fine, she was just a bit nervous to be on her own with me...We soon ditched the translator and went around China by ourselves !!!

I can tell you that I am so happy I joined Chn love,I speak too her everday on the phone and am returing to her in China very soon maybe in 1 month.She is also coming to my country very soon to live hopefully and contact via emfs are now totally out of the equation as well as the translator,they are no longer needed....

a few things I noticed.

I rang her from my country a few times but.... ''It was not her '' it was the translator i was speaking too '' crazy I know !!!!

I told her when I got there,she had no idea, but things were going so well and I was just glad to see her and not some completly other girl !!!!! I also got her real mobile number from her when i got there,and it was different from other number I had being calling....So warning becareful what you say on the phone before you meet her,you maybe talking to her translator !!! ha ha

Also agency charge fees...Cost me about 800 per day Yuan but once I seen here there was no way I was disputing fee with the agency...Seems fair to charge this to meet an amazing person.I used the agency for only 2 days.....

Anyway,just to let people know that its not all bad news,scams and fake women.....I think if you ask for normal photos and you dont get them maybe that could be a warning sign,my girl sent me hundreds before i met her....

Best of luck.

I think that the agency must be okay.  What is the name or number of the agency?



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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2009, 06:48:21 pm »

I quite agree with you, my aunt and uncle were exactly as you described. By the time the first of them died (my aunt) They had been married 64 years.... my uncle died less than a year later as i recall.
I can remember as a teenager, cringeing at them calling each other by their pet names, hers were ''petal and flower'', and his ''dumpling''!! ...hahaha!! Now i have a little more understanding about what those names meant to each other, ........but would probably still of thought of them as a bit Naff!! ..haha!!

Anyway, i digress.... Perhaps i shouldn't of mentioned anything about being on a marriage site at 23, we all know that each of us are completely different. It just struck me that, that seems a very young age to be actively looking for a wife, .....that's all!!

« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 07:28:12 pm by David5o »

Offline maxx

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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2009, 07:35:09 pm »
Minky09 glad to hear you had a good trip.


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RE: My trip to china(Brief)
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2009, 03:18:39 pm »

Glad to see that you have your head screwed on correctly. haha!!
If it is how you describe, then there's plenty of time to be together, doing  the things that young people should be doing...Enjoying and Exploring life to the full.

Being married doesn't necessary mean you can't do those things together as a married couple, but then having kids, does tend to bring you back down to earth pretty sharply. That's generally the time when your life's adventure (so to speak) is put on hold, while you become responsible parents. It can be a very long time before your free to do all those things you wanted to do, when you were younger. But hey, the family adventure can be just as exciting, it's just a matter of mindset...

I'm just jealous of you mate, God i wish i could be your age again, but with just one proviso, ...that i have all what i know now from my past experiences. ..haha!!   Now that would be a real roller coaster of a ride for a life I'd be having then.... lol!!!!!!

« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 04:28:13 pm by David5o »