Author Topic: luckiest man alive  (Read 12640 times)

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Offline Neil

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luckiest man alive
« on: August 18, 2009, 09:07:01 am »
Short story:  Xin is gorgeous, feminine, sweet and I am totally smitten.

Long story:

Landed in Hong Kong with the idea that I couldn't or shouldn't go into hong kong proper but should stay in the airport til my ferry to Zhongshan showed up (8 hours).  Well, I screwed that up.  Ok guys, pro tip.  If you're taking a ferry from the Hong Kong airport, you have to get your ticket before picking up your baggage.  When you get your bags, you're outside the ferry zone and they won't let you back in.  They'll go get your bags for you when you buy ferry tickets.

As it is, Hong Kong is pretty simple.  Bought a ticket on the train from the airport, got off at Kowloon and switched to a bus to the China ferry terminal and got to see a great tour of Hong Kong in the process.  Tried calling the translator but she wasn't available so I just got my ferry ticket and figured I'd call from Zhongshan.  Wrong.  There's no pay phones in the Zhongshan ferry terminal.  

The cab drivers are pretty agressive too but I lucked out and got a friendly one.  I dropped my passport somewhere and the guy runs out after me and gives it to me, then offers to drive me to a hotel.  Ok, sure, I'll get a hotel and then phone the translator from there.  Wrong again.  I use the taxi driver's cell phone to call the translator and some dude answered, no english.  I'm starting to worry this guy I don't know in a regular car is driving me somewhere I have no idea about who doesn't speak much english.  He says let me try, he types in the number and talkes to Mini for a few minutes, passes me the phone and voila.  She tells him to take me to a specific hotel and she'll meet me.

I get there and I'm nervous so I book the room and go upstairs.  2 mins later there's a ring, Mini's here.  We talk for a few mins, getting to know each other and her phone rings.  It's Xin!  She'll be here in a few minutes.  Ok, I start to get even more nervous.  

Few minutes later theres a knock on the door.  I open it, we hug and she gives me a present to open, wrapped beautifully.  I carefully open it and she's looking impressed and talking rapidly to Mini.  I'm wondering but I'm too nervous to do anything but unwrap.  Inside is a beautiful glass paperweight with her picture in it.  Xin points to the wrapping paper.  Inside is a handwritten note that she won't tell me what it says - written on the back of the paper.  If I had torn it, it wouldn't have been the same.  

We hug, we talk, we're getting mini to take pictures, grinning and we can't keep out hands off each other.  I haven't held hands this much since high school.  

We go out to eat, walk down the street.  They order for me, I can eat with chopsticks but not well so we got a good laugh.  Xin gets the girl to bring me a fork.  I'm not using it.  I can do this.  Oh, and she paid.  

We leave and walk past shops.  They decide to rent one of those bikes with the seat on the back for us.  He lays a board down so me and Xin are on the seat and Mini is perched on the board behind his seat.  We spent hours on that thing, weaving in and out of traffic.  Zhongshan may not be the richest city, but to me it was beautiful and we had a blast.

We went to the statue of Zhongshan and walked through the park, pictures like mad.  Mini's cell phone, my camera.  Walk, sit, hold hands, it's like we've been married for years.  So comfortable together and Mini and Xin are like sisters, chatting back and forth, grinning and every once in a while, she'll translate something they figure I should know, then continue.  

She paid for the bike ride (all I have is hundreds), we stopped and bought some fruit for the hotel room tonight, she paid.  Mini got me a deal on the hotel room.  

I've never felt so comfortable.  She's in love, I'm in love, what's not to love?!?  Tomorrow, we're having lunch at Xin's, she'll cook (I'll help).  Then swimming, then dinner and sister's.  

Ok, I was a wreck after a 14 hour flight, 3 hours in Vancouver airport, 1 hour from Kelowna, 2 hour drive to Kelowna, 3 hours in Hong Kong, 2 hours enroute from Hong Kong and 1.5 hours on the ferry.  Unshaved, greasy and wired from too many starbucks coffees, but I will share a couple pics to statisfy you guys.

[attachment=542][attachment=543] irresistible as chocolate


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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 09:18:51 am »
Neil she is gorgeous, your one lucky son of a b...h...lo:dodgy:

Seriously though I am so pleased for you mate you deserve it, have a blast with the rest of your trip:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::angel: And don't do anything I wouldn't, (that's lots of scope for

Offline Danny

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2009, 09:19:20 am »

She's absolutely gorgeous. What a lucky fellow you are!

I am so happy for you.

Such a great story. I am so glad it is working out for you. That's just fantastic.

Thanks for the tip on the ferry. I'm catching the ferry from Hong Kong to Zhu Hai so that's all good to know.

I love the glass paperweight. It's funny because what do you use a paperweight for? But if I was given one in the way you had been given one, it would be one of my most treasured possessions.

Thanks for taking the time to write your post.

Have lots of fun. Enjoy yourself and make her happy.



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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 09:23:19 am »
Yes .. Neil your right , you are the luckiest Son of a Gun . You Guy's look great together even sideway's . Haha

Sorry what Honk Kong did to you , but Xin will make it all better . :heart:
Oh forgot ... I see the Chocolate has melted :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 09:26:03 am by Arnold »

Offline Neil

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2009, 09:28:29 am »
haha.  Thanks guys. net at the hotel is slow as ass so I'm gonna have to leave the picture as is for now. irresistible as chocolate

Offline ahkiwi

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2009, 09:37:46 am »
LOL, Neil, you look stoned out of your tree in that first photo :icon_cheesygrin:

You had me tearing up with the paper weight part (I would have if I'd been there /sniffle)

Congrats and good on ya mate !
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Offline Rhonald

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2009, 10:02:06 am »
Finally we see the face behind the chocolate mask.

Great first post and yes - AWESOME pictures. She is far sweeter than any chocolate I know. She for sure has melted away your exterior :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 10:04:21 am by Rhonald »
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2009, 10:32:14 am »
She is great Neil,  But how have you found time to tell us all about it.  How have you managed to keep your hands off of her for so long.  With respect that is a pretty long note for a man in your position.

Fill us in later and make the best of your time now.

You two will do well.


Also message for Danny - try to get a flight that arrives at Hong Kong between 9am and 3pm the times of the direct ferry from the airport to Zhuhai are 12.15,  14.15 and 1700.
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline MLM

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2009, 11:41:43 am »
Neil, she is absolutely beautiful, good on you brother, for now just enjoy your time with her and later update us.

Offline Neil

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2009, 04:04:52 pm »
We got back to the apartment fairly late.  Around 9pm, after riding around on the bike.  We all came up to the hotel room and talked for a bit, made some plans, I tried showing some facebook pics but facebook is inaccessable.  I'll ask a friend to update my status and a couple pictures.  

We talked some more and they decided I needed to get some rest so got ready to leave.  We kissed each other on the cheek and I paid the translator fee.  800 RMB.  Like I'd even consider not paying.  Xin got a call so took it out in the hall while Mini and I chatted.  Mini asked some good questions.  Why a chinese lady?  My answer has always been that when I decided to start looking for someone serious, one of my criteria was that she had to be a good girl, a nice girl, someone with morals and values.  In order to find someone like that in Canada (yes, I think it would be possible) she would be religious and I'm just not that religious, and I didn't want to join a church just to find a wife.  Something about that seems wrong to me.  

Speaking of phones.  Xin has a cell phone of course.  I never had her number though and she doesn't speak enough english for it to make any sense until now.  She used it maybe a few times while we were together.  While eating she got a call - it was on vibrate so I didn't hear it ring.  She opened her purse, opened the phone, looked to see who it was, then turned it off.  That blew me away from the stories I've heard.  It never once got in our way.  Yet.

Early in our letters I had started calling her Sweet Xin.  She really has a beautiful heart.  She has a kindness I just adore.  While riding around, we stopped at a market and bought some fruit for the hotel.  2 apples and 2 of these red skinned fruit you peel and the insides are white with black seeds.  No idea what it's called but it tastes like a cross between a melon and an apple.  Nice.  When we got back on the bike, she takes an apple and hands it to our driver.  It just made me feel so good and I gave her a squeeze to let her know it didn't go unnoticed.  She just smiled.  She really is sweet.  

Before leaving, we gave each other a kiss on the cheek.  They want me to have a good rest for tomorrow so I'm going back to bed. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2009, 04:10:28 pm »
That was worth staying up until 4am to hear that news Neil.

Keep on track. We need some good news.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline zook144

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2009, 05:08:13 pm »
Congratulations Neil! She is beautiful and the two of you look great together. Keep up the good work.  Well, I guess it isn't anything like
work now, is it? :icon_cheesygrin:
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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2009, 07:35:08 pm »
All I can say is WOW, looks like you got first prize.  Plus, you don't even come close to what I thought Chocolate Man would really look like.

Continued blessings and luck,


Offline Ed W

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2009, 08:37:21 pm »
What great news Neil. Keep us posted so we can hang on your every word. hehe.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline Bob

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RE: luckiest man alive
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2009, 09:07:19 pm »
great story Neil, You both look like you make a good couple, thanks for sharing your stories a pictures with us. Have a great time in China and please keep us posted. This brings back good memories when I was in China with my lady (now wife :heart:)