All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

Chinese Valentines day Thursday August 20, 2009

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Arnold i just read your latest blog entry, you should put the link to that on here for other brothers to read.

It brought a tear to my eye, you are genuinely one of the good guys, I really enjoyed reading your blog. We are lucky to have you here buddy.

Irish , in Germany we press our Thumb with the remaining four finger's , instead of crossing finger's . So this will bring you American and European luck . Add the luck of the Irish , how can you go wrong this time ? NO way !I did ones , but nobody joined as follower's , so I took it back off . I'll try again under it's own Thread .

Thanks Irish , it is the least I can do for this poor Lady . My late Wife's clothes will go to a good cause and Nancy will be happy for me doing that , I'm sure .

This date two months from now I'm hopefully getting engaged, am so pumped its unreal (just got of msn with Ling and am feeling good).

Irish , so happy for you , that you found the " RIGHT " Ling this time . Anybody that serves you Mouse , I would worry about anyway's . Hahaha

I asked my nupengyou when they celebrate Valentines Day.  She says there are two.  July 7th on the lunar calender, and the one we know on February 14th.


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