All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

Chinese Valentines day Thursday August 20, 2009

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Vince G:
OK seeing all these dates I did as search on it and it seems nobody knows? All different dates for this year, but 3 out of 10 said August 20, 2009 is the Chinese Valentines Day. Greg if she said the 7th month of the new year it's counted from February, their New Year.

As you may or may not know, this August 26th (or July 7th on lunar calendar) is Chinese traditional Valentine's Day. It is a perfect time to send flowers and express your feelings to your loved ones in China. I usually use as they are affordable and have really good customer service. You can pay with Google CheckOut or PayPal here. I have also used and been very happy with their service as well!

You can read more about this festival at

Thanks Nik ,
what's Fei's address ? :angel:

Thanks for reminding us of this day , will mark it down right now . Those dates are sure confusing :icon_confused:

What's you opinions of the chnlove store?

I haven't yet requested an address for the lady I'm corresponding with although she has one available (& a phone number). It's certainly convenient but more expensive.


--- Quote from: 'ahkiwi' pid='13427' dateline='1250692542' ---
What's you opinions of the chnlove store?

I haven't yet requested an address for the lady I'm corresponding with although she has one available (& a phone number). It's certainly convenient but more expensive.

--- End quote ---

My opinion? Expensive & limited, but some nice stuff, nonetheless.


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