All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

Chinese Valentines day Thursday August 20, 2009

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UK Mark:
nice one Ronan !

Chinese : ???????
Pinyin : jiàg?i w? ba, h?o ma?
Literal Meaning : Give to in marriage Me [suggesting particle], good [question particle]

Click on this link for a audio link so you can practice !


--- Quote from: 'UK Mark' pid='5319' dateline='1244662083' ---
nice one Ronan !

Chinese : ???????
Pinyin : jiàg?i w? ba, h?o ma?
Literal Meaning : Give to in marriage Me [suggesting particle], good [question particle]

Click on this link for a audio link so you can practice !

--- End quote ---

Thanks Mark!

Hey Ronan!

How romantic will that be for you and Ling!?:heart:  Romantic and lucky too!  I think I read somewhere
that this is also called the Lucky 7's festival too, being the 7th Lumar month and the 7th day.

I look forward to hearing about your trip and adventures Ronan!:icon_cheesygrin:

Big Dave

Haha ... knowing Irish ... a lot can happen in a month and a half . Don't ask why , just know ?

Thanks David, Arnold don't even remind me of that!!, wish I was there right now!!
Its gonna be romantiic, its different this time, fingers and toes tightly crossed :heart::icon_cheesygrin:


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