Author Topic: About stars on threads  (Read 3982 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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About stars on threads
« on: August 10, 2009, 11:32:43 am »

I have noticed that many threads have many stars, some none, some 4, some others, 5...
Is there any way to explain "how it works", or "how it is given" onto a thread?
I suppose that a 5* on a thread means it is a nice or very good thread? Or not at all?
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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2009, 11:03:39 am »
Yes. It will average based on the votes for that thread. One 5 star vote and one 1 star vote should make it a 3 star thread.

Offline Martin

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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 03:16:37 pm »
Nik is right

Offline Martin

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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2009, 04:45:35 pm »
Hi there, some posts accidentally got deleted.  i tried to restore them, but don't know how...or possibly unable to.

So let me get my piece in here.  I saw something (I view most of these posts via my cell phone, so i can't remember who posted what), where someone was offering to buy some of my stars for dumplings. got my interest...but I really like dumplings, and I won't sell the stars cheap.  What's your offer?  hehe


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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2009, 08:31:46 pm »
First I thought we should turn the stars into dumplings.  Then I got a little goofy and started an imaginary covert operation to depose the mods.  Kidding of course.  Then I thing I mentioned that all of the stars that are now dumplings would be confiscated by the US Government and they would sell them under the new star tax program (should have been the dumpling tax program).  The dumpling rating would go to the highest bidder and those with the most dumplings would be in control of the site.  All the money was to go to help the new government medical insurance program.

Goofy isn't it.  What ever that drug is I either need to get off of it or start selling it.  Not sure which.  Martin, next we need to talk about the dumpling underground led by the famous dumpling gang.  Rats that is the apple dumpling gang.

Offline Martin

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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2009, 09:11:15 pm »
Shaun...I am a heart beat away from banning you and deleting this thread under some very big rocks.  DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE DONE?????

Giving the US Government any ideas about confiscating dumplings????  This is almost treasonous!  I just don't know how I should take I am constantly going to be looking over my shoulder when I eat dumplings.

And to the highest bidder???  I am broke!  THANKS A LOT!  It's suggestions like this that somehow make it into government policy.  You just wrecked the dumpling world for the rest of us!

HAHAHA.  Now we will really need to talk about the dumpling underground.

Offline Martin

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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2009, 09:31:41 pm »
That's it!  I am gonna have to wean myself off the dumplings...maybe go to dumplings detox.


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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2009, 09:54:21 pm »
I haven't had a good laugh like that in a while.  Martin you're too funny.  I guess I had better check out these dumplings.  You see, I am a dumpling virgin.  I was going to wait until I was married to lose it but the way you guys talk about it I may have to eat dumplings before I get married.  My mother will be shaking her had in disgust.

It was either Arnold or Ed that had a dumpling video on a thread here and I thought it might be fun to make some and see how they taste.  Then I thought compared to what?  What if if liked mine so much that when I go to China, in my mind, theirs didn't measure up to mine.

I still might look it up and try to make some just for fun. I'm a pretty good cook when I set my mind to it.

As far as the government is concerned, if they overtake dumpling market, first and foremost the dumplings will be of an inferior quality plus the added benefit is that there will be some that will prosper much like the Kennedy's did but with the dumpling black market.  I harken back to a day in the 60's when the president John F. Kennedy, the F stands for "freakin dumpling."  I remember the speech in Germany so well, "Ich ben dumpling."  Or finally, "Ask not what your dumpling can do for you, Ask what you can do for your dumpling." :huh:

Please, Please, sit down, no cheers, I am nothing but a humble man.:sleepy::angel:
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 09:54:48 pm by shaun »

Offline MLM

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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2009, 10:37:44 pm »
I was offering to ahh, uhmm, bribe you to replace Arnold and Maxx for a pot of dumplings Hehehe, thats a pot for each

Vince G

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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2009, 12:42:56 am »
Psssst You want dumplings? I got dumplings. (checking around for the cops) How much ya want?


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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2009, 05:02:50 am »
Well, let's see.  I have a bid of 2 pots of dumplings, do I hear 3?

And sorry boys, I am saving myself for Luaping.  She owns a restaurant in Changsha and I believe I want to sample her dumplings first!!!!

If you know what I mean?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 05:05:28 am by shaun »


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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2009, 07:24:48 am » Shaun and Vince:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2009, 08:36:35 am »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='13253' dateline='1250586170'

Well, let's see.  I have a bid of 2 pots of dumplings, do I hear 3?

And sorry boys, I am saving myself for Luaping.  She owns a restaurant in Changsha and I believe I want to sample her dumplings first!!!!

If you know what I mean?

Well the best dumplings in the world are at Chairman Mao's favorite Dim Sum restaurant in ChangSha, so you are headed to the right city anyway! And HuNan girls are renowned to be the most beautiful girls in China. Many overseas Chinese will tell you this.


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RE: About stars on threads
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2009, 11:06:47 am »
Quote from: 'feisnik' pid='13406' dateline='1250685395'

Quote from: 'shaun' pid='13253' dateline='1250586170'

Well, let's see.  I have a bid of 2 pots of dumplings, do I hear 3?

And sorry boys, I am saving myself for Luaping.  She owns a restaurant in Changsha and I believe I want to sample her dumplings first!!!!

If you know what I mean?

Well the best dumplings in the world are at Chairman Mao's favorite Dim Sum restaurant in ChangSha, so you are headed to the right city anyway! And HuNan girls are renowned to be the most beautiful girls in China. Many overseas Chinese will tell you this.

As far as beautiful girls, I did my homework there and I agree.

As far as the bids are concerned I see not wants to bid 3 pots of dumplings.  I do have a silent bidder so if you want that high dumpling rating you will have to outbid him.  I can't tell you what his name is but it rhymes with "Yo - mama!" :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cool:
« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 11:07:44 am by shaun »