Author Topic: WARNING  (Read 35378 times)

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Vince G

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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #225 on: September 07, 2009, 08:56:15 am »
Mike, I mentioned this before and maybe give it a try and let me know how it worked?

Login as Admin. in english, set up everything needed, including setting up an email profile. Have a second Log in for Jessica in Chinese? Then check if the browser opens in chinese or if you have to change the laug. on the computer fully to?

Go to your account on Chnlove to get the letters you know of.

Song gets the letters in english and reads them as practice for her english reading. She reads them a few times and goes back every so often and reads them again. It's her way of having english fluent. But she came up with this I didn't have to.

Jessica has to drop the pessimist ways and start helping. Learn how to get online for the communication. It's not that hard?


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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #226 on: September 07, 2009, 09:28:47 am »

I can see what your saying about moving forward, but your past letters can and will, also give her a better insight and understnding of you, and maybe some important things may become clearer to her also.

I knew Sharron would be a least computer literate, as computers play a very big part in daily life at school in Japan. Many of the lessons and assignment are by use of computers in the classroom....

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 09:30:48 am by David5o »


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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #227 on: September 07, 2009, 11:28:35 pm »
Mike ... many of us here will pray for you , to pull through all of this coming your way . It might look like a big Mountain to climb , but one day you will reach that Summit and you will see nothing but Sunshine ahead and the Lord's Light .
You'll be alright .


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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #228 on: September 08, 2009, 07:28:42 am »
Mike...My thoughts go out to you mate, it sounds as though it was very emotional !!!  This is NOT unexpected when you are leaving someone behind.

Breaking down when singing shows Jessica that you are a 'good and balanced' individual..  

You have had a lot to deal with on this trip, and your leaving with 'lots' still to sort out, is probably 'why' you did 'break down' as well as being 'homesick'...

Good luck on your trip home...

Offline MLM

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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #229 on: September 08, 2009, 02:56:33 pm »
Mike, I hope your trip back to the states is a good one, I also know that the states is no longer your home, because home is in Qingdao or Japan depending on where she is, trust in God, your heart and keep both eyes open and all things will come to you.
Good luck and best wishes buddy.


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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #230 on: September 08, 2009, 06:19:14 pm »

I haven't been sure as to what to say and will usually wait until I know what I should say but, MM has it right.  We'll talk later.


Offline JimB

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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #231 on: September 09, 2009, 07:38:13 am »
Mike, good luck and  i hope everything works out like it is supposed to.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline Martin

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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #232 on: September 09, 2009, 03:14:51 pm »
We are all with you Mike.  Safe travels, and best of luck with everything you have on your plate.  We are all here when you need a shoulder.

Vince G

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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #233 on: September 09, 2009, 08:18:00 pm »
Welcome Back? :icon_biggrin:


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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #234 on: September 09, 2009, 09:28:51 pm »
Welcome back, get plenty of rest, and don't push it for a couple of days.


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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #235 on: September 10, 2009, 12:00:18 am »
Good to have you back ... but sorry to see you apart from Jessica . I know it will be hard to digest all that just happened to you in the last two weeks . Now is the time to sort it all out and make sence of it all , having time by yourself to think without something else being thrown your way .
Anyway , real happy for you , that it went the way it did . She will be worth it ... at thee end .

Offline kenny

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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #236 on: September 13, 2009, 02:53:27 pm »
Hi Mike,
I didnt get started reading your thread till you were allready back home. It sounds like quite a trip. Allot of different opinons, but I believe that is the best way to learn is listen to the opinons of friends and go from there. It sounds like it ended good, grown men crying at leaving a woman. I know the feeling now and wish you and Jessica all the best.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Qingdao Aug 23 - Sept 8, 2009
« Reply #237 on: September 15, 2009, 01:37:55 pm »
Greetings uys,

Mike sorry i havent contributed to this but I have had internet issues my whole trip until recently.

So many things have been said to you and about your situation from both sides and I am sure I am gonna repeat some of them but here goes.

From my point of view and after all that is said and done I would forget about the 14 months and all that stuff and work solely off what you built on your trip there.  Look at it as going over on spec and finding a complicated but loving woman and go from there.  You know that I am as romantic as they come and have been accused of not using my head enough.  Well I think in your situation that might be a plus for you.  You have your faith and hopefully some romance, you are engaged and you both love each other.  Really what more could you ask for.  You now have a foundation battle tested as it were to build on and the faith and trust and honestly to make it happen.

I think if you can get your own life back home ie job etc, squared away and can concentrate on your relationship you will succeed.  Let me say that again  You will succeed.  You are an honourable decent man who has achieved remarkable success based on what you had to work withh so I say to you congratulations on works well done.  as Spock would say " go forth and prosper".

I truly believe that you and Jessica can make this a resounding success and prove to the world that with conviction faith and the desire to see it through anything is possible.  You guys have been through hell, keep doing what you have been and I am quite sure you will end up in heaven.

Again congratuations and best wishes for a truly happy life together.


Zhen and Brian