Author Topic: My experience  (Read 10572 times)

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Re: My experience
« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2010, 08:06:22 am »
i found cll to be a lot better than china love even though a few members did find success there. thats were
i found Sara or she found me whichever way you look at it.

china loves main issue is with all the bogus stupid translaters and office managers that each independant
office has. and the main site doesnt do anything about it which in the long run probably wont effect them cause as
one leaves 2 join so i am sure they have a way to track and see that it really doesnt effect them to much and
they still are making money rather than losing revenue.


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Re: My experience
« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2010, 06:59:48 am »
I'd recommend CLL as well. I've not registered yet but the JapanCupid one is very nice. I like the fact that they ask for ID, the membership fee is reasonable and the search facilities are excellent. You might even find a Chinese lady in your own country, as well as a language learning buddy.

The annoying thing is you need to register separately for all their different niche sites.

Oh and for UK guys you're much better off choosing someone with English skills otherwise you'll probably have an uphill struggle with immigration.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: My experience
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2010, 09:17:14 am »
But your still living in UK Brett!  Not many Chinese women will move there whilst that situation continues. ;D

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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Re: My experience
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2010, 11:44:27 am »
i think it would be totally insane to travel all the way to China to meet a lady after just having emf contact.
you must keep in mind the business practices of these agencies and DEMAND a personal contact on web cam
were you could see each other and at times struggle thru the talking online if her english isnt up to par. if you
write and dont recieve a favorable reply i think you should just move on and go to another one but not from the
same agency. my opinion of this is maybe after 5 or 6 emf's then its time to bring it to at least 1 or 2 web cams a
week. this is just my opinion and of course is what i would do. i wouldnt allow myself to get sucked in by the
translator and just keep writing emf's. after all this is our life and we need to take control of what we want to
have done. this might prevent some of the sad stories we hear were the lady wasnt interested or the lady wasnt
or appeared to look like her pics or the many other issues that have come up after just emf's. ok just my opinion
for some of the newbies starting out 

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: My experience
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2010, 09:12:35 pm »
Ted , your last statement is very true and shows how things have changed over the last few years , now I would say that at least 8 out of 10 ladies have some access to a webcam via their families , agencies etc , and with my contacts on QQ [ some 56 of them ] they all have webcams , so yes for the newbies , do not accept anything less , I would say , at our home we even have inter house QQ with me downstairs and Sujuan upstairs , and me teaching her English sentences , and me being told to hurry upstairs to bed , he he , regards Robert and Yo .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Offline seagull

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Re: My experience
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2010, 09:49:24 pm »
I've only been on CLL for one day and what a difference it is to Chnlove. Some of the women are quite pushy and they're the ones who insist on chatting via webcam. I was happy just to write e-mails for the time being as I am not that good with using webcams and still need to set up the software properly.

What a contrast to Chnlove where it seems easier to get blood from a stone than get some form of direct contact. And you're no longer left wondering if it is really her you're communicating with or a very creative and deceptive translator.

The only negative for me is that on CLL when typing in Chinese in the chat function, I cannot seem to copy and paste text that site to translate things I do not understand, as the lady I was chatting with does not know any English. So I have to figure out how to get my webcam to work in QQ. But overall, I wish I knew about this site a lot earlier, and it is a lot cheaper than Chnlove.


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Re: My experience
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2010, 11:44:57 pm »
just goes to show you that a majority of the ladies want direct contact but on chnlove it seems they have a
majority of women who dont nor have computers or have bad language as to reasons why. though some people
have had success i would like to see their stats on this vs members. but of course it will never change as they are
revenue driven and when 1 leaves 3 more join so its all in their favor

Offline davidaquincy

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Re: My experience
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2010, 12:10:18 pm »
just to let you know. I met my Anny on china love match. Very good site, reasonable price. All of the women required to talk on cam.


Offline Buzz

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Re: My experience
« Reply #53 on: June 14, 2010, 07:14:32 am »
i think it would be totally insane to travel all the way to China to meet a lady after just having emf contact. ok just my opinion
for some of the newbies starting out

Ted, I agree with you and your advice.  but also want to let people know it is ok to follow the heart.  I went to china and met Xiuru, based only on 6 months of EMFs.  No web cam, no phone, only EMFs.  we are now waiting on the embassy in Guangzhou for the final interveiw for the finance visa.  Had i listened to all the posts here, i would not have followed my heart and ended up with the lovely lady.  So bottom line, do what your heart says, but keep your mind open to problems.  we are all different, the ladies are all different, there is not one size fits all methods for finding the perfect lady.    buzz


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Re: My experience
« Reply #54 on: June 14, 2010, 11:33:01 am »
i do agree with that Buzz  you must follow your heart and do whats best for you. i just think that chlove plays to many
games and thats all i was trying to say. just beware and keep that in mind if your just starting out. there was something
in the reply's that kept the two of you emf  ing  and its good to hear that it all worked out. sounds like everything is in  the
fimal stages for the two of you and i send my congrats. how was everything there and how was cindy and her sister?  i hope
that when your wife gets her interview we could meet up for dinner and if your not able to come at that time Sara and i would
be pleased to have dinner with your wife. Sara could translate for all of us. and whether its the two of you or just her i have a
great hookup with a hotel that gives all freinds a great price and a suite so i would be pleased to arrange that for you two just
let me know


Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: My experience
« Reply #55 on: June 14, 2010, 08:42:49 pm »
Nice photo Buzz,

Old shoulders hold wise head.  I think I have a few more years on me than you but you certainly have the wisdom.

Why do those men in the 40 - 60 age bracket think they will be continually happy with a 20 odd year old.  Constantly looking over their shoulders to see who she is talking too.  Checking her cellphone to see who is contacting her.  I've even known of men on this forum checking their ladies purse! And continually trying to convince themseleves that they look 10 years younger than they are.  How are they going to live.  They are so insecure in their relationship and we know where it will end.

But you and I and a few others on here have settled on love not a trophy wife to parade around.

May you have many years of happiness together and we hope that your application in Guangzhou goes ahead swiftly and well.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline temur72

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Re: My experience
« Reply #56 on: June 14, 2010, 10:51:45 pm »
Nice photo Buzz,

Old shoulders hold wise head.  I think I have a few more years on me than you but you certainly have the wisdom.

Why do those men in the 40 - 60 age bracket think they will be continually happy with a 20 odd year old.  Constantly looking over their shoulders to see who she is talking too.  Checking her cellphone to see who is contacting her.  I've even known of men on this forum checking their ladies purse! And continually trying to convince themseleves that they look 10 years younger than they are.  How are they going to live.  They are so insecure in their relationship and we know where it will end.

But you and I and a few others on here have settled on love not a trophy wife to parade around.

May you have many years of happiness together and we hope that your application in Guangzhou goes ahead swiftly and well.


I think you are right here

Having a drastic age difference is most likely asking for trouble, unless the woman is loyal beyond all reason, expecting a good relationship with a 20 year age difference will lead to the problems you stated.

When looking for real love, I would suggest looking for similar ages, at most around 10-15 years younger ( 10 years if you are 35 or so and 15 if you are 50 and above). Dating or getting married to a 20 year old who is also very beautiful, is likely to lead in your heatbreak. What she may thinks she wants know is very likely to change in a few short years

Offline Buzz

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Re: My experience
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2010, 07:28:08 am »
Willy,  look forward to the next step.  seeing the UK and USA ambassadors in Guangzhou.  Will bring the jerky, (tasted and saw what was available in china), but no pink flower shirts.  The wife just would not budge on that item.  What is most important is whether or not the couple go at the same speed and in the same direction.  By that i mean, when you are walking, are you going at the same pace, is one always slowing down or having to run to catch up.  Do you have the same long term goals.  Children, living in china, moving to ???, how to spend money.  All these things need to come close to matching if there is to be any chance of success.  When I started looking at the 8000 ladies on china love, i set some very strict requirements.  NO children, College education, Within 5 years of my age, and a very pretty smile.  There were over 150 ladies that met that requirement.  I just started down the page and stopped when I saw Xiuru.  Why,  a very simple answer.  Her picture was simple elegance.  She is the only one i contacted, and only one i have seen.  And as far as energy goes,  let us just say, that while i miss my wife,  I am glad to be back home as I need some rest.   buzz