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Offline Irishman

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« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2009, 08:18:41 pm »
In southern Europe they have it too, called a siesta, Greece, Portugal and Spain have this, maybe parts of Italy too.

I know in the south of China in Guangzhou some office workers have it too, they just call it "afternoon nap" but it amounts to the same aka a "siesta".

I seem to recall reading that this is a natural thing and very healthy to do, certainly, when in holidays in Greece in the past i did it as everything shut down for a couple of hours around midday and it was very easy to adapt to and take part in myself i must admit.
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« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2009, 08:33:17 pm »

Here in Cyprus the shops close from 1 pm til 4 pm, bloody annoying is is too. At one time, even the big supermarkets closed for 2 hours lunch break, thank god that's all stopped now. So we have traffic rush hours 4 times a day here!! ..haha!! As you say, it's common all round the Med',

They say , too hot to work, better work in the late afternoon. Maybe, the days ''Before'' A/C but technology has caught-up and taken over that poor excuse now... They still use the A/C's  be it mornings and evenings when the shops are open.

Now, ....well now the excuse is ... A/C very expensive to run, better to close shop and go home!! What do they do when they go home??  yep, guessed it, turn on the A/C unit's!!! ...hahaha!!!
Any excuse for a sleep!!  lol!!


Offline markymark

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« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2009, 10:37:16 pm »
My friend's son married a Chinese lady, some of her family came for a visit and stayed at my friend's house. Yes, you guessed it! They brought their tradition along too of a mid-day nap. My mate was astonished and couldn't believe it!
Just to digress for a moment but  I have seen this sleep thing a lot in Thailand and rather liken it to an old Martini advert in the UK of any time, any place, any where, because that is how it is. I had to walk out of a barber shop once because I could not wake him up to cut my hair.
I have often wondered if that is why they seem to look so young.
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Vince G

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« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2009, 11:35:54 pm »
Yes Irish Italy too. 3 hour afternoon breaks.


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« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2009, 01:27:12 am »
Hey Amigo, mexico was first with the siesta.  We invented it. - Jose, Pablo and Juan.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I also wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that there is less O2 in the air and more crap to breath...
« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 01:33:47 am by rockycoon »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2009, 01:43:55 am »
Nothing New to me.  

I have seen them asleep on many occasions - usually when I thought they were enjoying things only to find they were snores not grunts of pleasure!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

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